
Siphoner in Marvel

Jade Winward was not expecting to end up in another universe again, especially not the Marvel (MCU) universe. See how she deals with these new challenges and if she can return to her friends and new family in Andara!!!! Siphon: A Touch of Power/ Marvel (MCU), along with other Marvel comic elements. !!!!!!Disclaimer: All characters and worlds belong to Jay Boyce and Marvel !!!!!!!

DaoistsMUoYG · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 Surprise & New Me

Jade stepped into the familiar, cozy house, the air filled with the comforting scent of home, to find her entire family gathered there.

"Father: Jade, what is going on? Since when could you fly, And what have you not been telling us?"

"Jade: I... I will be honest with you, but you guys should sit down. So ..."

...Time Skip 3 Hours...

The talk with her family about what was going on with her had taken three hours, and it was already three in the morning. She had been mostly honest with her family. The only things she left out were that she was from a different reality and wasn't entirely their Jade and that she had future knowledge about this universe. Her family had been surprised that she had gone to another world and got magic and even more surprised to meet her babies. About her being a superhero, her parents were worried for her safety and that she was keeping herself adequately protected, but they were also filled with pride that she was helping people. Her brother, on the other hand, was simply thrilled to have a hero for a sister. She had taken the time to show them some of her magic and told them about what they could do. While showing them healing magic on her mother, she discovered something that brought the whole family closer, fostering a sense of unity and understanding.


"Jade: Okay, im going to show you some healing magic. Would one of you like to be my assistant?"

"Mother: I have been feeling a bit sick lately, so can I?"

"Ty: Sure."

"Father: Go ahead."

"Jade: Okay, Mom. I'm going to hold your hand to do this. I want you to relax."

Jade took her mother's hand in her own and sent healing magic into her body to see what was wrong and sucked in a breath.

"Mother: What, what's wrong?"

"Jade: No, No, nothing wrong. It is something good."

"Father: Well, dont leave us in suspense. What is it?"

"Jade: Mom, you are thirteen weeks Pregnant. Would you like me to tell you the gender?"

This statement sent my whole family into shock.

"Mother: Yes, please. What is the gender."

"Jade: It's a boy. Congrats."

..End of Flashback...

I was looking forward to having another little brother, especially one I could see grow up properly. As I was sitting on my bed thinking about this, Ramoth flew up to me and asked.

"Ramoth: You okay, Mommy?"

"Jade: I'm okay, Ramoth. I'm just thinking. Love you."

"Ramoth: We love you too, Mommy."

...Time Skip Next Day...

Jade woke up and groaned. Last night had been the hardest siphoning she had ever had. She was in excruciating pain and couldn't pass out to sleep the night through, so she only got a couple of hours of sleep afterward. She thought back to it.



Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Dexterity and Ciborg Agmentation from Chitauri Soldure is underway.

She had many of those, so she chose various physical stats and the same skill for all of them.


Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Constitution and Master Shield Fighter from Steve Rogers underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Magic and Shapeshifting from Loki Odinson underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Strength and Asgardian Physiology from Thor Odinson underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Intelligence and Super Mind from Tony Stark underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Constitution and Radiation Immunity from Hulk underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Intelligence and Indomitable Will from Bruce Banner underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Dexterity and Assassin from Natasha Romanoff underway.

Siphoning complete. Assimilation of Dexterity and Wepons Designer from Clint Barton underway.

...Enad of Flashback...

She sat up and checked her notifications.


Assimilation completed for: Chitauri Soldure, Steve Rogers, Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Hulk, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton. Profile has been updated.

Alert. You have siphoned a species ability incompatible with your body. Correctional action had been taken. Special ability Adaptable has been updated.

Alert. You have siphoned a species ability incompatible with your body. Correctional action had been taken. Special ability Asgardian Physiology has been added.

New Skills: Ciborg Augmentation, Asgardian Physiology, Super Mind, Radiation Immunity, Indomitable Will, Assassin, Wepons Designer.

Ciborg Augmentation: Allows you to connect to electronics using your mind.

Asgardian Physiology: Provides the following: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility & Reflexes, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Longevity, Superhumanly Dense Tissue, and Rapid Healing Factor.

Super Mind: Your brain and intelligence are Superhuman.

Adaptible(2): Your body Accepts changes more easily. You require 25% less energy to accommodate changes and learn skills 25% faster.

Jade was shocked, and happy she had gained so much from just one group of people. She decided to bring up her whole stats to see what changed.


Name: Jade Winward

Age: 18

Strength: 55

Dexterity: 53

Constitution: 57

Intelligence: 37

Magic: 47

Charisma: 24

Luck: 23

Special Abilities

Adaptable 2, Keen Senses, Siphon 2, Soul Realm, Soul Bonded Familiars, Energy Absorption, Asgardian Physiology.


Accessorycraft, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Archery, Athletics, Assassin, Bluff, Biology, Cleaning, Cold Resistance, Climbing, Compulsion Magic, Contractual Magic, Coding, Chemistry, Chi Augmentation, Ciborg Augmentation, Danger Sense, Death Magic, Deception, Dodge, Eating, Elementalist, Engineering, Expert Martial Artist, English Language, Firearms, Flight, Fixing, Glasscraft, Gravity Magic, Hacking, Healing Magic, Heat Resistance, Herbology, Hypnotize, Illusion Magic, Insight, Indomitable Will, Japanese Language, Life Magic, Light Armor, Latin Language, Magic Resistance, Manna Sense, Mental Fortitude, Modeling, Merchant, Navigation, Pain Tolerance, Perception, Perseverance, Poison Resistance, Resilient, Riding, Running, Radiation Immunity, Shock Resistance, Singing, Sleight Of Hand, Small Blades, Spatial Magic, Swimming, Summoning Magic, Spiritual Magic, Super Mind, Tailoring, Tracking, Unarmed Combat, Walking, Wepons Designer.

Her stats had skyrocketed. She was going to have to be careful not to break anything for a while until she got used to her new strength. She sat there for about ten minutes, just rapping her mind around the new her and getting used to the new speed of her brain.

She finally brought out the new armor she had gotten from completing her quest. It looked as if you mixed light plate armor with robes. The metal was tinted gold, and there was a sun design on the front of the chest piece. The cloth bits were colored the exact same green as her eyes.


Vibranim armor: The armor pieces and the cloth of the armor are made of Vibranim and auto-fits itself to any size. Ment for Jade Winward for when she goes out as the hero Lightbringer.

Jade was surprised because this was the first time she could see a description of an item, but after a bit of testing, it was just this she could see one for so she assumed it must be special to the quest reward. She put it back in her ring and stood up and almost tripped because of the new propostions of her body.

Jade walked over to her full-length mear in her room and checked herself out. She was surprised her hair had gotten shiny somehow and her teeth had gotten more white. Her muscles had gotten more refined and looked like hardened steel. Her bust hadn't changed, but her skin was flawless, and she could tell it was super tough yet still soft to the touch.

If she had to guess, she had grown a few inches. She was around 5'6 inches before, but now she seems to be around 5'8 to 5'9. She also seemed to have gained a lot of weight, but she guessed that was from her Asgardian Physiology. She was dreading going out because she was probably going to have to put an illusion on herself so people wouldn't be staring at her when she went out in public. Like she was already getting lots of stairs, but now it would be ridiculous. Jade also realized she was going to have to buy new clothes because most of hers wouldn't fit anymore.

Sighing, she put on a top that still fit and a skirt that used to be long on her, which was now almost a mini skirt. Putting an illusion up and singing a Peter Holland song, she went downstairs to face the day.

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