
Siren's Bleeding Heart (Moved to new link!)

Unsolved cases in a small town all connected to a pair of siblings. Can they put their differences between them aside to help solve the cases?

CaitlynMcBride · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
7 Chs


Roy looked at me with his brown eyes and sighs "I didn't do it sis." he said as he moved his greasy bangs from his face, "I need your help Sis." he said in a worried tone as if begging for me to tell him I believed him. a part of me did and the other part didn't want to hear another word. "Im being honest, I'm being set up for my friends murder." he said as I sigh "why would someone want to do that to you Roy?" I asked "I don't know maybe I gave the person the wrong drugs or the wrong organs or blood type, I don't know Lyria!" he said in a frustrated tone. "Calm down Roy. all I am doing is trying to find out why they would choose you." I said reassuringly in a sisterly tone. "Y-your right I'm sorry." he said taking deep breaths "Roy are you on a job here?" I asked as I grabbed my pencil and paper. "yes but it's not what I typically do, they wanted me to come and make sure people are not camping here?" he said with a smile on his face " Roy who hired you?" I asked as he hands over the business card "Derrick Tebelman did." he said as he remembers what happened last night "I met derrick before I started my shift he had mud and water on them." he adds onto his story "he was acting weird as well but when others were around he would act normal." he says to me "Explain how he would normally act." I said to my brother that it turns out my brother was trying to turn his life around due to his friend Izzy's death. He applied to be a scout for the park ranger and the deputies. He works with Mr.Tebelman and only noticed him acting odd only yesterday. "roy... did you lie to me?" I asked him as I reviewed the story in my head heading back with him. "no i did not." he said as an officer came up behind us and arrested Roy on the start thinking he was going to harm me. "GET OFF ME!" Roy shouted as I turned around and drew my gun thinking someone was hurting him. Once I turned to see who it was I put my gun away "OFFICER NIEL LET HIM GO NOW!" I ordered him as he looked at me "Detective Siren apologies ma'am but I have a feeling he was hurting you, Don't you know who that is?" he asked as I nodded "Duh that's my brother Roy." I said

"That's the Gore Prince." Officer Niel said as he slams Roy to the ground "that is enough he is a suspect in a crime I am investigating and he came at his own free will." I said as he picked Roy up and Roy tauntingly smiled at the officer. I let Roy go and held his shirt. "Let's go." I said as I walked up the stairs to the station. Once we got on I put him in a chair and handcuff him "sit there I need to speak with my boss." I said as I headed over to the captain's office. "I have an idea. You are going to have to work with Roy in the case. Then we can solve his case for Izzy's death." My boss said to me "Are you insane!" I said in anger. "No way I can never work with this slacker creep shithead." I said "With all do respect chief..." I added in a calming tone, "damn it detective Siren you will do what I asked or you are fired!" The chief said. "Yes sir" I said disappointed. I look at my boss and walked out the door "Fuck." I said to myself as I walked back to my desk as I saw Roy look at the photo of us as little kids. which was next to a photo of an ultrasound of a boy. "I still can't believe our sister had a son. How is Lizzie?" He asked as if I would know everything that was going on . "Zayne left her and she is raising Xander by herself and she is fine." I said as I sat down in my chair. "Roy I didn't bring you here for a chit chat." I reminded him

"I know, I know...we need a plan." Roy said "I have a buddy of mine looking for the recording I had from last week." Roy adds as if I knew the plan all along. "Okay so call them." I said to him "I can't I don't have their number." He told me as I sigh in anger "what do you mean you don't have the number!" I shouted as the room went silent. I calm down and sat back in my chair. "Feel better now?" Roy asked as if I was a kid having a full out tantrum. "No not ti.." I was cut off by Roy "not till you solve the case...yeah yeah I heard this all before Sherlock Holmes." He adds "so what are we going to do now?" I asked my brother looking at him "we could wait or we can find him some other way, or if he is dumb as rocks he will call us." He said as I pull up a record of all Roy's friends "which low life scum has it Roy?" I asked as he laughs "I don't know." He said looking into my dark green eyes. Before he knew it I had his face pinned down on the desk "You lie to me I'll kick your face in got it you stupid fuck!" I yelled at I punch his face giving him a bloody nose. "Sorry sis just don't throw me into jail, please!" He begged as I let him go and walked away from him to get me something to drink "tell me something...does he know you are here?" I asked as the phone rang "why don't you find out dear sister." Roy said