
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · Tranh châm biếm
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206 Chs

Chapter: 49

Yun Che's eyes widened when he saw the two flood-dragons changing their target to them.

He knew something was wrong the moment he saw those elders, and now he was sure everything was wrong!

His eyes landed on the elders who turned their backs towards them and, without a second thought, flew away like cats with their tails between their legs!

"You old fogies! You only have a decade to live, can't you sacrifice your life for the future generation?!" Yun Che shouted towards Ling Wugou and the elders that were flying away, using him and Yuechan as bait.

"Bah! Life is life, brat! Try your best to live yours!" One of the elders shouted, not turning to look back.

Even though they were using them as bait, they didn't feel guilty in the least. As long as they get to live, who gives a fuck whether an unknown junior can live or not?

As for Yuechan, well, they were regretful… or not. Anyway, they were sure that Villa Mistress would be on cloud nine after hearing the news.

Yun Che suddenly wanted to slap the elder who responded to him, but he didn't have time as the flood-dragons were already charging at them!

"You despicable humans! Today, we will kill you all!"

"Dammit!" Yun Che cursed before his body burst into eight clones, each running in different directions. He looked towards Yuechan and shouted. "Run towards the cave! As long as we are inside, they won't be able to touch us!"

The cave contained the legacy of Dragon's God.

Once they were inside, the two flood-dragons would not follow them in for fear of making Dragon God angry.

This was their only saving grace right now!

In a second, hundreds of different barriers appeared between them and the flood-dragons as Yun Che felt his profound energy depleting at a tremendous rate. Yet, he gritted his teeth and kept making one barrier after another.

He already knew that no matter what move he used, it was useless due to the sheer power gap between them. His best bet was to create tons of barriers to hold the dragons for even a second longer!

{Idiot! Stop wasting your energy and run!}

{Yeah, no shit Jasmine! As if I'm about to start a cooking competition right now!}

"Now! Run!"

Yun Che and Yuechan didn't turn to see if the barriers stopped the flood-dragons or not.

In their minds, the only thing to do right now was to run! Which they did.

"Don't think we will let you run away!" The female flood-dragon shouted!

Profound energy started to gather in her mouth and she roared.

The space vibrated, and in an instant, all the barriers laid between them and the dragons were destroyed!

"Shit!" Yun Che saw that despite all the barriers having been destroyed, the female flood-dragon's attack still didn't show any decline in its power! Leaving behind a solid glowing blue path, it made its way towards them.

Just when the attack was about to hit them, Yuechan appeared in front of him.

Her profound energy circulated madly in her veins, a dignified expression on her face, she waved her hand.

The temperature suddenly took a sharp decline and an icy-snow wall formed in front of them.

The female flood-dragon's breath hit the wall, creating a loud sound of grass shattering.

Cracks formed over it, but it was enough to stop the breath attack of the female flood-dragon.

By the time the wall had shattered, Yun Che and Yuechan had long run away from their initial position and were close to reaching the cave when the male flood-dragon appeared in front of them.

"You gotta be kidding me!" exclaimed Yun Che.

For Yun Che, running away from this place was not a problem. With his maxed True Invisibility, he could vanish right in front of the dragon's sight, and they wouldn't be able to catch him. The problem was Yuechan!

Unlike him, she didn't have the max True Invisibility, and she couldn't just remove her breath out of thin air. Unlike him, she needed to be hidden from all signs for the skill to activate, which obviously wasn't the case here.

The thought of leaving Yuechan behind and running appeared within Yun Che's mind. There was no deep relationship between him and Yuechan, so the moment the thought appeared within his mind, it sounded logical to him.

It should be known that Yun Che was a coward. If he could save his life, he didn't mind sacrificing others as long as they didn't mean much to him. If, instead of Yuechan, it was Cang Yue, then he wouldn't have minded trying his best to protect her.

But since Yuechan was here solely due to her duty to protect him based on the deal they had made, the thought of abandoning her sounded more and more logical to him.

Meanwhile, while Yun Che was deep in thought about the possibility of abandoning Yuechan and saving his life, Yuechan looked at the male flood-dragon in front and the female flood-dragon behind her and gritted her teeth.

Right now, she was regretting her decision to follow Yun Che.

She thought she should have stayed behind when Yun Che asked her to, but the greed of obtaining the True God's Inheritance resulted in the current situation.

She looked towards Yun Che and, in a second, came up with a decision.

Her body blurred and appeared in front of him, stunning him.

In front of his stunned gaze, she picked him by the collar before throwing him towards the cave's entrance!

With her half-step emperor's profound realm strength, Yun Che particularly blurred out of existence and flew towards the cave like an unstoppable bullet.

"Don't even think about it!" For the first time, seeing the female flood-dragon flying to stop Yun Che, Yuechan shouted, and profound energy burst out of her body like an unstoppable avalanche! It directly hit the body of the female flood-dragon, blowing her away!

Seeing this, the male flood-dragon's eyes become bloodshot.

