

Manager sighed as she folded all the paperwork she had been doing. She ignored the seemingly lifeless bodies seated on chairs in front of her. They would be waking up soon anyway and she wasn't looking forward to what was to come. Not because she pitied them or anything but because she disliked having to explain the same thing over and over again. She couldn't do anything about it as it was the role assigned to her and she had no intention of disobeying the chain of command, she had seen many others trying to stir things up and she didn't intend to end up like them. She adjusted the glasses on her face when she heard a groan and saw some people stirring in their state of unconsciousness.

Good they were about to wake up and she would soon be able to send them on their way, to their fate.... Whatever it may be.


The bodies all woke up at the same time and when they noticed the situation, they immediately panicked.

"Where am I?!!"

"What is this place?!!"


Some screamed, others shouted but none of them noticed the otherworldly beautiful woman seated before them. They all seemed to ignore her existence even as some of them wandered towards the desk she was seated, they would subconsciously avoid going close.

With a snap of her fingers she became visible both drawing attention to herself in her now visible form and scaring the people close to her desk.

They were obviously stunned by the sudden appearance of the beautiful lady, at least they thought she was beautiful given that they couldn't see her face as it was covered by a veil, which was weird as she was dressed in normal office lady clothes. Her voluptuous body was an indication of beauty to many of them.

"Who are you! Where is this place!!" A burly man with tattoos on every inch of his naked upper body yelled accusingly.

The veiled woman let out an undignified snort before crossing her legs and putting her hand on her chin.

The burly man was obviously trying to intimidate her and did not expect to get laughed at, his face turned a light shade of red but he kept still. Even in his rage, he was aware of the circumstances.

He had been kidnapped!

Easily since he remembered going to sleep after a night of debauchery with his friends and he was here not in the cheap motel room he rented before sleeping.

He was not the only one who had come to that conclusion as most of the people in the room turned pale with fright.

The woman noticed this and grinned.

"You may refer to me as Manager, and I congratulate you all for dying. Welcome to hell Sinners!" The woman said happily and suddenly the veil on her face flew away revealing her perfectly symmetrical face that had been perfectly sculpted, her most attention grabbing feature was her pair of glowing purple eyes that seemed to penetrate their soul.

Most of the people however, were too busy screaming in terror as soon as she revealed her face. She radiated pure evil and they seemed to hear screams of tormented souls emanating from her eyes and one could see a ghostly figure in her eyes.

"Oh! My sincere apologies, I forgot you were all mortals." She giggled and put on a pair of glasses that she conjured, in an instant the horrifying aura she was emitting vanished along with screaming.



Everybody rushed to the furthest corner of the room trying to get away from her, her dominating aura added to the words to what she just said fueled their fear making them try to run away from in the small room.

"Anyway, as I said you all are dead and because you have been judged as Sinners, you have come down to Hell." She let out an unpleasant giggle as if enjoying the changing expressions of the terrified humans. "Don't worry even if you've come down to hell, you still have a second chance to escape eternal torment."

Although they were terrified, the humans still listened attentively to her because if this monster was right and they were really in hell then this would be their only chance of escaping eternal torment. Some fervent religious people had already been praying since Manager had revealed her appearance.

"You can escape the torture by becoming one of us,but to become a working demon you have to prove that you are the craziest,most demented human among the bunch. We will only be accepting five people who pro-"

Manager had not been able to finish her sentence when the burly man who had spoken earlier grabbed the neck of a man standing next to him.

"I'm sorry I just want to live..." He said and tightened his grip on the man's neck.

"What are you doing!!"

"Stop you crazy psycho!!"

The people around him shouted but they made no move towards him.

"Can't you see! This is what she wants us to do!" He said with a dangerous look. The man in his grasp had already passed out and would soon die.

"Enough!" Manager clapped and the burly man suddenly loosened his grip on the unconscious man and walked to the side. Every other person felt their movements restricted as if they were tied up.

"You will be able to demonstrate your insanity soon but not here." Manager said.

"You are all going to participate in a simulated battle against each other, but if all of you were to pitted against each other in a straight one on one format it wouldn't be fair due to the physical weakness you humans have so you will be given a special something.

" But before that, if there is anyone who would like to not participate in the game, then you can walk out of that door."

They all noticed a door that had obviously not been there before or else they would have noticed it.

The door magically opened to reveal a bustling street with all kinds of people walking on it but they had not noticed the door that was in front of them.

The humans in the room immediately rushed towards the door save for a few people. The rest all ran towards it with relieved expressions, when the last of them crossed the door it suddenly displayed a boiling volcano with the people who had just run out melting inside it.

The man who had been strangled was originally planning to go through the door but was too slow turned pale.

"Now that the losers had throw out." Manager smiled at the twenty people who had not walked through the door.

"Are you ready to play a game?"