
Chapter 14

He kissed me back gently this time not aggrevely like last time, and it felt really good and enjoyable, his thin lips were so warm and soft, and with the water falling on both of us made it even more enjoyable. Our lips moved slowly, I felt like I was in some movie. I felt his hand on my thigh and he moved it up and then he reached my butt massaging it. It felt new to me, his hands felt do warm and soft.

After some time I felt his hand sliding away from my butt and then they reached it, my private part, and I felt him slowly sliding his hand down and then he slowly inserted his finger inside and then he started moving it slowly. I held onto his shoulders tightly letting out a soft moan. I didn't know this feeling that I was feeling, but it felt good, I was feeling both pain and pleasure and it felt... Good. With every second his pace fastened and I grabbed his shoulders even more tightly moaning. It felt really great. I then felt like a knot was being tied in my stomach and then he stopped and then he removed his fingers. "W-why did you stop?" I asked him whispering. "Why do you ask, do you want me to continue?" He asked me looking at me with a smile on his face. I really did want him to continue but I was too shy to say it. "Come on say it, don't be shy." He said. "Y-yes please continue." I said closing my eyes not wanting to look at him. "Okay, as you wish." He said. And just like that I felt his finger inside of me again and before he could start moving it, we heard a slight nock on the door. "Master, breakfast is ready." Butler X said. Seriously, why on earth did breakfast have to be ready at a time like this, gosh I'm so pissed. "Okay, we are coming." He said. And from the way that his voice sounded I could tell that he was pissed too. "Come on let's go." He said. I didn't want to go, I wanted to continue, I wanted this, I wanted it. I grabbed his hand. "Please don't go we'll eat later." I said. "It's okay, we'll continue after eating breakfast, just be patient." He said kissing me on the lips. I sighed looking down. "Okay." I said and we both went out of the shower to get ready for breakfast.

After getting dressed we both went out of the room and we went into the living room. The things that happened in the shower kept on playing in my head, I couldn't help but blush and smile to myself. We sat down next to each other, and of course my parents were still here. I just hoped and prayed that they wouldn't ruin my day. "Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?"Maynard's mom asked me."Yes I did." I said. "Aren't you going to ask your son if he slept well or not?" Maynard asked. Was he jealous. "No, I don't care, I only care about my soon to be daughter in law." She said. "Why do I feel like I'm the adopted child here." He said. "Emma, dear have you picked a wedding dress yet?" My mom asked me. "No." I replied. "When are you going to find one, the wedding is in less than five days." She said. "Don't worry I'll pick one soon." I said. I was in no mood to have a conversation with her or even look at her right now, especially my so cold father. "Our family fashion designer will be coming over tomorrow and you can tell him what kind of dress you want, he is really fast."Maynard' mom said."Okay thank you." I said. I just hoped that the wedding would come soon because I just couldn't stand my parents being here.

After breakfast I left the dining hall and went back to the bedroom, I threw myself on the bed and then I started crying. I didn't know why I had to have those two people a, ss my parents, they were just frustrating, I just wanted them to disappear from my life. "You know crying like that won't solve your problems" I heard Maynard say, and then he sat down on the bed. "Then tell me, what should I do." I asked him. "Just find a way to solve your problems. If you sit here and cry who is going to solve your problems and don't tell me that a miracle will solve them." He said. "Can I have some alcohol beverage." I said. "No." He said. "Please." I said. He sighed. "Fine." He stood up and then he went outside of the room.

After a few minutes he came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses, I guess he wanted to join me. He sat down on the couch. "Come, let's seat here." He said and I stood up from the bed and I got down from the bed and then I sat down next to him., he opened the bottle of wine and then he poured some on both the glasses and he gave me one of the glasses that were filled with wine. And without wasting any time, I drank the whole wine. "Wow, you really are in an unfamiliar situation." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Is this your fist time experiencing something like this?" He asked me. "Well it's the first time my parents had done this to me." I said. "Look if you think that this is a big problem then you still have a lot to see and experience in this world, because there are people facing problems much much bigger than yours... I'll let you drink your sorrows away for today. You have to start taking actin against the ones who wronged you soon. "He said. He was right, I should just do something about this problem because nobody is going to do something about it for me I have to do it myself.