
Guest on door

"What happened?!" Emory frowned at Odin who threw the fork on the table all of a sudden.

They had woken up at dawn habitually and thankfully some shops were open from which they could buy some human breakfast. As they weren't in the forest anymore so they had to switch their food choices as well.

"I don't know-" Odin was looking equally confused as a net of creases was sprawled across his forehead. "I don't understand it." 

"What?" Emory stood up in concern when he placed his hand above his chest. It looked like he was choking or maybe having a heart attack?

"Is the food stuck?" She immediately went behind him and tried to help but he pushed her hands away.

"I am fine. I am not choking. It's just that there is something happening inside my chest or my heart which I can't explain." He was not looking at her anymore but gazing in space, annoyance visible on his strained features. "It's like something bad is happening or is about to happen."