
Chapter 51, A princely arrival


With night drawing close, Reskeme placed the metal grill over the forge. Reskeme crossed the room and reached for the bastard sword they had finished. Its silver crossguard held the weapon up on two pegs. He handled the weapon carefully, keeping the blade well away from his limbs. Reskeme winced as smoke filled his nose, one of the wooden pegs falling to the ground as the blade of the sword cut through the wood like a knife through butter.

" What about a scabbard? How will anyone carry this thing without a scabbard?" said Reskeme. He set the sword flat on the anvil, wiping his neck with a towel. Reskeme drank deeply of lukewarm water, stretching his limbs, his arms and back popped and he let out a sigh of relief.

Excitement welled in his chest. He pushed aside his fatigue as thoughts of their mission approached.

" Crap, I totally spaced out about that." said Michael wincing.

" Well, we still have a day, don't we? asked Reskeme.

" Well now, we only have tomorrow. Thats going to be tough. At least the scabbard should be a lot less time-consuming than the weapon itself. How much time until your friends show up?" Said Michael.

" Friends is as far from the truth as it gets. I'm not sure when the church thugs will show up, but I'm assuming they will be here for the auction. That high priest guy does not take me for the kind of guy that likes to wait around." said Reskeme, his dislike entering his voice.

" You sound distrustful of the church?" Said Michael. Reskeme sighed and looked Michael in the eyes.

" To be honest, I think the church is going to arrest me or kill me after they get the relic." Said Reskeme.

" Then why don't you just run away?" Asked Michael.

" I need some sort of distraction. When the church arrives to shut down the guild, I will use that to escape. If I leave before then one of the church assassins will just show up one night and stab me while I sleep." said Reskeme grumbling.

" What if the church keeps working with you?" Asked Michael.

"Do I need to answer that? I'm a demon Michael. I'm not fool enough to think they will let me live." Said, Reskeme feeling a little lighter after sharing his thoughts.

Michael shuffled as he leaned against the anvil in the center of the room. The man straightened up, smoothing his scarred leather apron, seeming to have come to a conclusion.

" What about Rory and Alex? How will you flee the city with them in tow?" Asked Michael.

" I'm not sure, but I promised I would protect them." Said Reskeme.

" Sounds like you have no idea what you 're going to do? Why don't you come to the Sauren academy?" asked Michael.

" What? You're going to an academy?" Asked Reskeme.

" Yes, my father suggested I go when the guild was refusing my membership. I was going to go until you showed up. Now I think its best for me to go to the academy. I made plans after you told me the church is going to shut down this place. After the guild is gone, I will have nowhere to go. i was hoping you would come with me?" Said Michael, concern and excitement playing on his face.

" Don't get your hopes up. Going to a magic academy sounds like a lot of trouble for me." Said Reskeme.

" You 're old enough, right? You only need to be fifteen to enter." Said Michael.

Reskeme paused, wait was he fifteen? Reskeme did not know. He assumed he was. Maybe he was sixteen this year?

" How old do I look?" asked Reskeme curiously.

" It's hard to tell. That illusion amulet makes you look fifteen or sixteen. How don't you know your age?" Asked Michael.

"The details don't matter. All that matters is I look like I'm old enough. Besides, I doubt I will get the chance to go to some fancy academy." Said Reskeme, slumping his shoulders.

" With our rune smithing, we could definitely get in. Master Mervin says the Sauren academy would pay for our schooling if we promise to work in Laurentia for a few years." Said Michael.

" This academy is in Laurentia?" Asked Reskeme wearily.

" Yes. In the northern capitol city. The Laurentian's would kill to have some runesmiths enter their school. We can't share knowledge of our craft with just anyone, but there is nothing saying we can't work in another country." Said Michael.

" I don't know. That sounds like a lot of trouble. Are you sure you would be willing to risk me being with you? The church will hunt me." Said Reskeme, eying Michael.

Did he trust Michael enough? He liked Michael, but how much could he trust the man?

Michael must have noticed Reskeme's hesitation as he eyed him thoughtfully.

" For one, I can take Rory and Alex with me. There is no way you can flee with them. And the second reason is I need you to continue being a rune smith. Without someone with your affinity or similar, then I am just a normal blacksmith." Said Michael clenching and unclenching his large hands.

Reskeme nodded. If there was one thing he could trust, it was that people were self serving. And if Michael thought it was in his best interest to help Reskeme, then Reskeme could trust the outcome.

