
Sit Down My Love

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com Every night around seven o’clock she would past the same spot walking ever so briskly like she was always in a hurry! Whether to catch a bus or a train her feet would be moving speedily so as to reach her destination in time! Wherever that was! With strong feet, swift, firm and shiny; showing off their caramel complexion as lights from the passing vehicles would project onto her body displaying a glistening appearance of smoothness and shininess, as though, beady stars were imbedded into her honey glaze skin. Over her broad shoulders would be the accessories of fashionable bags which would hang at her elbow while colorful shawls dangle and dance from her neck each time the wind blew upon her skin; causing her to look even more attractive to the gazing eyes staring upon her each time they would see her passing by!

Constance C. Williams · Tổng hợp
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

There standing in the middle of kitchen floor was Corny's aunt, Ms. Maxwell, with a look of great concern plastered all over her face!

Dumbfounded by her niece appearance, she began staring at her in utterly amazement before words could come from her mouth!

She was entirely speechless and confused when she had seen her dear niece storming through the front door of her house, looking like she was coming from a mud-party with the swine's and not from the formal date she and Eric had set out for the evening before!

Ms. Maxwell was total astonished to see Corny without any shoes on her feet, her clothing thrown and looking raggedy, her skin bruised, and also walking like a fragile centurion who had just a few steps to the grave!

"Corny what is wrong with you?"

"Why are you looking like you just come off working on a sanitization truck?"

Ms. Maxell asked with a stunned countenance.

"Aunty, it's a very long story which needs two bottles of dragon stout, to talk about it!"

Corny replied, while shaking her head in dismay and making her way towards her bedroom.

"Corny, I need to know what has happened to you; because you left the house dressed like a princess and now you return home looking like you were cleaning out a pig pen!"

Ms. Maxell shouted from the center of the kitchen floor.

"Believe me, Aunt Annette I will give you the whole buzz-feed soon after I finish cleaning last night troubles from off my skin!"

Corny replied amusingly; before slamming her bedroom door shut, and heading straight for the shower to wash away the awful experiences of the night's encounters.

Standing under the shower for what seems like an eternity Corny finally completed washing away her sorrows from head to toe, then gotten herself dressed and went to join her aunt at the kitchen table.

And there in the kitchen, she gave her aunt the entire scoop of all she had encountered on her first date with one Mr. Eric Bent. The insults and the embarrassment which she had experienced from Eric's wife sister, the big brawl they had in the night club, causing her to burst Eric's head with her shoes, and the furious bacchanal they grappled with on the main streets of the city with the mentally ill man who had come from out of nowhere, snatched her up like she was one of those market load on the side of the streets, and began dragging her away behind one of the large buildings to take advantage of her!

"Thank goodness, Eric still wasn't too angry with me and came to my recue; running and screaming for this lunatic to let me go! But was still persistent that he should have is way with me, and possibly finish me off when he was done tearing my body apart!

"Eventually, we made it to the hospital this morning where Eric received stitches for his wounds along with a prescription to purchase medication. While I was just given a check out to see if I had sustained any broken bones, ordered to take warm baths to quickly heal my aching muscles, and pain pills as needed!"

Corny revealed to her aunt.

Still dumbfounded and lost for words, Ms. Maxwell sat at the kitchen table and stared into the eyes of her niece for minutes before uttering a word!

This was something she had to play back into her mind over and over again! Since her mind was travelling into the un-inevitable - the 'what ifs' or the unforeseen!

The violent attacks that could actually become fatal, resulting in her being murdered and ultimately the loss of someone else's freedom!

Coming back to reality, she placed her nieces hands into sweaty palms while gazing straight into her eyes, and in that moment she warned her to be very careful... careful not only with her heart, but also with the decisions she intended on making with Eric Bent.

Like she always had done, Corny heeded her aunt's warnings, but went on to convey to her about Eric's marital dilemmas taking place in his household with his estrange wife, and how she felt that he would eventually do right by her in the near future!

