


/"Toby is 'ill',/" Link said, throwing air quotations around the last word. /"The fucking rat bastard screwed me over again. So you just gotta suck it up, buttercup, cuz you get to deal with me for the next three and a half hours. Aren't you a lucky ducky?/"

/"Great,/" the girl sneered, but it was tainted by a saturated undertone of teasing. /"This is my punishment for taking the Goddesses name in vain./" She threw her hands together, titled her head skyward, causing the high ponytail to swish side to side. /"Forgive me, All-Mother. Take this vile beast away and I'll never curse you again./"

/"Vile beast? Stalking the mirror again, are we?/"

/"Ughh. Guess today is gonna suck then./"

/"I heard you liked sucking,/" Link retorted. /"At least, that's what Echo said./"

/"Bite me./"

/"Not even if you begged me, Kessler./" He mocked a shudder. /"Ain't no amount of healing would be enough to cure me from what you have./"