" That can work, but we can talk about that later. Now that it's late, we should be able to get that meeting with the guild master." Said, Reskeme excitement welling in his chest.

Micheal took a roll of thick leather and wrapped the sword from hilt to tip. He picked up the weapon by its handle, wearily holding the now covered sword.

" Let's go, carrying this thing is disturbing." Said Michael. They stepped into the courtyard, Michael holding the sword away from himself like it was a poisonous snake. It probably didn't help the man's nerves to know it was a demon that helped make it.

Reskeme and Michael enter the winding corridor of the main guild house. Guarding the door were two soldiers that stood out from the usual guild guards. Their armour expensive and their stances distinctly menacing.

" Halt! What business do you have in this wing of the guild house?" Said one soldier, his hand drifting to the sword hilt at his waist.

" We are going to see the guild master! He may want to see the weapon we have created." Said Michael, pointing to the copper guild token on his chest, a smile splitting the man's face.

" The guild master is with his highness, the prince. Unless you have urgent business, then bugger off." Said the Royal guard turning up his nose at them.

Reskeme shudder as he felt the man channel mana. The mans power felt like he could squash Reskeme like a bug. Compared to Kellar, however, the guard's power felt less. That meant the guard was probably a journeymen mage. Reskeme scowled. He couldn't tell which stage of that level the man was at.

Reskeme swallowed, clearing his dry throat. After the other day when he channels his first five layered runes, Reskeme could consider himself a peak stage apprentice. Once Reskeme reached six layers, then he could finally call himself a novice. Well, that was what the journeymen rune book said. Reskeme smiled, who knew the secret to channeling his fifth and sixth rune would be offered to him by his enemy.

His progress was fast, and he was mediocre in advancement progress, but his control over mana was usually good for his age. However, that didn't mean he could challenge someone three ranks above him and survive.

Reskeme choked as he felt the guards will press down on him, surrounding him like a rock pressing down on a bug. The guard turned up his nose in disdain, sniffing hotly.

" They are both weak, neither of them even has reached the first stage of heart awakening." Said the first Royal guard.

" Very well bugs, you may pass. However, you will need to wait once you reach the front desk. Give our friends trouble, or raise that sword anywhere near our prince and you will suffer." Said the Royal Guard. Reskeme shudder as the Royal guard channel his mana, the immense pressure making Reskemes muscles ache.

" I am sorry for your misfortune. Having a nose like that can't be good for your chances with the ladies." Said Reskeme casually as they strode by.

The guard's eye flashed with anger as he reached up to touch his bulbous nose.

" At least I'm not a lowly gutter rat." replied the Royal guard testily.

" Ya we'll you look like the son of an eel -

A grip like iron clamped on Reskeme's shoulder, cutting off his retort. The guard glared at Reskeme as they retreated down the hall. The guard channeled mana again, letting Reskeme feel its immense pressure.

Reskeme gasped for breath as Michael dragged him away. Reskeme grit his teeth, biting back another retort. Michael's iron grip on his shoulder helped, but Reskeme was actually proud of himself. Holding his tongue in the face of jerks was hard.

" Ouch! Not so hard." Said Reskeme, reaching up to remove Michael's hand from his shoulder. Reskeme massaged his bruised shoulder as they rounded the corner, now out of the guard's hearing.

" I just had to make sure you said nothing too offensive." Said Michael, shaking his head in disappointment.

" Hey it's not my fault that guard had a stick up his ass." Said Reskeme, glowering at Michael as they continued on down the well-lit hallway. Lanterns hung on walls, making sure all the passers-by could see the paintings and murals on the roof.

" Son of an eel? That's the best insult you could think of?" asked Michael.

" Well, didn't you see his nose? He looked like an eel farmer." asked Reskeme, spreading his hands apart, showing the length.

"Yes, but you can't provoke royal guards. You could be flogged if his highness was there to see it." said Michael.

Reskeme nodded, slumping his shoulders.

"I know, I just couldn't stand when people were such assholes." said Reskeme, knowing that was a bad idea.

They used their copper amulets of the guild to pass several more guards along the way, finally reaching the office of the guild master. Standing outside of the door were four guards, two in the guild's livery and two in the dark brown and black accents of the royal guard.

Just as they approached the guards, the door to the guild master's office swung open. Wallace, Lucas and a young man wearing a silver circlet exited the room one after the other.

" I cannot wait to see what you have available in two days." said the young man as his eyes roved curiously over Reskeme and then Michael.

