
Chapter 89 Yaya_1

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The indicator light on the Consciousness Cache flickered continuously as data was being uploaded.

Cao Ge approached the computer, typed a few keystrokes, and then with a "click," the door of the game pod slowly opened.

Tu Hengyu watched the scene before him, and though he was puzzled, he still refrained from asking any questions.

"Old Tu, come on," Cao Ge said, noticing Tu Hengyu standing there dazed and gesturing toward the game pod.

"Mr. Cao, is this… a hibernation pod?" Tu Hengyu glanced at the equipment in the center of the room, then uncertainly looked at Cao Ge.

"It's not a hibernation pod, as for what it is, you'll know once you try it," Cao Ge teased.

"Come on, let's do this together."

Seeing that Tu Hengyu was still hesitating and knowing what he was worried about, Cao Ge proactively lay down in one of the game pods.

Under Tu Hengyu's gaze, he lay down inside.

Seeing this, Tu Hengyu mimicked Cao Ge's actions and slowly laid down in another game pod.


The door of the pod slowly closed.

"Murphy, begin," Cao Ge said to the computer screen just before closing his eyes.

As both men closed their eyes, some mechanical arms inside the game pod began to perform the routine operations for hibernation, and soon, both of them had fallen asleep.


"Wake up, Old Tu, wake up!!!"

Cao Ge sat next to a cloning chamber, patting the unconscious Tu Hengyu.

With Cao Ge's patting, Tu Hengyu lying inside the cloning chamber slowly started showing some response, his eyeballs moving under his eyelids before finally opening his eyes.

The exhausted Tu Hengyu looked up at Cao Ge with a blank expression.

Cao Ge reached out and helped Tu Hengyu sit up from inside the cloning chamber.

Tu Hengyu looked around the pitch-black surroundings, his face full of confusion, his brain fatigued.

"Mr. Cao, I… ah…"

Before he could finish speaking, a sharp pain shot through Tu Hengyu's head.

He had to stop, his hands cradling his head and his eyebrows tightly knitted together as he endured the pain.

After a while, he recovered and opened his eyes again, then with Cao Ge's help, he stepped out from the cloning chamber.

Tu Hengyu weakly leaned on Cao Ge and looked around the steel chamber in front of him.

The chamber they were in was not large, just over two hundred square meters, the room was very dim, with only faint lighting.

The cloning chambers they awoke from were in the middle of the room, which overall looked somewhat like a laboratory.

Tu Hengyu frowned, thinking hard, but had no idea where this place was.

"Mr. Cao, where are we? Weren't we at your house before?" Tu Hengyu asked, puzzled, turning his head to look at Cao Ge beside him.

"How come, I've also changed clothes," Tu Hengyu looked down at himself and asked again.

At this moment, both of them were wearing white combat suits, similar to those worn by the personnel of the Wandering Earth Space Station.

Cao Ge smiled slightly, not rushing to answer Tu Hengyu's questions, but instead helped him walk to another cloning chamber.

The yellow-orange glow emanated from the transparent glass in front of the cloning chamber, faintly revealing a person lying inside.

"Old Tu, what do you think that is?"

Answering Tu Hengyu's puzzled gaze, Cao Ge pointed to a Consciousness Cache plugged into the interface of the cloning chamber.


"Is that Yaya?" Tu Hengyu followed Cao Ge's pointing finger and saw that it was his own daughter's Consciousness Cache.

Just as Tu Hengyu was about to inquire what Cao Ge meant, the consciousness upload succeeded, and the clone chamber's door slowly opened, revealing the person inside.

There lay a girl who looked to be about ten years old, with shoulder-length hair, quietly sleeping inside. The girl's clothes were the same as those worn by Cao Ge and himself, only several sizes smaller.

"Yaya!" Tu Hengyu shrugged off Cao Ge's support and lunged forward.

His weakness made it impossible for him to stand, and he collapsed to the ground.

But the scene before him was so incredible that Tu Hengyu insisted on getting up from the floor and then leaned against the clone chamber.

He placed his hands on the edge of the chamber, gazing at the Yaya inside.

Tu Hengyu reached out with a trembling hand towards Yaya, not believing until his hand truly touched her cheek.

He then jerked his hand back, his shock reaching an apex at that moment.

"Impossible, impossible, Yaya, how could you still be alive, impossible, impossible..." Tu Hengyu screamed inside his heart.

"Mr. Cao, what's going on here? How can my daughter Yaya be here? Is this the digital world?" Tu Hengyu turned and asked Cao Ge.

It was clear that he was experiencing a great emotional turmoil.

"Haven't you seen already?" Cao Ge pointed to the Consciousness Cache plugged into the clone chamber.

Tu Hengyu was a smart man, he instantly understood what Cao Ge implied.

He turned back sharply, looking at his daughter in the clone chamber.

"Yaya, Yaya!!"

He began calling out to the little girl in the clone chamber.

As time slowly passed, and after the consciousness had settled in, Tu Yaya gradually awoke from her deep sleep.

"Daddy, why are you crying?" Lying in the clone chamber, still unable to move, Tu Yaya opened her eyes and saw her father leaning on the window frame, crying, and asked weakly.

"Daddy's happy, daddy's crying because he's happy." Tu Hengyu wiped the tears from his eyes and replied through sobs.

"Daddy, I finally see you again." Tu Yaya in the clone chamber slowly raised her small hand, reaching out to Tu Hengyu.

Seeing this, Tu Hengyu climbed up from the floor and, with all his might, reached in to lift his daughter out of the clone chamber.

Then, under Cao Ge's gaze, the two of them embraced each other.


An hour later.

Their consciousness completely adapted to their bodies, Tu Hengyu and his daughter had recovered their strength.

"Mr. Cao, is this the digital world? Am I right?" Tu Hengyu, holding Yaya, sat on a chair and asked Cao Ge.

Cao Ge looked across the table at Tu Hengyu, at his firm gaze, and Cao Ge smiled slightly.

"Old Tu, I've told you, I know little about digital life, I don't understand what digital life is, so naturally, this is not any digital world."

"Then where are we?" Tu Hengyu asked, looking at the extremely real world before him, confusion welling up in his mind.

In his eyes, if this was not the digital world, how could his daughter, who had been dead for years, be alive and standing before him.

"Shall you come with me?" Cao Ge said with a smile as he got up and walked toward the door leading outside.


As Cao Ge approached, the door automatically opened.

Tu Hengyu watched Cao Ge's back, filled with confusion, but still took his daughter's hand and followed.