


The anxiety inside of him was much like a trapped tiger; Aiden fed it feeble hopes and sang make-believes to calm it. There was some delusion that if he could tame it, if he could keep this tiger fed, then it wouldn't want to feast on him.

Unfortunately, life wasn't as smooth-sailing as that. Every hope, every ounce of reassurance he could find, it wasn't enough to fully sate the beast. It prowled through his bones in a famished wander, wreaking havoc, inflicting tremors upon his hands and leaving somersaulting acrobats in his gut.

Growing up in the system, he'd learnt fast. He'd learnt how to be invisible. He'd learnt how to blend into the background. He'd learnt how to adapt. How to survive. He'd learnt to be still and quiet, to avoid irritating whatever new foster parents he'd ended up with.