" Of course, your highness, you will not be disappointed. I have already seen a shield that might catch your eye. They smiths that created it were rather creative." said Lucas, his eyes following that of the princes to Reskeme and Michael.

" Who are these two? They look like there here to show you something." said the Prince a smile crawling onto the young mans face.

Reskeme caught Wallace's wide eyes. The official gestured them to stay still with a firm shake of his head.

" These are two of my new members. In fact, they are the same two that made the shield I was just talking about." said Lucas.

" How intriguing, do you always personally asses your members' product?" replied the Prince.

" Only when the members are exceptional. These two have proven they are just that." said Lucas bowing to the Prince.

" That is high praise Guild master. I wish to see what they are working on. Perhaps one of my knights would want something they have?" said the Prince.

" Perhaps, your highness, I leave that up to you to decide." said Lucas diplomatically.

" Captain, would you mind?" said the prince, gesturing towards the bundled object in Michael's hands.

"Of course, your highness." said one of the two guards now standing on either side of the prince. The guard on the left stalked forwards. He moved like a cat stalking its prey, his every movement graceful and silent. The man paused in front of Michael. Even the man's presence oozed danger. The man reached up to chest height, his palm flat to receive the sword. Reskeme shivered as he met the man's cold eyes. Michael as well seemed startled, not moving until the guard cleared his throat.

" May I see the sword, young man?" asked the Knight captain in a deep, pleasant voice.

" Yes, of course. Be careful. The blade has some nasty runes on it." said Michael as he set the pommel of the sword in the knight's hand.

Reskeme smiled as the Knight captain unfurled the wool cloth carefully. In the bright light of the waiting room, the sword took Reskeme's breath away. It may not be perfect, but the runes of purple and green imbedded into the hilt and the gems on the pommel and silver crossguard sparkled in the light of the rune lanterns.

" Well balanced, with a fine edge." said The Knight captain as he swung around the bastard sword.

" What does the sword do? I have never seen life runes on a sword? That makes little sense. Wouldn't it heal people when you cut them?" asked the prince, bouncing on his toes excitedly.

"I wouldn't try that!" said Reskeme, cutting in.

Everyone in the room looked at him with varying degrees of anger and shock. Reskeme's toe exploded in pain as Michael stomped on his foot.

" Say your highness you idiot." hissed Michael.

" I wouldn't try that, your highness." stammered Reskeme, panic welling in his chest as he hastily bowed to hide his fear.

" Why is that? It is life mana." Reply the Prince curiously.

" I have a deviant form of life mana. The sword will cause horrible burns to whoever it cuts, your highness." reply Reskeme, ignoring his throbbing foot.

"Really? Now that is rare, Zern activate the monster core." order the Prince.

Reskeme felt a light tingling across his body as Zern, the Knight captain of his highness the prince activated the swords monster's heart imbedded in the crossguard. Zern's form blurred a moment after he channel mana into the weapon. Reskeme smiled as the prince's eyes went wide.

" That is outstanding! Zern move around, I want to see if the illusion stays with you." said the Prince, his once regale appearance replaced by that of a young man exited to get a new toy. The silhouette of Zern blurred as he moved. It was like water rippling across a pond as the distorted outline of Zern moved across the room towards the Prince.

Zern reappeared right in front of the prince, his lythe well built form seeming to tower, as for a moment the Knight captain overshadow his prince. The Knight captain knelt and offer the sword to the prince by its hilt. The prince gently took the sword, weary of touching the blade. Reskeme let out a sigh of relief as the sword was lifted from the knight's hands. Reskeme's heart beat rapidly. He really hoped nothing happened, as he didn't want to be blamed if the prince lost a finger.

" Would you like to test the sword your highness, the training room is just down the hall?" asked Lucas, bowing deeply.

" Of course, lets go." said the Prince swinging the sword as he smiled excitedly.

The official and Michael's friend Wallace bowed. Wallace strode with confidants towards a side door.

" This way your Highness, please allow me to lead the way to training hall." said Wallace, his graceful bow making Reskeme gape.

Reskeme stood still as the two knights of his highness followed right after the prince.

" Come with us, I hope your sword lives up to expectation." said Lucas as the man strode towards the hallway door. Reskeme's eyes went wide as he rapidly glanced from the guild master's two guards to the guild master. Reskeme strode on an intercept course with the guild master after the prince. The guild master didn't even glance at Reskeme as he strode purposefully towards the training hall.