Ms. Maxwell was shaking her head in great disbelief while a worried look grazed over her face after learning about what had transpired between her niece and the handsome guy she was hoping and believing to be the right suitor for her sister's daughter who had been an orphan for most of her life.

And with such thoughts racing through her mind, she angrily lashed out; without reserving on any of the words rolling off her tongue.

"I knew it... I knew that it was too good to be true! Because he kept on rolling up in here with all those bouquet of flowers like he was having a nursery show for the entire community know damn well he was committed to somebody already!"

"Why couldn't he be honest and tell you that he was married and was going through a divorce from the very beginning when he introduced himself to you... why he had allowed you to find out like this?"

"Why he had you facing these shameful arguments and humiliation in the public like anything on you told him you were a 'Lego-beast' so his wife sister have to be causing you snare and disdain in a crowded place!"

Ms. Maxwell vented.

"Aunt Annette, I know he sounds like a terrible person right now for not telling me about his marital relationship before now! But we have to keep in mind that it took him almost five years to even open up and speaking to me. Aunt, I honestly believe he is a genuine guy and only wanted the right moment to express all the unpleasant and troubling situations he has been facing in his life and also with his wife!"

Corny try explaining.

"Corny, please do not defend him, because through him you could have gotten hurt much worse than this; without you even knowing why!"

Ms. Maxwell expressed angrily.

"What if this woman - his sister-in-law came by your table and did the unimaginable... do something that could disfigure your beautiful face, causing you bodily harm that might be un-repairable or life-threatening, causing you to be placed in a cage or a wheel chair for the rest of your life?"

"Would he stand by you then, care for you for the rest of your natural life, or still, have the intention of marrying you?"

Ms. Maxwell continued venting until balls of perspiration began rolling from her forehead and had her eyes becoming teary.

Corny was her sister's daughter who was left in her care, and who she had gladly lived to see grown into a beautiful young woman; and the thought of something drastic happening to her, grief her entire being, eating up her inside with pure sadness!

Now Corny too began weeping!

Weeping because her aunt was shedding sorrowful tears which she had only seen for the first time in all the years since she has been living with her, or, had seen her appearing so troubled and worried over her!

She was also crying over what Eric had done to her, even though, he hadn't done so intentionally!

And just like her aunt, Cory's imagination began going wild; reflecting on all the things that could have actually gone wrong, if Eric's sister-in-law had physically attacked her only because she was unknowingly out with a married man... her sister's husband.

For a good half-hour, Corny and her aunt who has serve as a second mother to her; held onto each other and bitterly wept with Ms. Maxwell repeatedly whispering in her ears that she should be very careful about making decisions pertaining to her heart.

She also further went on to warn her to be very discreet regarding her relationship with Eric, at least for now, or until, his divorce was finalize! Because it was only then that he would be free from the responsibilities of his wife and free to make his proposal to her further down the road!

Because she feared seeing anyone hurting her niece, or seeing her sharing the same fate as her mother did - dying in her youth, and leaving her all alone in that gigantic house with no one to talk with except the bear walls.

Or in later years, not having anyone visiting her, when she has become all old and senile and didn't know her dentures differently from her dinner plate!

With that statement, both mother and daughter began laughing, and then made promises to each other that they would always stay in touch with each other no matter what is going on their personal lives or in the world at large! And both women knew that their words bonded and carve in concrete.

Still haven't gotten any rest as yet, Corny swallowed down a glass of orange juice before racing back to her bedroom, where jumped onto the bed like she was jumping onto a trampoline before going off into a deep sleep!

Lying across her bed, she fluffed and propped her pillows to the back of her head and soon after, Corny's thoughts began drifting away towards her love relationship with the stallion she called Eric, and being married to him in the not too distant future.

Her mind was totally consumed with him obtaining that divorce, with being married to him and them living their lives together happily ever after!

