
The Invention

It was nine ten on a Monday morning, the location is SunLab Inc. in Rosenwald,Kentucky where a murder was just commited and I have just arrived on the scene. I got out of my car shutting the door behind me and was met with one of the officers in my district. "Ah good morning officer Craven." I said to the short red-haired officer with a pale complexion. "Good morning Detective." he said in a grumpy mood "what do we got?" I asked him as I put on some latex gloves so I wouldn't contaminate the crime scene. "Young woman, around 26 years old, has multiple stab wounds in the chest and face area." the officer said as he lifted the crime scene tape to let us both in at the gruesome crime that was committed. " Does our victim have a name?" I asked the officer "yeah, lucky our victim was wearing her work badge, her name is Olivia Tebelman." he said as I looked at the lifeless body of the girl with hair black as night covering her face "she is the young scientist getting the nobel peace prize because she invented that app that tells you what song is on the radio without you having to get hurt. rumor has it she is working on something huge." the officer said as I looked up at him in disappointment "rumors are not true unless you have evidence." I reminded him "It looks like our killer did not want to see his or her victim's face." I said as someone from the coroner's office asked me to help move her hair out from her face to get a photo of it.

Little did we all know that what we were about to see would scare newbies for life."That poor girl has half her face melted off." Officer Craven said as I tried not to get nauseated. Once that was over the man examining the body called in for a body bag. but before they could put her in the bag I spotted what seemed to be a piece of hair. Could this belong to the killer or maybe someone else was here after the killing. "Detective walk over this way to the desk." another officer called out as I was in the middle of bagging the piece of hair to run for DNA. I finally got up and walked over to the officer, "What is Officer Stevens?" I asked as he pointed to the empty imprint of something that was there. "Maybe whoever killed Olivia has whatever was here." I said as I motioned someone to go take a photo of the desk. I looked around the room and noticed cameras."one…two…three…four." I counted out loud unknowingly "what are you doing detective?" Officer Craven asked me, "I'm counting the cameras and I only see four security cameras in the room. surely one of them must have captured what happened, do we have a warrant for all the security cameras." I said as the officer nodded " we do but unfortunately the videos are not in the best quality."Craven said as I sighed and looked around the desk some more and saw something on the floor. I went over and picked it up. It was a piece of paper and when I read it to myself I knew I found a clue the note said ' I'm going to kill you liv just you wait.' I put the note in a bag and marked it with evidence "I found a note and it's pretty hateful towards our victim here." I said as I sent it for fingerprints. As soon as I did that I heard a man's voice saying they wanted to meet who was in charge. I head over to the tall man in his late forties in the dark gray suit with round thin metal glasses with a mustache. "I'm Detective Lyria Siren. I am in charge of this investigation." I told the man as he scoffed "figure a woman would be the lead in this case, so which moron do I need to fire?" he said "I'm sorry?" I asked, confused, "Which employee do I need to fire for wasting your time?" He said "It is not a waste of time when one of your employees dies Mr."I said not even knowing who I was speaking with was a big mistake on my part "My name is Mr.Sanderson and what do you mean by died, who died?" he asked angrily.

"Olivia Tebelman" I said as I watched all the color from his face drain to white "No no this can't be Olivia can't be dead." he said as I let him go sit down in a chair outside of Olivia's office and gave him some space. "Detective?" I heard a female voice call out "Yes, how can I help you?" I asked "Miss.Jefferson I'm Olivia's work partner for her project she has been working on." The blonde woman around the age of twenty seven said "I am told to give this to you by Olivia in case anything happens to her or her project." she said, handing me a letter. " Thank you, do you know what she was working on?" I asked, "Yes, it was a top secret project and I can't say much about it." she said "okay thank you." I said as I looked down at the letter and put it in a bag so I could look at it when I got back in the office.Once I had returned to the office I went through the evidence that was handed to me by Miss Jefferson. I carefully open the letter up and read it to myself 'dear leading detective, if you are reading this then the worse has happen to me and someone in my family wants me dead unfortunately I do not have any clue as to who it is but I know what they are after and they wont stop till they find out where I have hidden it. -Olivia' the letter reads.