Reskeme's heart raced, and his fingers twitched. Reskeme reached the door first, and the door slid open. Reskeme paused, taking a step into the opening just as Lucas did. Reskeme prayed to Lytheria for luck as his deft fingers darted into the guild master's right pocket just as they collided. He felt metal and gently pulled his hand from the man's coat pocket.

Reskeme stumbled against the wall, keeping his right hand to his side. Reskeme didn't clench his hand. That was the mistake of a rookie.

" I'm sorry guild master, I didn't mean to bump into you." said Reskeme. Stepping away and slumping against the wall, just out of sight of the guards.

" Guild master! Are you alright." shouted one of the guard rushing across the room.

Lucas held open the door and peered out, waving the two men away.

" I'm fine, back to your posts." order Lucas. Lucas then turns back to Reskeme, his cold eyes assessing Reskeme.

Reskeme kept his palms flat, squeezing the metal key between his fingers, hoping he didn't drop it. Standing, Reskeme smiled and bowed to the guild master, gesturing down the hall after the prince. The guild master strode down the hall, glancing over his shoulder several times wearily. Reskeme waited until Michael enter the hallway.

" What was that about?" asked Michael as he joined Reskeme.

"I accidentally bumped into Lucas." said Reskeme as they strode down the hall. Reskeme casually placed the metal key into his leather apron.

" Did you get it?" asked Michael, leaning in to whisper.

" Don't do that, you look suspicious." said Reskeme, leaning away.

" Well, do you have it?" asked Michael as they approached the training hall.

Reskeme only answered by smiling and patting just above his heart where there was a pocket on the inside of his leather apron. One knight eyed them as they enter the training hall. The prince stood stalk still in the center of the stone floor of the training hall as one knight dragged a wooden training dummy to the center of the room. Reskeme cocked his head, noticing the other people in the training hall. Several other members of the guild were lurking on the far side of the training hall, keeping their distance from the prince with a sword.

His Highness ignored the audience as he widened his stance and whirled into a graceful dance. The sword shimmer as it cut through the air. The prince twisted, his feet blurring as the sword sang. Appearing to be an extension of his arm. And then, like the strike of a snake, the prince lashed out, the shimmering metal slashing across the wooden dummy's wooden arm. Not missing a beat, the prince slashed the other arm and then cut a deep gouge across the chest.

Both wooden arms of the dummy clatter to the stone floor as foul smoke rose into the air. The wooden chest of the dummy went up in smoke as its wooden torso crumbled to ash. The prince turned around, grinning like an idiot. He stared Reskeme in the eyes, a smile splitting his face.

" I love it. Tell me this is going to be for sale." Said the Prince.

" Of course, your highness. We are selling it with the shield." said Reskeme, excitement welling in his chest.

" Is the shield the same quality as the sword?" asked the Prince

" Of course, your highness." said Michael the young man practically trembling as he addressed the prince.

" I would like to test that as well if its not too much trouble." said the Prince, turning to Reskeme with a cheeky grin. The Prince's dark brown doublet with silver embroidery fit his tall athletic frame like a glove. A silver circlet adorned his head, giving him a Reagle appearance.

" Of course, your highness, I will return shortly." reply Reskeme. Wallace cleared his throat as Reskeme turned to leave. Wallace shook his head, the man's eyes pleading from Reskeme to stay still.

" You may go. Return as quick as possible." said the prince.

Forcing himself to not comment, he hurried from the room. Reskeme sighed as he speed walked down the hall. Reskeme retrieved the shield and returned to the training hall. He strode into the hallway leading to the Training hall. Several well-dressed young men stood in the hallway, looking inside.

" Hello, can you move I need to get in there?" said Reskeme, pushing past Stan and Ethan.

" What? You can't just walk up to the prince." said Stan angrily as Reskeme strode past the Royal Knight. To the young nobles' shock, the royal nights didn't stop Reskeme from entering the training hall with the prince.

Reskeme held out the shield, still surprised at its beauty. The polished steel, bracketed with silver wire, looked mesmerizing. Especially with the purple garnets and small emeralds blending in with the purple and green runes in the center.

Reskeme paused, arms outstretched, presenting the shield to the prince as he caught Wallace's pale face from the corner of his vision.

" Knell you fool." order Zern the Knight captain. The prince raised one callused hand, his other dangling by his side, the sword held casually.

" I will allow it." said the Prince reaching out and taking the shield by the leather straps.