With a loud roar, it changed its target from Yun Che to her and flew towards her, ready to cut her into two with his claws.

Yuechan used Frozen Cloud Arts to defend against the incoming claws, yet she wasn't able to stop with full force behind it, causing her to stumble back dozens of steps and cough up mouthfuls of blood.

Her profound energy was in a rattle, and she could feel that her internal organs were damaged due to the backlash to her profound energy!

Seeing the two flood-dragons in front of her, and that Yun Che had already reached the cave, her eyes became slightly misty.

Even she didn't know why she decided to help Yun Che out of this mess in exchange for her life.

She wasn't like that.

She was someone who wouldn't bat an eye when killing a man, yet she sacrificed her life to save a man.

She couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation.

A glow of determination appeared in her eyes. If she was going to die anyways, she was going to make sure she killed one of them!



Bouncing over and over on the ground, breaking it and his bones in the process, Yun Che's flight finally stopped as he hit the interior of the cave.

Blood dripped down from all over his body, but his mind was in a completely different direction.

He looked outside at the cave, towards Yuechan's sorry state as she fended off the flood-dragons with her body with a dumbfounded gaze.

A huge amount of shame appeared in his heart.

Just now, he was thinking of abandoning her to save his life, yet she abandoned her life to save his. This made him feel ashamed like never before. He never thought, at the time of life and death, he would stoop so low as to abandon his companion to save his own.

Deep down, he already knew he wasn't the heroic type. He was a selfish bastard who prioritized his life over others.

Unless the person was someone he really cared for, he wouldn't go out of his way to save them.

Yet, right now, he felt like slapping himself in the face.

Because while he was thinking of abandoning Yuechan to save his life, she was thinking of abandoning her life to save his. This just made him realize how big of a bastard he was!

He could only stare wide-eyed as profound energy gathered in masses around Yuechan before a huge ice pillar shot into the sky.

The temperature took a sharp decline and continued to fall with each second.

It didn't even take a second before it was already below zero and was still going sharply.

Ice crystals started to form all around Yuechan and on the ground.

The flood-dragons seemed to understand the threat Yuechan possessed towards them, so they turned around and ran!

But would Yuechan let them? Of course not! She had already activated the forbidden technique. If they ran away, wouldn't she be dying in vain?

Thinking such, she shouted loudly as the decline in temperature once again took a sharp turn!

The female flood-dragon that was slightly behind the male flood-dragon didn't even have a second to think before her whole body turned into an ice crystal, stunning both Yun Che and the male flood-dragon.

In their dazed stare, they watched as the body of the female flood-dragon burst into tiny ice crystals before vanishing in the air.

Silence fell on the battlefield, and the pillar of ice started to crack. With a loud sound, it also burst into small icy crystals and dispersed in the air.

"... I'll kill you, human!" The cry of the male flood-dragon broke Yun Che out of his shock.

Without thinking for even a second, his body burst with crimson berserk energy, and he vanished from his place. The cracks over his body extended, but he didn't care.

{Jasmine, kill the dragon!}

{There is no point. This princess doesn't care if other people die. This princess would only interfere if you were going to die, since I'm linked to you. Using my powers would make the poison backlash. I wouldn't risk revealing my existence to other people unless it's a last resort!}


Jasmine was dumbfounded when she heard Yun Che's shout in her head.

{... Please. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if she died.}

{... Stupid!}

In a second, Yun Che appeared in front of Yuechan. Even though she had destroyed her profound veins, and her lifeforce was rapidly leaving her body, she could still see what was happening before her.

The moment Yun Che appeared in front of her, a single question appeared in her mind.



Yun Che didn't answer. He went to his knees and pulled her to his lap. Placing his hand over her stomach, he activated [Restoration] on her. He didn't heal her veins, in fear that if he did, she might never regain her strength again.

Restoration only healed the damage done by fusing the vitality of heaven and earth with the person being healed. It didn't have a time-reversing effect. He feared that if he healed her veins, she might commit suicide right away.

And he wasn't wrong.

"Stop… Without my cultivation… Let me die." She tightly gripped Yun Che's hand. Her eyes looked into his as icy tears fell from them. "If you healed me… I'll commit suicide."

"... Shut up and stay still. As if I'll let you die just like that." He gritted his teeth and added. "I remember I still have one deal to make, right? Then I want you to live!"

"... Declined."

Yun Che shook his head and ignored her.

Behind him, though stunned for a second, the flood-dragon roared and flew towards him.

Suddenly, a greenish silhouette appeared behind Yun Che's back. With an expression as cold as the ninth heaven, she raised her petite hand and pointed towards the coming dragon.

Crimson energy gathered at the tip of her finger, which she waved. The space and the air seemed to be split in two the next second! The male dragon didn't even get a chance to do anything, and he was divided into two halves. He could only stare at the petite figure in horror as his consciousness slipped away.

["Star God's Brilliant Annihilating Slash" skill acquired!]

["Heavenly Slaughter God" affinity acquired!]


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