
Silent Nightmare

Do you know Kira Hyuuga? No? Shes the older twin of Hinata Hyuuga. Still doesnt ring a bell? Cursed? No? Since you still dont remember her it looks like I will have to tell you her story. The story of Kira Hyuuga the unfathomable and the unbroken.

Ashmulee_Mulee · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Kyra POV

Soon I came to my little sisters room where I opened up her door a little loudly.

'Thank Kami' I sighed as I saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed as I walked in and made my way towards her sleeping form.

She was sucking her thumb while sleeping with a little bit of drool slipping down her face. 'CUTE!' I furrowed my brows as an idea came to mind...but am I ready for it...

I then shook my head to clear out my thoughts as I looked at a sleeping Hinata 'Anything for her'. With that my decision was made as I looked over towards my left to see Hinatas desk as I walked over and pulled open the drawer to get a peice of paper and pencil as I began to write.


After i had written that note and left in on her bedside I crept down the corridors in a hurried pace as I made my way towards the training room where the Kunais are located. I slowly entered the room where the Kunais are stored and stood upon a stool to grab three of them tucking one in my clothing on my right thigh while the second was located in my sash that I had tied around my waist.

With the last and final one in my hand as I stared at it with fear and sadness as I grabbed a handful of my beautiful long hair and cut it, cut it as short as Hinatas.

'After all If I'm going to pretend to be Hinata I must look the part'

When I was finished I then took this Kunai and placed it on the inside of my long sleeve with a peice of string holding it in place as I made my way out of the training room to the outer most of the compound knowing if I kept walking around I will be noticed and captured.

With the same thought as before upon her mind 'WHY HAVEN'T THE GUARDS NOTICED!!!'

But this thought was still unanswered as i felt a hand clamp over my mouth and darkness was soon surrounding me.

---Next Morning (3rd Person)

It was morning time, people moving birds chirping, but even though all this happiness inside the Hyuga Compound it was the opposite with a mother and daughter crying, impassive father,sad uncle and cousin...etc

"HOW!!" Yelled out a voice as he struck the table in front of him startling the others.


'Yawn' I rolled over in my bed curling closer to the covers only to here the crinkling of papers.

'Why is there paper in my bed?' I wondered as I then sat up to see why the paper was there. I felt around on my bed for a little bit before I found it all crumpled up beneath my covers and opened it.

'Hello, my sister' I furrowed my brows as I recognized the writing. 'I know you may be wondering why am I writing to you when I could just see you and tell you...Well you wont be seeing me again' My eyes widen at this as I hurriedly skimmed through the contents. When I was done tears came out of my eyes as I yelled


Only to hear at the same time father yelling "GUARDS"

----Hiashi POV

I sighed again for the hundredth time again today as I looked at the sky.

'Should be about time for them to awaken' I thought as I got up from my chair and walked towards the training room planning on waiting for them two to arrive.

As I walked towards the room thoughts of yesterday played through my mind.

'Hinata will get the Caged bird seal and live with Hizashi and Neji. While I will train Kira to be the strongest and how to use the Caged seal'

I sighed internally as I dread what Kyra will feel like when Hinata is taken away..disowned.

'Troublesome' i thought as i slid open the door to the training room and walked in. Looking around i noticed something that looked like hair on the floor. So I walked towards it.

'Hair?' I thought 'Only Kyr-' I looked up suddenly now noticing that three Kunais was missing as I yelled out.

"GUARDS" Not before Hinata yelled for Me and my wife at the same time.


--Hiashi POV

I sat there at my desk absolutely furious waiting on the Hokage to come over. As I was waiting in looked at my wife and daughter crying, Last night guards scared, a Hizashi and Nejii, and a note on my desk. A note that I have read many of times over this past hour, a note knowing what my daughter had done.

'I guess you already told them I was missing? I wont say much for I dont have much time. But all I can say that I chose this. Dont be hard on yourself Hinata, be good for father and mother. Dont be sad, smile and live a good life...hopefully we will meet again. Just so you know I love you my sister I love you all and there isnt anything I wont do for you. 'By the way Where's the Guards''

I furrowed my brows at this once again 'What did she mean where's the guards' My eyes widen slightly with realization as I looked up coldly at the guards in front of me "It looks like we have a rat to kill" I spoke in a cold voice as the Hokage finally showed up.

--? POV

I grinned to myself as I hoisted the little girl over my shoulder 'We finally got her, a Hyuga within our control and no one knows who did it' I then started following my other teammates as we made our way back home.

"Shes still asleep?" My leader asks as he looked behind him to me. I nodded "Yes, the knockout drug we gave her works wonders she should be sleeping all the way." He nods as he turns his head back forward.

They kept on moving forward taking breaks redrugging Kyra ,just incase it works through her system faster, until they made it to the border of Kumo with only one day left of traveling until they reach their village and present the Raikage with the Hyuga.

The person who was carrying Kyra laid her down against the tree as he walked off to talk to his leader forgetting to drug her again.

--2 hours later

It's now night time and the team that has Kira feel asleep with one standing watch incase someone attacks camp.

--Kyra POV

'mmm' I started moving a little feeling the stiffness in my bones as I opened my eyes to a blurry image, I blinked them a couple more times til I could see straight.

'Where am i?' I thought as I tried to get up only to feel sharp jolts of pain shoot through my body gritting my teeth I keep moving til I was sitting up with my back against whatever I was near.

I looked around seeing if I could spot anything familiar, 'Nope? But there is one guard' I thought as I watched him sitting in the tree looking South from where we are. 'Good' I thought as I tried to activate the Byakugan.

My eyes widen 'Why cant I activate it' I thought as I tried again and again but it still lead to me failing in activating it.

'Damn' I thought as I slowly started sitting up leaning heavily on whatever was behind me til I finally made my way on my feet.

'How will i escape' I thought as I looked around trying and spot a way to leave this camp without being noticed, but it looked like Luck was on my side because just as I was about to leave someone attacked the camo and I ran.

I looked behind me as I ran 'No ones following? Good' I huffed as I looked back forward to see where I was going and kept running but as I was running my mind was starting to fog up getting darker and more mixed up before I ended up collapsing.