
Sinz of Man

Have you ever heard of the ‘7 apostles of Sin’ the heinous criminals that have terrorized the world for hundreds of years with their perverted Gospel Now Kensu Hashimaru a spineless Intern working at the Orion Corporation got associated with these monsters After the corporation is tasked to find an unknown artifact named the 'Devil's Apple' Now his fate is intertwined with theirs how How will he cope with their sights on him

Mark_Har · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Oh Humble vistor

As the silence and anticipation thickens his head tried to wrap around who might be the guest who made even Mr.Navaida tense, It was intoxicating as hell, he was reaching his limit

The slow creak of the door broke the tension all heads in the room turned to the door to see three silhouettes enter the room 

The first of the three was a pale slender

Tall man in a suit the way he pretended himself gave off an aura of elegance and something else it just felt unnatural it made him feel easy

But the next was a complete opposite

It was a short stout, orange haired woman her smile gave him, an ill mannered perception of her and an added fact she had two large needles in her hands but she also made him queasy

Then lastly a man with what seemed like white silky white hair clothed in a

Red and black Kimono with a plain intricate mask that looked like it represented an animal

Without even a word they all knew he was in charge, then he walked over to the empty sit he sat down

 An awkward silence consumed the room just being there made everyone forget breathe

The one to break it was Mr. Navaida as hell coughed cause he couldn't hold his breathe any longer

(Coughs while putting hand on mouth)

"Hello there mate I'm Mr. Navaida the senior executive for Orion Corporation, and what would you be sir." he looks at the masked guest with a smile.

As soon as he did that there was loud hysterical laughter by his side which brought a chill in Kensu's spine

The woman by the guest was holding her stomach and laughing as if she heard the funniest joke

"Hahahaha you of all people to ask my master's name how insolent!", Looks at man at other side, "Clive pretty plz with sprinkles on top that you can let me put holes in that guy."

she says this with plead in her eyes

Mr. Navaida cracked his knuckles and a vein popped up on his head pulsating 

and even some of the other researchers reacted to that statement especially Kaido

"You think you can just casually tell that to when your in Orion Corporation we have a lot of elite personnel, you fool!"

the statement was responded by Clive who turns to look at Kaido

"My apologies for my sister Claudia's behavior but sit down, we don't have all day."

With that he Kaido sat down with an obvious face of unsatisfaction but kept it to himself

After this Mr. Navaida gets a cigar from his pockets and lights it, he then looks at the guest with sullen eyes and asks him

"If you don't want to say a name then what might we call you 'your highness'"

Then he puffs a cloud of smoke his direction it stops inches before him


The man stays idle and finally speaks

"Hmm call me "Con' for pleasantries."

at that Mr. Navaida opens gets a folder and says and but before he opens it finishes the cigar in one go and says

"Mr Kon." he says while puffing a large amount of smoke, filling the whole room with it scent, 

"I'm sorry to say I don't have any info on what the hell you want as to find as you can see in this blank folder

He responds with, "Well I preferred to show it in person." he reaches in his kimono and pulled out an aged piece of paper and passes it over to him with the current of the wind

Mr. Navaida snatches it and examines it

On it were weird insriptions, unique 6 symbols and 1 known to him but strangely an apple at its centre

Then Con began to speak

that is my master's greatest treasure

I would have done it myself but cause of complications I can't curren...".

Before he could finish Mr Navaida spoke

"What gibberish is this, I have never seen this language but sorry Con your master was ripped off."

As soon as those words were said Con's whole atmosphere changed just 

the sound of his breathing instilled an uneasy feeling that made him feel fear

Then an unexpected outburst from Con

made even his escorts shaken 

"This is not Gibberish bastard I'll..!", but before he say anymore he former demeanor came back to everyone except the escorts were surprised out how fast he changed as if he became a different person 

Con coughs, "Sorry for the outburst but to clarify that is not gibberish I have an index so you translate most of it."

But then his voice shifts again and tells everyone in the room

"Find the apple" Then he finally notices Kensu next to Mr. Navaida then says

"Are you one of the researchers boy, you have similar clothes as the others but yours look bland are you lesser than them."

At once he says,"Not exactly sir am an Intern." "Precisely your under them." 

After his brief exchange he prepares his departure but before he leaves he goes over to Mr. Navaida and says

"I'm here to make amends here." he puts a hand in his kimono and pulls out a necklace. Mr. Navaida looks at it and is surprised

"Oh shit it's one of these thanks my wife is gonna love this."

with that he leaves

The words he said near the end of the meeting excluding Mr. Navaida stuck at the back of his mind he never knew why

Then the day proceeded as usual

As everyone leaves to go back home at the end of the day,

Mr Navaida pulls Kensu aside and tells him by tomorrow

he would have time and fill in the paperwork and be promoted and that he needed to tell him about one of the symbols on the paper but later

After that he walks home alone as Ballista was doing an all nighter to finish a request for batch of swords tipped with Odimanite(rare magic material) that day

As he goes to sleep he thinks about how lucks on his side now cause he finished all his assignments and getting a promotion tomorow then he went to sleep

The next morning

Kensu wakes up in a good mood and heads to work he was so happy for his promotion but still kept in mind about what Mr. Navaida wanted to say about the inscriptions on the paper

He went through Orion Corporation

And went to Mr. Navaida's office, as he opens it he finds Kaido on it smirking

"What the hell Kaido sitting on thee 

'Breathe of Death's' chair you want your ass kicked when he comes for work."

With a nonchalant face Kaido replies

"Sorry he won't be coming for work today or any other day."

With a smirk on his face with his arms folded Kensu asked him why

Kaido replied, "The simple answer he is dead."

[Last Night]

At Mr. Navaida's miniature mansion he was having dinner with his happy wife the reason of her happiness was of the gift her husband brought

"Oh honey how did you get this they are sold out everywhere."

While removing a puff of smoke he said

"the client I had today was generous.'

While having a good time the necklace's centre piece starts rotating 

until a yellow gem is shown when Mr. Navaida sees this his expression turned grim immediately he tried to encase it in an air bubble as an explosion erupted from it

Some of the surrounding servants tried to help with it containment as it chipped the bubble chunks of the bubble every second

"You! take it off her I can't hold it for long."

he was referring to one of the servants in the mansion, so that Jenny could not disturb the bubble by moving

while taking it off the chain of the necklace slightly touched the bubble

and then boom happened

The entire mansion got engulfed in the explosion and all the servants in it, everything was gone.