
Siren's Bleeding Heart (Moved to new link!)

Unsolved cases in a small town all connected to a pair of siblings. Can they put their differences between them aside to help solve the cases?

CaitlynMcBride · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Waltz of Demons

the dance started and I had to get to Roy before miss.jefferson found out the paper was missing from her purse. the only thing in my way was this stupid dance and a surprise I wasn't aware of till we heard Thomas yell a couple of names that turned everyone's attention to his direction. "Mr.Cain the Butcher and His lovely apprentice the one...the only... Melantha!" he said as This was the perfect opportunity to go. I silently sneaked away as everyone started cheering and clapping their hands. In my head I can only think of two things the mission and not running into my old friend Cain. back then Cain was a skinny kid with some muscle to him, big on rock music, one who would follow me and Roy everywhere due to the fact he was in love with me. Granted I liked him as well but it got to the point of where I couldn't even do my job. I won't lie it hurt seeing him now with this stranger. but I am better off with out him in my life. then like a flip of a switch my body started to walk over to the others just to watch what he does next. I spotted Roy from across the room and signaled him to meet upstairs. I don't know if he noticed or not as I made my way to the stairs. while going there I hid amongst the others to avoid Cain. but it didn't work he hunted me down like prey leaving the woman he entered with just to talk or worse kill me. "Lyria." he said as I stood there gazing into his blue eyes "Lyria,are you okay?" he asked as I snapped back into the moment "yeah I'm fine." I said as he smiled "its good to see you've come back to the dark side away from the law.what made you decide to come back?" he said as I felt my heart flutter with anxiety "To be honest, You I wanted to see you again. I even hunted Roy down just to know where you would be." I said as Roy came over acting a bit tipsy "well this is my cue to go and take care of him like always." I said as I wrapped Roy's arm around me and started to leave. Once we left to get into the car Roy laughed "great acting." I said as I let out a long and uncomfortable sigh while startingthe car and driving off. "what now?" he asked as he turned to face me "now we need to take this to the lab." I said pulling the paper out that I was hiding. "hey did you get a look at the woman in the black and Grey dress?" he asked "yeah I did its my suspect Miss.Jefferson. Why?" I asked him "just wondering why she would wear red nail polish with that type of dress color its horrible." he said as I stopped the car "what did you say?" I asked him "what sis calm down I didn't mean to offend you." he said thinking I was upset about what he said "no I'm not upset you mentioned the color of her nail polish is red right?" I asked while looking at him "yeah...why?" he asked "Roy don't fuck with me on this what shade of red was it?" I asked

"Looked to be like a dark red kinda like blood." Roy said as the look on my face changed "she was it." I said as I had an idea "I have to see if I can't fix the tapes." I said as Roy smiled "I can do it for a fee." "fine what is it you want?" i asked "who is Lillian?" he asked "nope. no deal." I said as I wanted to keep her safe. "fine don't tell me, but when I find her you won't like the outcome." he said in a menacing tone. "You dare threaten an officer of the law, How dare you?" I said offended by what I just heard. "then no tapes are going to be fixed then you big baby." he said taunting "Is she your special somebody?" he asked as I sat in silence not wanting him to know my personal life. "Is she your special somebody?" he asked as I sat in silence not wanting him to know my personal life. "Oh so they are huh?" he said teasingly "Fine she is." I said caving into the pressure. "Well I am so happy for you dear sister, she had better treat you right or else." he said " I can handle myself Roy don't ever forget that." I reminded him as I turned the radio in the car up as it played Lily's favorite song that made her think of her mother Penelope and her little brother Cyrus in Carolina where she is originally from. "Hey sis do you remember mom singing our favorite song whenever we got hurt and panicked?" Roy asked me "why are you bringing that up?" I asked him "something about that song that is playing now just reminded me of her." he said as I nod " I understand." I said as I got to see Roy as my little brother and not as a stranger sitting in the passenger seat of my car. It was a long two hour drive back to the city, Roy and I headed to the station and used the D.N.A analysis machine or Maximus as Davis would call it. "what are you doing?" He asked "trying to create a timeline that will tell me what is going on and how you, Mr.Tebelman, and Miss.Jefferson are all connected." I said as I hushed him putting things on a corkboard I knew I was missing something but what I don't know yet. "Oxblood Red" Roy said randomly "what?" I asked "The color of the girls' nails were Oxblood Red like your killer." he said "Are you sure?" I asked him "Positive sis it was." he said as he crossed his heart "Roy I need the video of the murder can you do that?" I asked as his evil grin came back to his face. "Sure can just give me a day." He said as he went and sat down. I went back to the board and pulled out the paper and opened it. "What the hell?" I said discovering what was on the plans.