

As Az drove them back to the campgrounds Emily stared down at her hands, deep in thought, before speaking, "Az...what about Jared? What...happens to him?" She stared at him,his eyes kept on the road, and she saw him tense at the question briefly before gathering his composure once more.

"Let me ask you this, my dear, do you really care? As far as I could tell, you didnt much like him, and you love your time with me...what does it matter then,hm?"

Her brow furrowed at the question, "Just because I dont like him very much doesnt mean he deserves anything horrible to happen to him, Im not heartless you know."

He sighed and shook his head,he didnt understand humans. Why keep someone around if they meant nothing to you? Her care was going to make this harder than he wanted it to be.

After some silence and thought he replied, "There aren't a lot of cases such as ours, so we don't really know a lot about it but as far as I know....an unbalance in power between the two of us could cause a dying down of the others life force..." He kept his eyes on the road as he said this, feeling the atmosphere tense around him as the words sunk in for Emily.

She was a sweet girl and had never been one to hurt anybody. The idea of slowly draining someone of their life horrified her, and she felt her stomach tighten at the thought. "So...you're killing him...? Just so you can get a little extra time? Is that what you're saying??" Emily's voice had begun to shake as the reality set in, she was filled with guilt at how many times she had asked for Az and pushed Jared away, not realizing the power Az really held over Jared. It made sense to her now why he had been angry with their connection...he was protecting himself, and Emily's desperate wanting of Az's time had put Jared further at risk of losing himself.

Az tightened his grip on the wheel and growled out, "It's not just extra time, Emily! It's my dignity as a demon, I shouldn't be stuck sharing my space with a stupid human!" As he snapped at her he immediately wished he could taker the it back.

His harsh words had stung her, did he view her as stupid as well? Was she merely a human to him too? How much could she trust someone who could so easily kill the person he shared his life with? She turned her head to look out the window,hiding the welling tears in her eyes. She didn't speak to him for the rest of the drive, and Az, not knowing how to handle human emotions, avoided it entirely by blasting music for the remainder of the trip.

When they arrived back at camp he parked out in the field and turned off the music. He looked over at Emily, her hands gripping the door handle as if waiting to escape. He sighed and spoke, "Emily...you can't fault me for wanting my own life."

"You think he doesnt want his!?" She snapped back at him as she turned to face him, her eyes narrowed in fury. "You know, Az, You pulled me into your web with ease, you are truly a master of flattery and temptation. Is there any reason I shouldn't view you as a threat? I would love to believe this...whatever this is we have is, is real..but you said I gave you power...and you have no issue with killing someone, or even draining the life out of Jared until he's dead. Prove to me I'm more than just a toy to you, you've called me it before and I took it as playful...now I think I was wrong. Find a way to spare you both, or leave me out of it!" Her cheeks were red now with anger from her rant, and as he stared at her he found her passion to be admirable and quite beautiful. The truth was, she had merely seemed a toy to him at first, but something about her drew him in and he always wanted more.

And yet...his character was still confined within demon ideals he had never had to face before. Nobody had ever held power over his feelings like this girl did, and the weakness in him angered him deeply. Gritting his teeth he simply closed his eyes and growled, "Get out."

Emily closed her eyes in defeat and shook her head. She had hoped he would have some sign of sympathy, but it seemed she had been too wishful. She opened the door and stepped out. Before she shut it she spoke softly, "If you find a way, and you change your mind to do the right thing, you know where to find me." And with that she shut the door, leaving him gritting his teeth in frustration.

He slammed his hand on the wheel, "Damnit!" His voice was deep and raspy as he spoke in the silence of his car, "Why does this girl matter so much to me when I could just as easily find another more willing. Or just have many!! Here I am sitting here worried about some girl that wants me to save a stupid human!?" Reaching under his seat, he pulled out a bottle of vodka and began to drink the rest of his day away, struggling to accept his feelings.