And with those thoughts of happily ever after, Corny soon fell asleep, and shortly afterwards she began dreaming about her and Eric walking down the aisle together, tying those matrimonial knots, and feeding each other wedding cake symbolizing the unity and the unconditional love they shared with each other!

It was a dream she wished she hadn't awoken from! Because, as soon as she was awaken and realized that she was still in her old room at her aunt's house, and neither was there any Eric in sight, Corny began weeping bitterly, as if, she had just heard news of fatally losing loved one again!

Her sobbing when on for a while causing her aunt to come banging on her bedroom door, enquiring if she was alright!

Hastily pushing the door open to find out what was wrong with Corny, Ms. Maxwell found her niece curled up on the bed like a fat puppy bawling her eyes out!

Rushing toward the bed she asked...

"Honey, what's wrong; why are you crying?"

"Nothing... I just had a strange dream, that's all!"

Corny replied.

"You want to tell me all about it?"

Ms. Maxwell asked.

"I just dreamt that Eric and I were getting married in this beautiful garden and it all felt so real and special!"

Corny revealed.

"Well, you probably dreamt of such occasion because we were talking about your relationship with him earlier on; and then you went to bed thinking about him and the entire situation concerning your relationship with him!" Ms. Maxwell conveyed.

"But, I remember you telling me as a child that whenever I had dreams in the daytimes, they will not come through or be manifested in my life! So suppose Eric doesn't marry me?"

"What if he doesn't get that divorce from his wife so we can be together as husband and wife?"

Corny asked, with a worried look shown on her face.

"I probably had told you so as a child because you usually have terrible nightmares of your mother after her passing and even more so after her burial.

But that doesn't mean Eric will not carry out what the both of you had agreed upon, pertaining to your relationship! And please don't let what I have told you over decades ago and what you have just dreamt about, interfere with your future plans with Eric; he will marry you!"

Ms. Maxwell suggested reassuringly.

Comforted by the words coming from her aunt's mouth, Corny dab away at the tears rolling down her cheeks and began blowing away all that had made her face felt stuffy and her head dizzy!

She now began thinking more optimistically all that she was sharing with Eric, the man who had captured her heart; instead of dwelling on what she had just experienced in her dreams; even though, an inclination of him rejecting her lingered in the back of her brain!

However, Corny's period of resting was not quite finish as yet so she stretched out on her bed and then went back to sleep with all her emotions still attached to being with Eric and spending the rest of her life with him; hopefully, very soon.

This time around though, her sleep was without dreams, and she slept peacefully until around eight o'clock in the night when there was a tooting of a horn in front of her gate, and a repetitive calling of someone asking if anyone was at home.

The call was answered by Ms. Maxwell who was now showing no signs of enthusiasm to see him!

Because she was unsure of where exactly; Eric Bent was leading her niece to, and for right now, she didn't want to pry into their relationship presuming that it might be too soon for her to give him a stern warning to leave her sister's daughter alone!

Reluctantly, and with a grotesque face Ms. Maxell went to the gate to inform Eric Bent that she thinks Corny might still be sleeping; so he should leave her gate and probably come back another time to see her.

Very happy to see Ms. Maxell, Eric greeted her with all pleasantness and politeness only to have his courteous gesture and politeness be returned with distorted and impolite countenances and utterances.

Unsure of what exactly had brought about this bias and pessimistic behavior, Eric stood his ground of still being polite, giving Ms. Maxwell the benefit of the doubt; because he knew where his heart lies.

He knew this wasn't the same wholehearted welcome he had received before from girlfriend aunt, and fear trouble was in the air!

However, Corny hearing the exchange of words, shouted from one of the upstairs windows that she was awake and soon after came to the gate to greet her darling Eric.

Just like before, Eric greeted her with a warm embrace and a gentle smooch on her forehead, as he looked her into the eyes and asked her if she had gotten enough rest as yet, and had eaten dinner already.

