
Brewing Troubles

/Beneath the sky so blue, the waves say 'how do you do?/

Then she sang of the sea and their adventures, the sea life, and him… 

/You saved me, taught me everything I needed to know, and I am so grateful to you./ 

/My heart is filled when I'm with you, you make me warm, and I love hugging you../ 

Thaddeus watched her in fascination. 

Her voice was ethereal and listening to her felt like he was brought to the scene she described, and his heart felt shocked and warmed by her words.

Her lyrics showed her simple vocabulary, her innocence, and her heart.

When it was over, he leaned down and kissed her. He didn't do anything inappropriate, he just wanted to taste her and make her feel how he felt. 

He felt wanted, appreciated, and loved. He hoped she knew how big her place was in his heart. 

In any case, at this time, he truly felt like he was the luckiest man in the world.
