
Getting Impateint

"Now cooperate with them, will you?" He placed her down on the ground gently where she was half expecting him to let her go like the last time in the forest. 

"No, no…" she was staring to back off when Eric held her arms, keeping her in place.

"Cooperate with them and it won't hurt." He whispered, pulling her closer.

"But you promised," a net of creases were scattered on her forehead as she was immediately regretting trusting him. "Lair,"

Holding her and pulling her towards the bed, he gestured for the physician to come forward. 

"Let me go!" She yelled and protested against his hold, trying to kick his legs but he was way too strong compared to her whimsy attempts. Taking her to the bed, he sat down himself and then pulled her in front of him as he held her limbs in place while the physician placed his tools on the bed and bared her arm.