Cheerfully responding, she told him, enough rest she had already gotten, but right now she was starving and need something to eat!

Since it was Sunday, she knew that her aunt had already cooked their Sunday dinner, and so she invited Eric to join them for dinner.

But, Eric had other plans and was hoping that if she hadn't eaten already, she would join him for dinner at one of the local restaurant, however, he didn't want to miss out on this opportunity of them sitting together and trashing out all the concerns that were lingering over Ms. Maxwell's head causing the atmosphere to be terrible intense.

Since he could clearly see in her body language that she wasn't welcoming of him being there!

Corny set the table and placed all the meals at the center of the table before directing Eric to the wash basin and then inviting him to the kitchen table to have dinner with them.

There at the kitchen table the tree adults sat quietly, with Eric being granted the privilege of gracing the table, which he kindly did without any hesitancy!

After the gracing of the meal, he was then asked to dish out his meal first since he was the guest at their table, but he was a true gentleman, and as soon as he had finished dishing out his portion, Eric took it upon himself to dish out Corny's meal also and then placing her plate in front of her!

It was these very same kindness and loving gestures that kept Corny falling in love with him over and over again!

He would have done the same thing for her aunt as well; but, he could still see the mean countenance on her face - sour features, so he allowed her to have her own way by serving herself.

Assuming that Corny had given her aunt all the scoop on what had transpired with him and her, last night at the club, so Eric decided to give his perspective on the story and then wholeheartedly apologized to Ms. Maxwell for all that had emerged during the date, he had had with her niece.

With eyes dancing from mother to daughter, Eric decided it was time for him to say something, and so he spoke!

"I'm not sure what this lovely lady has told you about our date last night, but, I am very sorry about my wife's sister showing up unexpectedly and interfering with our evening! And I am also very sorry that I hadn't told Corny about us still being legally married; but we just didn't find the right time to discuss such matters well, and the way I wanted to break it to her! And in all sincerity, I intended on telling her about it last night, however, we just had gotten caught up with the music and dancing, and by the time we had gotten settled down at a table, there came my wife's sister at our table ranting and raging, and also accusing me of something she obviously knew nothing about or had gotten all the details on. Because if she did, she would have known that her sister and I have been separated for over two years now, and that her last child belongs to another man and not me; and furthermore, we have been sleeping in two separate rooms for the past two years!"

"I'm sorry that Corny had to experience this unfortunate situation, and also, I'm very sorry that my marital status wasn't mentioned or discussed sooner; so she would make a decision if she wanted to wait for me or walk with me through this tumultuous journey!"

Eric Wholeheartedly expressed.

Feeling much better that Eric had said something to her about the dangerous attacks which had occurred on the date he had with Corny, Ms. Maxwell bluntly asked the question about where the relationship was heading; now that it was revealed to her that he was indeed a married man who wasn't done filing for his divorce papers as yet!

The question had taken Eric by surprise!

Still, Eric hadn't put a fork to his mouth as yet while he kept on contemplating on his answers he honestly wanted to give! However, he had decided he wouldn't answer this question until he had gotten a sip of something down his throat!

Since his plans for Corny were many and he only meant to expose her to good deeds he took a moment before responding to the brutal but fair question asked of him!

After sipping at his glass of carrot juice, Eric began revealing what was in his heart pertaining to his future with Corny.

To him, the future was looking very bright for the both of them, and so he went on to express to Ms. Maxwell where he was hoping the relationship he has with her niece would go!

"My intentions are to assist her in finishing her studies as a hotel manager while I focus on getting my divorcement finalize and the franchise of my Shell Gas Stations up and operating. After the legalities with my divorce are completed, I will find a new house where we can live out lives in peace, and then, we will create our own little knot before man and God!

So these are my true intentions right now when it comes to the relationship I'm building between Corny and I!"

