
Chapter 25 Shen Yufei is Captured_1

Considering his current predicament, Cao Ge opened the Savior System, which had been dormant for nearly a month.

Savior System

Host: Cao Ge

Skills: Computer Science Lv1 (Thirty years ahead of the current world.)

Functions: Traverse, Enhance

Current World: Three-Body

Ultimate Goal: To change the destiny of Earth's humanity.

Cao Ge shifted his consciousness to the traverse function, and then the entire introduction disappeared, leaving only this sentence before his eyes.

"Traverse: Countdown ten months."

Cao Ge contemplated the countdown on the Savior System.

The system's traverse function still had ten months of freeze time, and even if he could traverse immediately, it couldn't change the fact that he was targeted by the ETO.

Because he would always have to come back, and the moment he did, the ETO would target him again.

With furrowed brows, Cao Ge mulled it over in his mind repeatedly, and finally arrived at a tentative solution.

From the bottom of his heart, Cao Ge now resolved never to reveal anything that might increase his threat level again; he would just barely get by, and wait for the government to take care of the ETO.

Of course, the ETO couldn't be completely eradicated, but this could severely weaken their power.

There was another way: to lower his priority in the eyes of the ETO.

Shen Yufei wanted him to do research, so he would do research, or at least pretend to. After all, Cao Ge had the final say on whether or not it was genuine research. Currently, Shen Yufei couldn't contact the Trisolarans or obtain details of his situation from Sophon.

He was waiting, waiting for the Trisolarans to issue the assassination order for Logic. By then, if he kept a low profile, he should be safe.

According to his memory, the ETO received the order to assassinate Logic after the destruction of the Second Red Coast Base.

Which meant he still had to keep a low profile for some time.

Once Logic became the focus of the entire world, he would be safe. He came to this conclusion because in the original story, Wang Miao lived to die a natural death.

If Wang Miao, who had the same threat level as him, could live to a natural death, then so should he.

As for the future—him traversing to another world and bringing back technology far beyond that of this world—that was a matter for later and didn't need consideration now.

Besides, his ultimate mission was to change the destiny of human civilization; it was impossible not to face any danger.

For now, his task was to minimize the danger before he rose to prominence.

As for later, there was no helping it; the mission required him to confront the Trisolarans.


A week had passed since Shen Yufei brandished a knife and trespassed into Cao Ge's villa.

In this week, Cao Ge had handed almost all company affairs over to the executive team, including the lawsuit filed against them by Penguin for copyright infringement in court. Cao Ge had remotely conveyed some details and then left it to the executives to handle.

Because compared with money, life was more important.

During this week, Shen Yufei visited once more, claiming it was to check on the progress of the research.

Under pressure, Cao Ge still put on a show for Shen Yufei, telling her he was researching but it was extremely difficult and required time.

Cao Ge believed that the current Shen Yufei was capable of anything, as, after all, in the original drama, upon learning that the Three-Body problem could not be solved through mathematical means, Shen Yufei had committed suicide.

A person who took death lightly was capable of doing anything.

Life went on uneventfully.

Until one day, a week later, a group of police came to the Shanshui Community, entered the yard next door to Cao Ge, and under his watch, arrested Shen Yufei and placed her in a police car.

Cao Ge stood in the yard, watching the police leave with their sirens blaring.

Just as he was about to head back inside, a black SUV pulled up in front of his gate.

"Brother Cao."

Cao Ge turned at the sound and looked towards the gate.

He saw Da Shi open the car door, step down from the driver's seat, walk around the front of the car, and come to the big iron gate, grinning foolishly at him.

Immediately, Cao Ge turned around, walked down the steps, went to the iron gate, opened it, and asked, "Officer Shi, why are you here? Are you leading the operation to arrest Shen Yufei?"

"You see, a college kid's brain is so efficient. I haven't even said anything, and you already know everything," Da Shi said as he walked in.

"Come in, have some tea," Cao Ge said, pointing toward the house.

"No thanks, I'm here not just to arrest Shen Yufei but also for another matter, which is to pick you up," Da Shi said, waving his hand.

"Pick me up?" Cao Ge asked, puzzled.


"The case of the scientist's suicide is solved. It was indeed the Three-Body Organization messing around behind the scenes, and we've already captured the mastermind. The interrogation is about to begin," Da Shi explained.

"If the interrogation is about to start, why aren't you at the operations center working on your case instead of coming to pick me up?"

"I still have things to take care of," Cao Ge said.

"I know. Now Brother Cao is not only a scientist but also an entrepreneur, busy with lots of things. I've heard about the lawsuit between Galaxy Science and Technology and Penguin Technology; it's been so noisy you can't ignore it. But wasn't it said that your game launched before theirs? I've consulted with colleagues from the court; they said your chances of winning are greater. Why not let your subordinates handle the rest? You're the big boss; why worry yourself?" Da Shi continued.

"Brother Cao, don't forget, you're also serving as the science consultant for our operations center. I haven't disturbed you for a while because I listened to you, but now I need your help," Da Shi said, taking Cao Ge's hand.

Cao Ge looked at Da Shi, who was acting cheekily, and shook his head helplessly, then said, "Alright, alright, I'll go with you."

"Good, let's go now," Da Shi said, pulling Cao Ge with him towards the outside.

"Just like that? I haven't even packed."

"What's there to pack? The interrogation starts in an hour, and besides, what does a big man like you have to pack?" Da Shi said, pushing Cao Ge into the car, closing the door, then he circled around to the driver's seat, and drove away from Shanshui Community.

In the car.

Cao Ge looked through the rearview mirror at the still-open iron gate of his house, then shook his head helplessly. He turned to Da Shi and said, "Officer Shi, now that I'm on board, you should fill me in on what's going on."

While driving, Da Shi glanced at him and explained, "Oh, it's like this. Based on the clues you provided, we thoroughly investigated that Three-Body game and what we found was astonishing. This Three-Body Organization isn't your typical cult. As for what it is, I can't explain it all at once. Anyway, you'll know once we get to the operations center. We invited you because the leader of the Three-Body Organization is an astrophysicist, and the questions for the interrogation are science-related. Since you're a scholar in Computer Science, Old Chang thought it'd be a good idea for you to listen in, see if you can pick up on anything."

"I study Computer Science, and you're interrogating an astrophysicist; our fields don't intersect. I may not be of much help," Cao Ge said.

"No worries, just listen. Even if you don't understand, it's not a problem," Da Shi answered with a smile.

'By the way, Brother Cao, do you know who the leader of the Three-Body Organization is?' Da Shi suddenly turned his head to look at him with a smile and asked.


"A woman over seventy years old," Da Shi replied.

"Unexpected, isn't it?"

"Ye Wenjie!" The name suddenly popped into Cao Ge's mind.

But he quickly realized something wasn't right; wasn't Da Shi injured by a bomb while arresting Ye Wenjie? Why wasn't he in the hospital awaiting a check-up? How come he still had time to pick him up?

Cao Ge turned back to look at the road through the windshield, deep in thought.

"Or is it because the interrogation of Shen Yufei was postponed?"

This Da Shi was the one who'd been discharged from the hospital; Cao Ge looked at the bandage on Da Shi's forehead, lost in thought.

There was another possibility—that Da Shi had survived the nuclear blast.

But if Da Shi had survived the explosion, it meant that he might not get leukemia, and if he didn't get leukemia, would he still go into hibernation?

If Da Shi didn't hibernate, what would happen to the future Logic? Without Da Shi's protection, could Logic still evade ETO's assassination?


The more Cao Ge thought, the more frightened he became, wanting to ask Da Shi right away if he had been blown up.