
Siren's Bleeding Heart (Moved to new link!)

Unsolved cases in a small town all connected to a pair of siblings. Can they put their differences between them aside to help solve the cases?

CaitlynMcBride · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Linking the Pieces: Part 1

The next morning I woke up before Roy and grabbed the papers from where I had left them last night. I got my stuff to head to the office and into the car to meet Lily for our breakfast date like normal. I arrived at Frankie Frappé Café her favorite spot and where I first met her at a spoken word. I went in and sat at our table and waited for her to arrive. she walked in through the door and sat down at the table " Hey darling, sorry I am late my boss schedule for a early meeting." Lily said as I smile at her as the light hit her face making her glow "Its okay Lily I completely understand." I said "I actually have a small request." I asked her as I slipped her the piece of paper we found on Miss. Jefferson. "what is this?" she asked me as I shrugged my shoulders " I have no clue honey." I asked as I held her hand "I need you to take this and hide it. I will keep you safe." I said to her "I can take care of myself silly." she said to me as she lightly kissed the top of my hand "oh by the way I ordered your favorite, Strawberry Mocha Frappé with a Banana Nut Muffin." I said to her as she smiled "Thank you so much." she said as the waiter brought our stuff over to our table. " here you go ladies enjoy your day." the waiter said before leaving us alone with our breakfast. We sat there and ate until my phone played my ringtone for roy. "sorry I have to take this... I will be back." I said as I went and took the call outside "What." I said answering the call as roy's voice on the other line sounded like he was panicking "You have to come home now." he said "why what is going on?" I asked "They found me." he says repeating it over "who roy who?" I said as I hear gunshots go off, I soon rushed into the shop to tell lily but she was gone I paid for the stuff and rushed home. "please god dont let this asswhole get shot." I repeated over and over in my mind. I turn the corner of my street and bumped into roy we both fell down as some men in black suits and mask where chasing him. Roy quickly sprung to his feet and helped me up holding my arm and running with me behind him as gunshots were going off they were trying to aim for roy. I drew my gun and shot back trying to make sure no one got hurt within the crowd and I was watching where we were heading. "Roy who are those guys chasing us?" I asked "some guys who want the paper." he said "Why didn't you give them it, stupid!" I said as we stopped at a dead end Roy puts me down and we faced the people that were chasing us. "hand it over you skum." one said to him "you lady drop your weapon and kick it over." the other said as I put it down and kicked it over "at a girl now go this does not concern you." they continued as I took the opportunity and walked passed them. I smirked as Roy cursed me out while I walked "you are foolish to let me go." I said as one turned to me I stabbed a small knife into his eye "In case your employer never told you he is working for death, and death is me." I said as a drew my other gun pointing to his partner. "Shoot him Sis!" Roy said as I laugh menacingly "bye." I said as I put a blank between his eyes. as the one eyed person took the knife out and and tossed it to the side as he reached over to my gun that was on the ground and aim to shoot at me. luckily he missed and roy fought the gun out of his hand, taking it he shot them. Once we had a moment to capture our breathes a ringtone for an incoming call sound and I pick the phone up and covered my mouth with a cloth I had in my jacket pocket "Hello?" I answered as the voice on the line asked in the feminin tone " Is it done?" the woman on the phone asked "It's done and the thieves are killed." I said while putting a recorder by the phone "good disposed of the bodies and meet me in the secret location that was written down." the voice said as I signaled for him to search for the location. once the phone call ended I went over to himn "find anything?" I asked as he held up a small notebook paper with something written on it. I took the paper and look at it it was a pair of coordinates leading to the old fishing dock by Lake Park. I look at Roy and called in for backup and we headed to the final destination hopefully the last clue will be there.