
Siphoner in Marvel

Jade Winward was not expecting to end up in another universe again, especially not the Marvel (MCU) universe. See how she deals with these new challenges and if she can return to her friends and new family in Andara!!!! Siphon: A Touch of Power/ Marvel (MCU), along with other Marvel comic elements. !!!!!!Disclaimer: All characters and worlds belong to Jay Boyce and Marvel !!!!!!!

DaoistsMUoYG · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Prelude to Battle

.....Time skip one month.....

Jade woke up and started getting ready for the day. It had been a month since she had woken up in this world, and she was happy with her progress.


Name: Jade Winward

Age: 18

Strength: 18.37

Dexterity: 18.84

Constitution: 18.80

Intelligence: 27.42

Magic: 20.55

Charisma: 18.21

Luck: 17.76

Special Abilities: Adaptable, Keen Senses, Siphon 2, Soul Realm, Soul Bonded Familiars, Energy Absorption.

She was super happy to be back to around where she was when she got summoned here. Over the month, she had been able to siphon Colleen a few times, which massively helped boost her stats, and she had been able to siphon Peter a second time, which helped her intelligence. She had also noticed other people had been looking at her, and she had heard some boys around her age wondering if she was a model or something, which had been becoming kind of a pain. She had also noticed that the people she saw regularly didn't seem to notice how fast her body was changing, which was a change over the other world where people were constantly flabbergasted by her changes.

She had also made extreme improvements in her martial arts training. Colleen had said she was almost as good as her in pure skill. Jade was winning many of their spars, but the only thing holding her back now was experience. After thinking this through, she brought up the rest of her system.


New Skills: Biology, Fixing, Chi Augmentation, Expert Martial Artist, English Language, Latin Language, Japanese Language, Lock Picking, Stealth, Speed reading, Merchant.


Congratulations! Because you have acquired a basic understanding of Appraisal, Diplomacy, Haggle, Information Gathering, Intimidate, Mathematics, Persuasion, Sense Motive, Speed Reading, and Writing, your skills have combined. You will forevermore be known as a Merchant.

She had tried to siphon Multilingualism from Colleen, but my system gave me this message the morning after I tried.



Due to multilingualism being a combined skill of multiple language skills, you could only siphon part of the skill, but you got some of the different language skills that went into it.

New Skills: English Language, Latin Language, Japanese Language.

...End Flashback...

Next, she brought up her whole skill sheet.



Accessorycraft, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Archery, Athletics, Bluff, Biology, Cleaning, Cold Resistance, Climbing, Compulsion Magic, Contractual Magic, Coding, Chemistry, Chi Augmentation, Danger Sense, Death Magic, Deception, Dodge, Eating, Elementalist, Engineering, Expert Martial Artist, English Language, Firearms, Flight, Fixing, Glasscraft, Gravity Magic, Hacking, Healing Magic, Heat Resistance, Herbology, Hypnotize, Illusion Magic, Insight, Japanese Language, Life Magic, Light Armor, Latin Language, Magic Resistance, Manna Sense, Mental Fortitude, Modeling, Merchant, Navigation, Pain Tolerance, Perception, Perseverance, Poison Resistance, Resilient, Riding, Running, Shock Resistance, Singing, Sleight Of Hand, Small Blades, Spatial Magic, Swimming, Summoning Magic, Spiritual Magic, Tailoring, Tracking, Unarmed Combat, Walking.

She walked down the stairs, humming one of Peter Holland's songs because she was happy about her progress and the combination of her skills. She Walked into the family room and saw her dad watching the news, which was about a new female hero named Lightbringer and what appeared to be magic butterflies who were going around stopping crimes around Queens and New York using strange abilities that seemed to be like magic and close-quarter fighting. The video they showed was of Lightbringer flying onto the scene, shining like a ray of hope, saving people from a burning apartment and putting out the fire.

... Flashback a couple of weeks ago...

Jade had been wondering what she should do to get her name out there so that when she helped the Avengers, they knew she was a hero, and she had finally decided what she would do. She will go out like Spider-Man and stop crime around Queens and New York.

As for what she was going to wear, that was easy. She was going to wear a forest green robe and leather pants combo with a face mask she made out of wood and did some magic to get it to stay on her face, at least for now. She would make a better one once she had access to better materials.

She had painted the mask golden to go along with the name, and how she would make herself look using illusion magic she was thinking of going with. She decided to go with Lightbringer. Some people in Andara called her that, so she decided to embrace the name as her hero name. She also decided to make her hair and eyes golden and glow using light magic to go along with the theme.

When her parents and brother went to sleep that night, she opened her window so no one would notice her flying out and sped out into the night.

...End of Flashback...

The news then showed an old clip of a reporter on the scene getting a short interview with Lightbringer.

"News Ancor: Miss Miss !!!"

"Lightbringer: Yes, how can I help you, ma'am?"

"News Ancor: Who are you and why are you doing this."

"Lightbringer: My name is Lightbringer, Ma'am, and because it is the right thing to do!!!"

Lightbringer seemed to hear or notice something because she started floating off the ground the next moment but stopped to say one last thing before flying off.

"Lightbringer: I have to go, ma'am. People need to save."

"News Ancor: There you have it, people."

But halfway through here, a sentence, there was a loud noise outside, and the TV cut off.

She and her father ran to the window to see what was happening. We both saw a big blue portal open above Stark Tower, with things coming out of it. Then, we saw explosions.

"Father: Shit, what in the world is that."

"Jade: I got to go, Dad. Get Mom and Ty in the basement and stay safe."

"Father: What, Jade, where are you going? It's not safe out there. Come back...."

But Jade didn't hear the rest of her father's sentence because she was already out the door, and with a shine, she was in her hero costume and flying off towards the battle.

"Jade: Let's kick some alien and god but and get some new abilities."

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