Eric soulfully expressed.

Ms. Maxwell was very impressed that Eric was strategizing a concrete plan for him and her niece to be together, however, she still wasn't too excited about his declaration because there was still a red flag waving in the air. And she wouldn't feel confident about the entire relationship until he had presented her with his divorce paper saying that he was legally disconnected from this other woman.

With such restraint of confidence boiling within her, Ms. Maxwell gave her fair share of warning to the man sitting at her kitchen table. Because she did want her niece to experience the broken heart syndrome just like her sister had experienced with her own father, or which one of her daughters had experience in the past; causing her to live a life of total mistrust and isolation!

"Eric Bent, if your intentions are not very serious about this young lady sitting at this table, please don't continue with your charade... please don't lead her on and play games with her mind! Because, if you are thinking of doing anything to cause a travesty in her life that is set on degrading her, or breaking her heart, you then will personally have me to contend with! And trust me, it will not be quite pretty if you are being conniving with her, or about obtaining your divorcement and then marrying her!"

Ms. Maxwell vented sternly while drumming her fest onto the kitchen table, causing the entire table to start vibrating and dinner wear to start shaking like they were experiencing a mini earthquake!

Impulsively, Eric quick hands grab the table and then steadied it, preventing the crockery from falling to the floors! And once the table was securely in a state of steadiness, he began expressing with all genuineness and condor of his authentic self!

Which was just like he had done before, confessing time after time how deeply he was in love with her; but this time was different, because Eric was down on his knees pouring out his heart and soul, persuading Ms. Maxwell that he would always and only do right by her niece.

Seeing the legitimacy of his love and compassion, Corny removed from her seat and aided Eric from off the floor and back to his chair while announcing for them to all eat their meals!

By now, Eric's appetite was cut short, but still, he managed to put a few spoons of rice and peas soak in chicken gravy to his mouth, just for Corny's sake while Corny did everything she possible could to change the unhappy mood from around the kitchen table.

It was only her little squishy display of laughter and frivolous chuckles of amusement that could possible bring Eric to a forgiving state of mind, and Ms. Maxwell to untwine and detangle herself from her position of frustration and wanting to control the outcome of her love life!

As she continued to make up funny stories about Eric being a much better dancer than her and how he should probably apply for a cabaret dancer position at the Windom Hotel where she was still working!

Eventually, the ice-cold tension had melted away, and the intensity of the atmosphere around the kitchen table left the room; and probably had found itself on the outdoors of the house, because now, Ms. Maxell was also sharing jokes and holding civil conversations with Eric while they ate dinner!

With the mood now soften, everyone seated at the table were enjoying the meal provided, choking up laughter and conversing about the affairs of the world until Eric excused himself from the table and hurried to his car!

"Not again! He must have gone to his car to fetch the flowers he had brought you; again!"

Ms. Maxell exclaimed.

"He probably has missed his calling or is in the wrong business and should be a florist instead of operating a gas station business!"

Ms. Maxwell stated jokingly.

But, Eric did not raced to his car to retrieve any bouquet of flowers this time around; he had only gone there to get the pain pills he had bought for Corny which the doctor had prescribed for her earlier on in the morning.

Soon he was back in the house and placing the small bag of pills in front of Corny while demanding that she took a dosage right now as the doctor had recommended for her to do after having a meal.

Looking into the bag and seeing the pills she placed her hands on top of his and exclaimed,

"Thank you very much, Eric!"

Before removing the bag from in front of her and resting it on a much smaller table situated in the corner of the kitchen.

"Any time my love!"

Eric replied smilingly.

"But, I thought, I had placed my prescription in my purse after leaving the emergency room!"

Corny stated with a puzzled look on her face after realizing that she hadn't given him her prescription sheet.

"Of course you did, but I stuck into your purse and stole it from there while you were chewing on your egg sandwiches this morning!"

Eric confessed.

"So I take it, you haven't been inside your purse from this morning?"

