
4. Book Club.

Football practice was painful. His ribs were still bruised and his arm felt like it would fall off. He also had a hangover from hell which was a nice touch. Their team, The Stallions, had an upcoming match with the Falcons. Coach Webber was in full competitive psycho mode so when practice ended, it was six thirty. He drove like a mad man. The all too friendly librarian gave him a wide grin. He walked up to her and flashed her his shiny new library membership card. 

"They're expecting you." she said deeply. "Just follow down that hall. Last room to your right."

He walked quickly enough. The library was gigantic. He knew it was built by the Mahari Foundation. The wealthiest family in town and he knew their daughter went to their school. He had never formally met her though. 

He took a deep breath, threw his hands into his Stallion's hoodie and pushed. Enter book club. Twelve eyes lazily trailed to him. An intruder. To his surprise, he actually knew most of them. Before he could glance at all of them, he saw the boy at the whiteboard. Steve, he was visibly shocked. He walked to the back seat asking himself unanswerable questions. Why now? Why SteveGrey? 

He sat down quiet as a cat and shuffled his hood onto his head. His neighbour nudged him. It was Benson Brown, or BB as he was often called.

"H...H...hey m..man." Ben stammered, a smile beaming.

"Hi." he replied dryly, giving a fist to punch.

"Hello, weird nerd." Beth turned behind. Adam wanted to die of anything but a boat wreck in that very moment when he remembered his last conversation with her.

"I didn't mean it like that." he tried to explain.

"Excise me." a subtle yell erupted. "I suggest we have a briefing. So that certain people know how things work around here. Including punctuality."

The aggravated girl turned to face him. She had put a very annoying emphasis on the final word. Almost like a forced British accent and it was vexing to the final tone. At the front of the room, Steve sat down. That's when it hit him. The annoying girl was Mandy Mahari.

She was a short black girl with some meat on her bones, as his Nana would say.. A few shades darker than him because his father was white. Her eyes were brown and he could tell from how she looked at him, that she demanded respect. Like a shy puppy, Adam looked away.

"Back down Mandy." Beth said cooly. 

"No, I actually agree with her," Steve said. "We need to go over the rules. Anyone who can't adhere will speak now and waste no more of our time."

Steve's words were cold and they drove a serrated spear down Adam's stomach. The two shot each other a stolen glare for a brief second and Adam began to suspect that the boy had a gun under his desk. 

"Could the newcomers introduce themselves?" Steve asked but it wasn't really up for debate.

Ben choked a laugh and Beth turned with a smile. They were both relishing in his shame. He stood up with a sheepish smile looking like he wanted nothing more than to sleep. He had on last week's gym shorts and his giant hoodie. Hobo chic.

"My name isAdam Davis…"

"And you're a recovering alcoholic?" an asiangirl to his right interjected. Everyone except from Steve and Mandy laughed. The girl stood up. "I'm Mia, that's all you need to know."

"Mia, Adam, I'm Mandy. That's Beth, Josh, Ben and our tutor, Steve."

Somehow they must have gone over the rules but Adam couldn't remember. His last two brain cells were holding on so he wouldn't pass out. Mandy then went on to explain how serious book club needed to be taken and Mia erupted.

"Listen, psycho. I'm only here to get Camp off my ass."

"Me too." Adam seconded.

"This isn't a joke, Davis." Steve's words hurt like hell so Adam zipped it. Clearly time hadn't healed the friendship. Almost a full year. How much longer?

"You don't have to be here if you don't want to. I'm sick of helping dumb jocks and busty cheerleaders." Mandy spat.

"Hey!" Beth lashed.

"N...n..no one is...is… d..umb." Ben stood, hysteric, slamming his fists on the desk.

To those who had the pleasure of meeting him, Ben was a giant with a heart of gold. He however struggled with several issues and one of the things affected were his grades. He had repeated the grade and was currently in every remedial. For his shortcomings, he excelled in track. Adam patted the boy on the back and turned to Mandy.

"What's wrong with you?" he exclaimed.

Before she could respond, Mia threw a book at her. The boy introduced as Josh stood up to push the advancing Mia away. 

"Calm down!" Josh screamed at the livid girl. 

"She doesn't get to talk to people like that. You think we don't get enough of your bullshit in school?" Mia screamed and he saw Beth look down. 

He had no idea what that meant. Clearly, they had history. It was now Mandy's turn to stand and scream but before she could, Steve slammed a hardcover book onto his desk. Every eye turned to him and they were all in their seats in zero point five. 

"We clearly won't get anything done so everyone leave. We meet same time tomorrow," Steve authorized. "And leave your egos outside."

Once everyone had left, Steve gave him a leaflet and left without a word. Suddenly Adam felt something like a thud. It came from behind and when he turned to look, he saw a crack in the middle of the wall. He wanted to touch it, it called him, but a genitor walked in.

The man was strange to say the least. He had an open grin with wide eyes. Adam tried to walk past but the man stopped him, placing a hand on Adam's chest, he said.

"Not yet."