" My prince, allow me to test the shield." said Zern as the man strode up and knelt in front of the prince.

" Of course, captain. I got over exited." said the Prince, presenting the shield to Zern. The Knight captain stood and back away, slipping his arm into the strap.

" Zern, I mean captain. Give yourself some space." said Reskeme, looking to the Knight captain and then back to the prince still only an arm's length away.

Zern walked further from the prince and with a light tingle of mana, a green barrier of four runes formed. The runes shimmered, creating a dome over the knight captain in a shimmering green barrier.

Reskeme couldn't help himself. He laughed as the prince gaped at the barrier of green swirling mana.

"What are you laughing about?" asked the prince.

" I think i had the same expression when I first saw the shield in action, your highness." said Reskeme chuckling. The prince laughed, a genuine smile splitting his face.

" Would you do the honours? I need someone to hold the shield to test its strength." Asked the prince, adjusting the circlet and jostling his plated, silky brown hair.

" That sounds dangerous. How about you hold the shield and I swing the sword?" replied Reskeme. He immediately swallowed as the room filled with a deathly quiet.

The prince burst out laughing.

" You are right, i would be weary of someone swinging this at me." replied the Prince, holding the sword in front of him and admiring the weapon.

Reskeme let out a laugh, releasing the built tension. Reskeme needed to get his shit together before he said something the prince found offensive. Judging by everyone's reactions, Reskeme was lucky the prince took his remark as a joke.

" We could hang the shield from one of the practice dummies for you to hit to your heart's content. Fair warning you break it you buy it." said Reskeme cracking a smile at his last comment.

" Bah, of course good sir.. Zern, stop messing around with that barrier and drag over one of those practice dummies." said the Prince, stretching his shoulders, clearly enjoying himself.

" My name is Reskeme, your highness." said Reskeme, feeling the urge to offer his name to the likeable prince.

" Reskeme, what an unusual name for an unusual young man. How did someone so young make something so magnificent like this sword?" asked the Prince.

" Well, I just added the mana. It was my friend who did all the work. He is the true journeymen rune smith." said Reskeme, nodding his head across the room to Michael.

" So it is you with this bizarre green mana?" asked the prince. Reskeme stood next to the prince as one of the royal knights dragged a training dummy to the center of the room and placed the shield on its arm.

" Yes, that is why Michael keeps me around." said Reskeme.

"You are one strange young man. You blunder through educate like a wild donkey and yet I enjoy your company. Your candid speech is refreshing. Many would tout their own grandness in search of my good graces and yet you praise your friend." said the Prince. Reskeme peered up into the man's eyes, the prince nearly half a head taller than him.

" I may only have a few friends, but the ones I have, I cherish. So please, my prince, test the sword on the shield. My friend Michael and I would be proud to have you be the first to test our weapons." said Reskeme bowing an awkward half bow half curtsy. Reskeme flushed. He could swear someone snickered, but he didn't look away from the prince.

" You 're going to make my head hurt, bowing like that. A nod will be fine. Please call me Rainier." said the Prince.

" Of course, Rainier." said Reskeme, nodding his head respectfully. Around him he could hear the onlookers whispers as the prince gave Reskeme permission to forgo his title.

The prince eyed the hanging shield and dashed forward, the faint channeling of mana tingling in Reskemes skin as the air cracked with Rainier's speed. Reskeme blinked as one moment the prince stood next to him and the next the prince was bringing down his sword towards the dummy's unprotected head. The man was must be using body mana? The sword glinted smoke floating into the air as the sword gouged into wood. In a rapid staccato rhythm, Rainier drew the sword back again and struck with all his might. The shield let out a clang like the ringing of a bell.

The prince lept away, twirling the sword and moving to sheath it at his side, only to realize his own sword was still in its scabbard. Flushing but still in control, the prince held up the weapon, looking closely at the edge.

Reskeme, who was the closest to the prince and the knight captain, was the only one who heard as Zern leaned into whisper to the prince.

" Your highness, need I remind you that flourishing your sword like that is unnecessary and can leave you open for attack." Whisper the Knight captain Zern. The prince flushed for a moment, slightly embarrassed. Just as quickly, a grin split his face as some in the crown clapped.

" What do you think, your highness? Is it to your satisfaction?" asked Lucas, pride in his voice.