I read the reports but then I heard a loud booming voice calling out my name "SIREN MY OFFICE NOW!" It said as I sighed and got up walking over to the chief of the police office. "What the hell are you just sitting at your desk?" he asked as he took a sip out of his coffee mug "I was going over evidence sir." I said as he slammed his cup down "I don't care go and interview the family and solve this case at once!" he said as I nodded and headed out the door walking over to the car. I arrived at the Tebelman household and rang the doorbell. the white door slowly opened and inside there was a woman standing at the doorway "Can I help you?" the woman asked as I showed her my badge. "Im Detective Lyria Siren of the Rosenwald Police, I am investigating the death of Olivia Tebelman and need to ask the family some questions." I said as the nanny let me inside and leads me to the den there I saw two people on the loveseat one was a woman in her mid 40's sobbing on the shoulder of a man who also was in his mid if not early 40's "Mr and Ms. Tebelman, there is a detective here to see you." The nanny said as the man looked over at the threshold "come in detective and take a seat. My name is Derrick Tebelman and this is my lovely wife Kelsi Tebelman." the man said as I went and sat in the chair by the love seat "Mr. and Ms. Tebelman I am so sorry for your loss but I need to ask you some questions." I said as the couple looked at me the woman I saw had red eyes and it made me wonder how long she was crying but nonetheless I continued "Can you run me through the morning before your daughter left for work?" I asked as the woman opened her mouth to speak "I was downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for my husband, my son, and my two girls." she said "But Last night I heard a fight on the phone between Olivia and whom I can only guess was one of her coworkers." the mother added as I took notes and looked at her "you didn't hear who she was arguing with?" I asked as the mother nodded, "anything else?" I asked, " Well, Theo has been acting weird lately." she adds "Honey, I don't think that is connected to the case of our daughter's death." the husband said "if anything I would go and talk to her close friend Erica Jefferson." he said as a little girl walked in "Mommy I'm hungry." she cried out "okay baby let's go make you a snack." Ms.Tebelman said leaving me with her husband "have you noticed anything else that may help Mr.Tebelman?" I asked "No that is all, please don't come back until you arrest the man that did this to my daughter." he said as I grew rather suspicious about what he just said. I got up and left the house heading back to my car. I saw a note on it. I grabbed the note and it read 'We see you.' I looked around and found a drifter who hadn't moved from his spot. "Excuse me sir, do you know who put this on my car?" I asked as he laughed "the government is watching us." he said as I could clearly tell he was on drugs due to the needles in his arm "alright very funny lets go to the station." I said as I arrested him I opened the door and put him in the back of my car then closed it. After closing the door, my cell phone rang and I checked to see who was calling me. It was the person who did the DNA analysis on the strain of hair. I told them I would be there in an hour. An hour passed and I ran into the lab "what do we got Davis?" I said as the woman with the red hair and yellow cat like eye glasses looked at me with her brown eyes. " Do you want the hair results or the fingerprints I found on the letters?" she said with a surprise "whatever you want, partner." I said walking over to her " the strain of hair is from a male and I ran it through our database, you won't believe who it is." she said as she pulled up a photo of a person who has been selling black market stuff and was caught before. "Damn it wont he ever fucking learn." I said as if it was my own brother Roy "The Gore Prince '' Marshall. Although his real name is Roy Siren he got the nickname from what he did, I have never talked to him since the last time I caught him. "Oh roy this is low even for you dear brother." I said out loud "as for the letter that is threatening the victim it seems he was not alone." Davis said as she grabbed the results " you are also looking for a female who wears Oxblood Red fingernail polish which is what the note was written in." she said as I called my boss to put out an alert for my brother "thanks Davis I can always trust you." I said leaving heading to my car there was another note on the windshield. I picked up the note and examined my car for traps.I read the note and knew this was from my brother Roy. It said he wanted to meet me at the park where we went as kids. but I couldn't bring anyone or wear a wire. I put the note in my pocket and decided to walk there since it was only six or seven blocks from the laboratory. Once I arrived to the location I looked around for a note on the benches by the fountain of children statues with their mother. There was another note but this time in an envelope. 'What are you going to make me do Roy?' I thought to myself. as I slowly opened the package and took out a hand drawn map. Roy was always so artistic mom even said he could have been a famous painter. I followed the directions and it led me down the nature trail. I was walking for at least a couple of hours when I noticed I had arrived and saw a hunters shed that looked like it was never taken care of. I knocked on the door "what's the code!" a deep rough voice said. "Roy come on dont make me do this."I said "fine if you are my sister then What am I allergic to?" he said as I tried to remember what he was allergic to "you get three guesses." he added "are you allergic to wheat?" I asked him "nope strike one try again." he said as I thought some more "Milk?" I asked as Roy laughed at me. "nope." he said as I was getting a bit annoyed at him. "I know what it is, its peanuts."I said confidently "great job sister." he said as he opened the door letting me inside. I stepped with caution and looked around the room. "What do you want, Roy?" I asked as I turned to look at him.