
Everything But Silence.

"What's happening to me?" the deep yet soft voice of a young man calls out.

My throat hurts so much, its excruciating and comes in waves.

I welcome the pain though, because in this pain there is relief.

I am finally repaired, I am normal.

I stand up and make my way to my window and uncover the wooden flaps that block the sunlight.

Light rushes towards my body, the warmth is especially welcoming on my cold skin, it makes me so very happy.

I walk away from the window to my closet to get dressed. I sigh at the sight of my wardrobe, only containing black leather pants and various black cloth shirts.

My first real words escape my mouth. "I really need new clothes."

Regardless of my lack of fashion, I throw on pants and a shirt and head down to the kitchen for breakfast.


"I had a weird dream last night, I was in a bright room with a black orb just floating there making some weird noises." My brother says out between the chewing of his food.

My eyes widen.

Were our dreams somehow connected?

"That's weird, Maybe it has something to do with your affinity?" My father says.

I am not sure what I should do.

Should I swallow my anxiety and speak? Will my family think I have been playing them for fools the whole time? Or would they be happy for me?

"What about you Kane, did you have any weird dreams? It is your birthday after all. Maybe you will have a passive enhancement type."

I close my eyes.

Here goes nothing... "Yes, I had an odd dream too."

Absolute silence befalls the room.

Did I mess up? Did I make the wrong choices? Thoughts of anxiety and fear flood my head as I watch my family's blank expressions.

"Y-you can talk?" My mother stands up and covers her mouth in shock.

"I can." I put my head down in shame. They hate me don't they?

I should have kept quiet

"Thank goodness, I am so happy for you son." My father bounds towards my chair and slaps me on the shoulder.

My head shoots up.

"To be honest, It's a new thing, from this morning actually. I had a dream similar to Percy's, a white orb in a dark room. It told me to reclaim what was mine, then disappeared in a flash."

My brother says his first words since I have spoken. "Maybe were just destined to become gods or something..." He laughs.

"Maybe so." I shoot back.


At noon Percy and I head out to the school building, Today is the big day.

I can finally be tested and become a great mage!

After some distance we finally arrive at the testing area.

There are tons of people, and a lot of them look at me with disdain as I walk to the waiting area. I guess some things really never change.

No... Things did change, I'll show them all exactly what I can do some day. I will crush every one of them under my hand.

I grin. My brother is next in line.


I am so nervous. My hands keep shaking and I feel like running away.

I can't. I must go through with it, I must do this.

My name gets called and I walk up and place my hand on the crystalline ball in front of me.

It glows with a white light, the complete opposite from my dream.

The examiner looks at me in shock "Young man, do you know what you just accomplished?"

I look down, "No sir, I don't."

"History! you just discovered a new affinity!" He claps my shoulder and points me in the direction of the academy recruiters.


My brother just made history, I guess I'm not surprised though, he has always been great.

My name is called.

I walk up to the orb and place my hand on it.

The orb seems to become a deep abyss as my hand touches it, overbearing and domineering.

What? Why is my affinity so dark... So cruel!

The examiner is shaking. Fear is written on his face as he simply points towards the academies.

I laugh... He seems scared, it looks pathetic.

I walk off of the stage over to the recruitment zone.

"So who wants me?" I call out, full of pride and arrogance.

One hand raises. A man who gives out the same feeling the orb did.

Somebody that feels so similar to myself yet so different.

He feels so powerful, almost as if he could wipe my small town right off of the planet. I shiver at the thought.

He walks over to me and extends his arm and reaches towards me.

"Take my hand and you will be a student of Black Snake Academy."

I have never heard of it, but my body urges to one single thing. So that is what I do.

I take his hand.