
Simulating Life Across Worlds

A young boy named Nico reincarnated in world full of cultivation. See how simulates life across worlds so he can achieve his dream of becoming the strongest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some things wont make sense the first few chapters but after a bit it becomes better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find anything bad say so i can do it better in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also every drawing in the comments and cover i got of Pinterest.

Big_Fan_Of_Daoism · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Meeting Eden Wexner

When Nico chooses reward 1,5,6 and 7 he feels a terrible pain and it feels like every fiber of his being is being replaced. He didn't get new strength and memories wouldn't hurt so much. After 15 minutes of pain it finally stops and he can think clear again. His guess is because of the skill sword body which looks more like a talent but you have many skills that make things easier.

Nico goes to the bath room to take a shower because he is full of sweat. In the bathroom he sees himself in the mirror and although he looks the same he still feels different. He doesn't really now how to explain it but the best he can do is that he looks more detailed. It was like a painter that after a few years did a painting again but better but still everything like the old painting.

It is not only his face but also his body which has a bit more muscle but also now feels like everything is in harmony. If his body was a garden then previously he was like a garden full of beautiful flowers and now everything is put in the perfect place.

After admiring his body a bit more he takes a shower. After getting out of the shower he sees he has a notification of the system completely forgotten.

[ Because of reaching level 6 in spiritual level you get the skills: Intent sensing: You can sense intent of a person. ( Its like sensing an action before it happens ). The more you try to sense and the higher the strength difference is between you and the other person the higher the chance of getting discovered.

Technokinesis: Depending on your highest mind related energy you will be able to control technology.]

Seeing the skills Nico is quite surprised but very happy because the skills are very useful. Intent sensing seemed OP while fighting. Of course it would probably require a lot of focus but he has the skill more minded for that.

And Technokinesis just very useful. Although he guesses that right now he can't hack or do much with it but with this in the future he doesn't need to learn hacking. It isn't late at all and he doesn't want to spend the rest of the day.

When he went outside of his room he decided to explore the hotel a bit more and although he is here already for a few days it is really big. He heard there is even a golf course associated with the hotel and you can go in as long as you show your hotel card. The golf course is part of a club. In his previous life he did a bit of golf when he was younger with his father who played a lot not only for fun but also with clients. Although it isn't a very exiting or exhausting sport it is something calm but that is the beauty in it.

(Never played golf and know nothing about it so all this is just a guess.)

He could also go to a special cultivation gym he was never a person who worked out. He did some martial arts but that doesn't mean he actively working out. And besides those gyms are to get the most strength physically your body can get in a realm and for his body to get stronger he would need to go in the next realm of the martial world or a new and extra strength system.

He first needs to get out of the hotel because the club isn't here because just like he said it isn't property of the hotel. They are associated with each other and therefor if you are in the hotel you can also go inside here.

Before the club he sees the name which is 'scathhanna club' which means shadows. The club isn't only this one but has some clubs spread over a lot of city's in Erora empire. The club is know for its quality. And after setting foot inside he sees it looks the same as in his past live but more futuristic. After showing his hotel card he is in a big hall and there some people sitting in some chairs and some standing. To his right is apparently the restaurant but he isn't hungry.

After walking around for a while I arrived at a balcony where I can see the whole golf course and it is enormous. Unlike in his previous world where the land was becoming too little in this world there is more than enough land. I mean some planets are used to experiment making a perfect Eco system or other things.

When he is enjoying the view he feels a hand on his shoulder and hears a voice.

"Hello, are you perhaps Nico White."

Hearing someone know his name here isn't too surprising because in the hotel his name spread after people seeing him and being curious and that receptionist probably spread it. He answers with.

"Yes that is me, and you are..."

Before he can finish he stops because what he sees is pink hair with pink eyes and a face he is familiar with and says with a surprised, angry and a bit loud voice.

"Hey, you're Eden Wexner. The perverted who made photos of me."

He wants to hit him but doesn't let his emotions control him. And this person is not only much stronger than him but also has a powerful backgrounder. Although he feels that he has every right to hit him. He hears him answer with a chuckle and.

"Hehehe, you must know me and I only took those pictures because I was memorized with your face."

He says with a cheeky smile like he did nothing wrong and he says it in a way and with a tone that it is like Eden says that Nico is the person in the wrong.

Hearing this answer Nico thinks back when he first saw Eden's face. At that moment he thought he looked like a person who would always tease others and just be irritating but not a bad person. But he did that thought away because he didn't want to judge a person based on looks but now he knows he was right.

"You, 'don't hit him, don't hit him'. What do you want."

Nico first says in an angry tone but then in a calm tone like he didn't care. And Eden answers with a confused tone.

"Are you angry, did I do something wrong."

He says looking confused but just goes on with this.

"Well it doesn't matter. I just wanted to talk to you."

He says in a cheery tone but before Nico can say anything he looks around and says.

"It would be better in a private place."

And takes Nico at the wrist and basically drags/kidnaps Nico and because he is too strong Nico can't even properly struggle. After walking to the restaurant and taking a few stairs they arrive at private eating place you can reserve or if you have an VIP card you can always go in one if there is one available. After arriving in a room full of food Nico starts to suspect that from already before the meeting Eden knew he would end up here.