What Happens when a boy with an unexpected mutation within his blood ends up within the governments hands? Find out here!
A creature stood motionless before an ocean of blood. It almost appeared human. Its left side, a mess of metal and flesh. It's right, a writhing clump of blood and skin squirming.
The ocean began to bubble and curdle. A few minutes pass. It's bubbling violently. Waves crash against cave walls. The blood sloshes against the creature. It doesn't move.
An almost cynical voice booms across the cavern, "You're a freak, a monster! Just look at yourself!"
The creature doesn't move.
"You can't ignore me forever!"
It refuses to acknowledge the voice
"All of this is your doing!"
It remained still.
"You killed everyone you love!"
It flinched. The ocean began bubbling even more violently. The creature tried to speak, but only a low growl was let out.
"In an attempt to save everyone, you've only become the very monster they were afraid of!"
The creature seemed agitated now.
The voice let out a wicked cackle. "Even in this hell of ours, in this prison you created, i still reign supreme!"
The ocean began to meld and mold into a shape. All of the blood meshed together to form an 18 foot tall man who slowly took color. Its skin is a writhing mixture of black and red. It wore a suit as dark as the void. Its face an endlessly shifting mess of movement, the only constant being the mouth that remained in its place. Several fangs sat between its lips. It snickered at the previous creature that appeared like a small kitten next to the abomination formed of blood.
The man picked up the creature by its neck and cackled. The cynical voice boomed as it spoke, "You created this place to hold me, yet you yourself seem to be the only one who's trapped here!" Another wicked cackle escaped it lips.
The creature struggled against the giant. The metallic fleshy mess on its left writhed about as if it were a pile of snakes. The bloody right side began to meld and mold itself into a bloody owl wing.
The creature struggled. It had a look of terror on its face. The giant cackled and simply whispered, "You killed your parents, your friends, and your savior. You have no place left out there. Just stay here with me, and you will never have to worry ever again." Several demonic grins formed around the giants face.