Eric asked with questioning eyes.

"Well come to think of it, I haven't! Because, if I did, I would have realized that my prescription was missing, and I had intended on having it filled this evening, after I was done resting and out of bed!"

Corny responded.

"Well, it's all right here for you now, so you don't have to go to the pharmacy and wait in line to purchase any pills!"

Eric stated while he stared upon her with admiring eyes causing her to see how much he loved her.

Looking back into his eyes, Corny thanked Eric once again before removing herself from the table and began attending to the dishes which Eric wouldn't let her do alone after she had taken those pills he insisted on her taking.

Once she began clearing off the table, placing dishes into the sink and storing food away in the refrigerator, Eric joined in, and began asking how he could help her get done whatever she was trying to get accomplish in the kitchen.

Admiring his warm and kind heart, Corny told him he could wash the dishes for her while she packed all the food in their various containers, store them away into the freezer for later use, and then clean off the kitchen floor.

When they were both done cleaning up the kitchen, they began stealing kisses from each other's lips; kisses that they just couldn't resist at the moment!

And soon as they had decided that it was the last one - last kiss, they found themselves reaching for each other lips gain and again until they heard the garden hose fell to the ground, the water from it stopped gushing onto the plants, and footsteps kept coming towards them inside the kitchen!

Ms. Maxwell had just done watering her plants and was now entering the house so she could get herself ready for her shower, and then sit and chat with her niece for a while before heading off to bed like she was accustom to doing.

As soon as Ms. Maxwell was in the shower, Corny and Eric went back to frolicking around and continued smooching away the sweetness from each other lips as every boneless muscle began swelling and throbbing itself forcefully!

They just couldn't get enough of each other!

However, Corny would never allow it - their heated passion to pass more than them pecking away at each other's lips like woodpeckers pecking at soft wood!

And as hard, hot and horny as they both were, Corny had Eric stop and realized that their moment of caressing and passion would never get any further than just that... him kissing away at her lips! Unless, he was able to produce the divorce papers to her as he had intended on doing, and proceeded in marrying her like he had promised her aunt down on his knees!

Recalling the tongue lashing and stern warning he had received earlier on at the kitchen table, he undoubtedly understood and respected both Corny and her aunt's position, and he tried preventing himself from going any further with his lusting actions; because his rising emotions and attraction to this lovely love interest in his life!

Which in the long run, it could ultimately cause him the life he dreamt of building and wanting to share with her, and shamefully regretting his foolish actions, and then possible losing the love of his life forever, because he was too impatient in his actions towards her!

After several moments of expressing their loved for each other, caressing and kissing away the cherry from each other's lips, their craving and hunger ceased for a moment! While perceiving that they needed to curtail their appetite, controlling the urges that were forcing them to act in such a heat manner... passionately, zealously and feverishly without any marital commitment to each other!

Now they began staring down at each other naughtily like silly teenagers ready to disobey every parental warning about giving away all their "precious goodies" before time!

They were now fully hot in heat at the moment, with Corny's nipples hard-stiff like a pee-cock's beak encouraging Eric's ravenous and unquenchable appetite for her!

While Eric stood in front of her fully swollen and slowly dripping his manly juices in his pants as his heart kept on pounding aggressively in his chest with excitement, indicating how much of a voracious sexual appetite, he was craving for her!

But, all of Erick's body parts that were swollen; quickly became un-swollen once Ms. Maxwell stepped from behind her bedroom door, and began calling for Corny to come and assist her in getting her dress zipped up!

And in her presences, the two lovers controlled their urges and brought their focus to anything that Ms. Maxwell wanted to chit-chat about which was mainly about Eric proceeding with his papers of divorcement, and doing the right thing by her niece, Corny.

Which Eric convincingly persuaded her that he would do eight by her; because he was too much in love with Corny so he could never ever deceive her in this life or even the next; if there was one!