
Simulation and Evolution System

The Simulation and Evolution System is a system that will allow its bearer to simulate his life once a day. The system removes some singularities from the accounts (for example, the system itself). The bearer of the system is Yin Yi, a man who was reincarnated in the body of someone with the same name as him. This story will be about the journey of Yin Yi and his system in the cultivation world.

Shin_Nagami · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Simulation and Evolution System

(POINT OF VIEW: neutral)

Somewhere in the dark, a young man with long white hair and silver eyes was lying on something in the shape of a paralelepiped. Those eyes were looking around him, a dark place with little light. He was confused and didn't know exactly what was going on.


"...", I didn't know what to say or react exactly in that situation. I was just confused. My room was so dark... maybe I closed the window curtain?

I was trying to look around, but nothing was found. That place that was poorly illuminated had only one light, probably it was a window... no, the window wasn't like that. So maybe a door? 

Well, since this place is just a total breeze, it must be a door... besides, as far as I remember, my house isn't like that... Besides, why does my body feel so weak? I don't remember feeling so bad yesterday...

Was I... no, impossible. I have a loud alarm at home... any invasion should make a lot of sound. So, it should be impossible for me to be kidnapped so easily without anyone noticing or I wake up.

However, with all due respect, this is a shit... but I don't want to get up... today is Sunday and my only day off... I want to enjoy a little bit today and sleep a little more.

Hm... let's just open this window a little... I'm curious to know why there's not so much light.

As I get up, I feel my body is a little different... it seems weaker? I'm going to ignore that for now. I may have drunk something or had a bad time yesterday and don't remember it.

Touching the floor, I noticed something... the floor was wooden... but my house didn't have a wooden floor... maybe I was really kidnapped...? No, no, no. I can't have been kidnapped! I'm just a little lonely writer in this cruel world! There's no reason for anyone to kidnap me!

When I get to the "door or window", I notice two things. First, it was a door, which I already suspected. Secondly, the door was also made of wood...

Wooden floor, poorly illuminated place, painful body, wooden door and an unknown space... I had no more doubts. I was kidnapped... and I'm in the middle of nothing... in a likely cabin?

Before I turned the doorblock... there wasn't a doorblower... I just pushed the door. Unfortunately, something appeared in front of me... a semitransparent light screen that I thought was a cell phone... 

{Welcome, host!

You are the current owner of the Simulation and Evolution System!}

I didn't want to hear the next words... I did not want to listen... or rather, see, but, even not seeing, I felt my body start to fall asleep.

{Congratulations! You, Yin Yan, are the host of the Simulation and Evolution System.

Warning: when you finish reading or refuse to read this message, you will receive the memories of the former owner of your current body.}

(POINT OF VIEW: neutral)

In front of the door, a man fell back, while the door went in the same direction as the man, closing again. As in the unison, the sound of the door closing and the sounds of falling and hearing together. That's in case someone's around.

I'm rewriting the story because I felt a little lack of detail in the story and also the lack of more character interactions.

Shin_Nagamicreators' thoughts