" Indeed guild master. There is only a superficial scratch on the shield and the edge of the sword looks as though it has never been wielded." said Prince Rainier, nodding towards Michael approvingly. His nod didn't go unnoticed by the growing crowd on the far side of the training hall. Reskeme met the eyes of Stan and Ethan noticing their accessing gases. He smiled. They appeared mad and even exited as though they, too, wanted to show off their weapons as well.

Prince Rainier reached out and offer the sword back to Reskeme, making sure he had the hilt before letting go.

" That was cool. You are so damned fast, Rainier. Even if I was using battle runes, I think you would get to me before I could create them." said Reskeme.

" Battle runes? Where did you learn those?" asked Prince rainier. His eyes widening in excitement.

" I Fought the Darva several times with the army." reply Reskeme wearily.

" Well now, aren't you just a bundle of surprises? You can use battle runes and the finer runes needed to create things like this shield." said Prince Rainier.

"Well, i have an excellent teacher. Michael says that battle runes are like using a cart when you only need a hammer to solve a problem." said Reskeme, chuckling to himself.

"The knight captain says much the same thing. Zern is always talking about practicality over beauty. But this sword and shield are both practical and beautiful. I have yet to enter battle. That is why I'm here. I'm gathering provisions for my forces." said Prince Rainier.

" If you can find something to help you see at night, then I would suggest getting that above all else. The Darva loves to attack when us humans cannot see well. Having fancy magic weapons is nice but that won't save you from the Darva that you never see coming." said Reskeme.

" Are you telling me not to buy your sword and shield?" Asked Rainier, grinning.

" No, I'm saying to buy something that helps you see in the dark. That mana barrier on the shield should help you or your knights against the Darvan spears. But that's not the same as seeing them coming. Sometimes the sneaky Darva crept right up onto our force and nobody noticed until it was too late." Said Reskeme.

" I appreciate your advice. Now if you will excuse me, Reskeme i have things to do. I will see you tomorrow for the auction, have a pleasant day." said Prince Rainier as he saunter past Reskeme, leaving the sword in Reskeme's hand.

Reskeme gripped the wire hilt and retrieved the shield from the practice dummy, noticing the scratch marring the polished surface. He grumbled. That would take some work to polish out. He smiled, hoping Micheal couldn't read his expression. The man would laugh if he knew Reskeme was planning to spend time re-polishing the shield to return it to its former glory.

" Nicely done. His highness seems pleased with your work. You have shown yourself to be just as promising as Wallace said you would be." said Lucas loudly.

"Thank you guild master." reply Michael. Reskeme could see the man's flush as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

Reskeme crossed the training hall and settle next to Michael, the young mans embarrassment making him crack a smile. Reskeme sighed. It couldn't be helped that Michael was so damned handsome.

"You two will be at the auction tomorrow evening?" order Lucas. Reskeme nodded. Followed immediately by Michael.

" Drop off your weapons tomorrow at my personal aid. She will list them with the auction registry." Said Lucas. Reskeme had a thought. He remembered that old book in the guild master's office. If he recalled correctly, that was the rune book for masters and the personal journal of some guy named j,a.

" Guild master, what about that old fancy rune book? Can we have a copy of that instead of the master book on runes?" Asked Reskeme before Lucas left.

" I never agreed to giving you the master rune smithing book. I never agreed to giving you a copy of the journal." Said Lucas, waving dismissively.

" It's a journal? Who's journal?" Asked Reskeme.

" None of your business. The master book on runes will be a gift to Michael only if the prince buys your weapons. Perhaps in time I may allow you to look at the journal." Said Lucas.

Judging by the man's ridged stance and sneer, there was no way Reskeme was going to get to look at the journal, much less touch it. Reskeme paused. Maybe he could take it? He shook his head Reskeme needed to focus. He risked enough already.

Lucas smiled at them both and gave them a nod before he spun on his heel and strode confidently from the room.

Michael turned on Reskeme.

" I can't believe you! That was stupid. That knight captain looked like he was going to run you through." Said Michael, gesturing wildly.

" It was fine, and did you see Rainier's speed? If I made a move on him, the prince would have run me through in the blink of an eye." Said Reskeme waving his hand dismissively.

" That right there, your casual tone, is what I'm talking about. You can't go around talking to a prince like just a normal person." pleaded Michael in a defeated tone.

"I can, and he gave me permission to use his name. Lets go, all these people are making me nervous." Said Reskeme, grinning, rocking back on his heels.

Ahh, hope you enjoy!

Bearscholarcreators' thoughts