
Silent Resolve

In the once-respected hero's fall from grace, he stumbles upon the injured vampire in a moment of self-doubt and isolation. Despite the disdain of those he once called friends and allies, he chooses to extend a helping hand to the creature of the night, leading to a tumultuous journey of self-discovery and redemption. As they confront their inner demons and face external threats, the unlikely duo must navigate a world that has turned against them, forging an unbreakable bond in the shadows of their past mistakes. ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Just wanted to say a few things. First of all, as this is my first book, i accept all kinds of criticism. That helps me become a better writer and it is welcomed but i don't want any hate. If you don't like my book, drop it and don't hate on me. Anyway thanks for giving this book a chance.

FugiTee · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs


I woke up this morning feeling groggy while attempting to gain my bearings. I felt weird with something weighing on my chest and as I looked to the source, I saw a sleeping Carmilla and Zephyr on my chest. Carmilla seemed to have felt my heartbeat hasten because her eyes shot open before she looked at me with stuffy red eyes as though she was crying. I started to worry before she launched herself towards me as she locked her lips with mine and as I was still waking up, I didn't think much as I just reciprocated the kiss.

We stayed like that for a bit before we separated, albeit with reluctance. She looked at me like a person who woke up from a coma when I finally realized just where I was. I looked around to see a small stuffy room as though there were no windows before looking towards a thirsty Carmilla whose eyes were still stuffy. I have lived with her long enough to know when she needs to drink. I revealed my neck when I saw her staring at me with an angry expression before she started to cry while saying:

"I thought I lost you when your heartbeat kept slowing down, you scared me so much!"

"What do you mean Milly?" I asked her with a worried expression.

"You were unconscious for 3 weeks! We thought you were going to die."

I looked at her with widened eyes before my memories resurfaced and I remembered what happened before I fell asleep. I looked at her for a bit before embracing her while apologizing. I then felt like I had forgotten something before I remembered the locket and took it out. Milly and I looked at it as I finally opened it to reveal my mother on a large treetop with a baby in her hands. The baby was blurred so I couldn't see who they were but I could make out white eyes with long hair with long ears, seemingly an elf. 

Zephyr woke up from the commotion and groggily raised herself from my chest before looking towards me. When she saw me, she started jumping around excitedly which plastered a smile across my face. I hugged her and she started making noise in the room while making a mess of my face with saliva. We stopped playing after a bit and I turned to Carmilla

"Milly, I appreciate your concern but I didn't expect you to cry for me. I'm flattered." I said so while trying to ease her however that didn't seem to work. I chuckled and got up from the bed before walking to the mirror. I checked myself out and seemed to have been half naked with only my underwear on.

"Adam, I never had someone to care for me like you do. When we got close, I realized how nice life could be so the thought of you dying and leaving me made me sad." I froze at her declaration before saying, "I'm glad I made an impact in your life."

We stayed in silence before I eventually broke it.

"Milly, can you tell me exactly what happened while I was out. Maybe you can get yourself a drink before doing so." I turned to her while removing my hair from my neck. I made a mental note to myself to cut my hair because it seemed like my hair had grown out a bit in the time I was unconscious. Milly came to me and started drinking my blood and she went on until I had to push her away on my own because I was starting to feel lightheaded.

"How long has it been since you drank Milly, you know that you can drink from me anytime." She looked sad at my question while answering:

"I didn't drink because your heartbeat kept on slowing down and I thought that drinking from you might cause your death." I smiled at her before sitting down and laying Zephyr on my lap as though I was listening. She started narrating the events since my "awakening", or what seemed like one.

"When you fell unconscious, Richard, Zephyr and I didn't think much of it so we continued our night. We kept moving for 3 days before getting worried about your state so we hastened our pace and made it to Rathalu after 5 days. From there we rushed to a medic to help you and he told us that he couldn't find any problem with you and that you likely suffered a mana drainage that resulted in your coma. We believed him until you started to lose your colour and your heartbeat became slower. We brought the doctor to you and he once again said the same thing but I knew he was lying because mana recovers in 3-5 days. He seemed to have an interest in you but I felt scepticism regarding his interest and what made it worse was that he was an elf, you don't find elves in this part of the continent and if you do, it's never in small towns like this. I felt like he had plans for you so I felt like he had known about you for a while now. Please be careful around him, I don't trust him."

I listened to her attentively and was about to ask more regarding the doctor but a knock came at the door at that moment, disrupting me. Zephyr opened the door with her tail, something I didn't know she could do, which revealed an elf with Richard beside him. 

So, I'm at a loss for what to put here soooo

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

There we go, no effort at all :D

FugiTeecreators' thoughts