
Sihir: World of Wonders

I was reincarnated in another world. A world where there are several other races of beings, countless incredible and dangerous places and secrets to be explored. I should be happy to have finally achieved my dream, but life isn't as simple as I thought it would be. What do you mean men are weaker than women? And what do you mean I shouldn't venture out? I don't want to be an office nobleman.

Undeadk · Kỳ huyễn
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100 Chs

Chapter 25 – Hidden

I can have several complaints about Nala's actions, behaviors, and words in this small meeting. But I can't deny that she knows how to make an impactful entrance and a triumphant exit.

It would be even better for her image if she weren't so harsh with her words. But I guess that's asking too much; Nala seems more like a General than a businesswoman, and from my experience, trying to change that is much more work than getting used to it.

Another thing I just noticed is that despite Nala's colossal size, she is incredibly fast. And when I say fast, I mean that 5 seconds after she left, I could no longer see her. Not even a black dot on the horizon.

I guess here you can't wave your hand, saying goodbye while watching the dragon slowly disappear on the horizon. I also don't think there's something like a dragon rider in this world.

Anyway, now that Nala is gone, can I finally relax again? We're not even close to the end of the day, but considering everything that has happened so far, I already want to go somewhere and lie down to rest.

Just a few hours of walking and talking were enough to make me want to go home and sleep the rest of the day. I would prefer if Nala had waited to meet us to have this conversation when we were at home.

And it's not just me who's exhausted... Abigail and especially Mom are visibly drained and tired, especially after the relief took over the atmosphere.

Abigail let out a long, tired sigh of relief, then gestured, and the chair that Mom had thrown away 'accidentally' returned to its place. Then she started walking to her seat at the other end of the table, checking on the girls in the meantime.

As soon as Abigail reached her chair, she looked at Mom, gave a positive gesture, and sighed before almost collapsing into her chair. Nothing appropriate for her image, but I would do the same in her situation.

Mom also relaxed completely and sat heavily in the chair that had just been returned, at the same time Abigail sat in hers. They both seem as relieved as a woman who just took off tight high heels after a day at work.

They both suffered directly from the stress Nala imposed on them, both physically and psychologically. Unlike me and the unconscious girls, they endured the constant aura pressure throughout the entire conversation with Nala.

Speaking of the girls, after about 3 minutes of silence, all the girls have already fully awakened. But they are still struggling to understand what just happened and to regain their composure.

Aglaya was the first to compose herself, followed by Libertas and Mahara last. Soon, they began to realize that something had happened while they were unconscious, just by observing Mom and Abigail's expressions.

None of them said anything, however, and they waited for the right moment to ask what happened. There were no murmurs, no side conversations, no questioning looks... Nothing was questioned for a good 10 minutes.

It was just silence broken by sighs and someone's heavy breathing. But soon, Costelinha, who was lying under the tree, woke up and began to growl and grunt in our direction. I think he woke up hungry.

But honestly, I'm not in a condition to observe anything more today. These last few minutes of silence were enough for the stress to leave and exhaustion to take over my body. I feel like someone who just got home from work tired and just took a shower.

I think I'll go to sleep; it will be much better for my mental health and to further relieve stress. Today was very exhausting, and it's still only my second day in this place.

I sincerely hope that I don't have to go through so much stress this way every day. I wouldn't bear it, and I'm not even old enough for that... It's too much stress.

Damn it, I'm going to sleep... Sleep has come, and I won't send it away. Good night.


In a dense and dark forest, a small house was partially covered and hidden by vegetation. The forest is old, with twisted trees covered in moss, protruding roots, and several fallen tree trunks on the ground, some thicker than four people can embrace.

Nothing seems beautiful and cheerful in this place; it's a depressing and sad place, devoid of life or any sign that something has passed through here.

The unnaturally thick fog that obscures vision beyond 50 meters ahead also helps to increase the feeling of cold and the natural fear of this place.

It's not a place anyone would want to settle down; at least, no one with good thoughts or who wishes to live a quiet and happy life would want to.

Moreover, the house is not in the best condition. Some holes can be seen in the wooden walls and several parts are so crooked that they threaten to fall at any moment.

But apparently, the house has some inhabitants, even though it's in these conditions and amidst such a sinister place.

Inside, three women are sitting at a small round table in the middle of the room and the only room in the house. They are sitting on small, simple chairs made of wood and apparently not comfortable.

Inside the room, various utensils and furniture are distributed, such as one large bed and one bunk bed, one large wardrobe, a wood stove, a mirror, a large bookshelf with books, and some clothes scattered throughout the room.

Other small objects can be seen, but nothing stands out, just normal things that betray the lack of care for the place. The entire room is clean and organized, but still looks dirty and ugly.

The women also don't seem to like the place; they have dejected, tired, and dissatisfied expressions. They don't say anything and just look at the fire burning inside the wood stove a few meters away, radiating heat to them.

Even with modest attire and no unnecessary adornments, the women still stand out for their beauty. But the dark circles and frowns on their faces seem to overshadow this characteristic of theirs.

The silence in the room is only broken by the small crackling of the burning wood or the sound of the wind hitting the trees outside. None of them have any desire to change this.

Then the silence reigned supreme in the place until the door was suddenly opened, and someone entered quickly. Familiar with the place, the guest entered and quickly closed the door.

The person who entered was a tall man, dressed in a long, thick coat with a hood on his head. He was in a hurry to enter and take off the coat and mask, hanging both on a coat rack on the door.

As soon as he took off the coat, the man could turn to look directly at the women in the room. He, like the women, was wearing some simple clothes, but they also didn't hide the beauty he possessed.

He is a tall, athletic man with very dark blue hair and turquoise blue eyes. A five-o'clock shadow and his triangular face highlight his eyes even more. It's undeniable beauty, but the expression on his face says it's not time to care about appearance.

The women seemed anxious and were looking with expectations at the man, as if they expected him to say something important. They tried to get up as soon as he turned around, but he gestured for them to stay seated.

Without saying anything, he walked slowly to a small pantry-shaped shelf near the wood stove. From there, he took four glasses and a bottle of drink and placed them on the table.

Then he dragged a chair and sat down, unhurriedly opening the bottle of the red liquid and starting to pour it into the glasses.

He took the first sip; the women didn't drink and continued waiting for something, but they were no longer anxious; they now seemed worried. The expectations they had turned into tension and fear.

As soon as he finished the first glass of the drink, the man looked at each of the women.

But with shame or sadness, he lowered his head, shook it negatively, and filled the glass again, drinking once more.

And so he would take the fourth glass of the drink...

"That's enough..."

One of the women grabbed his arm and prevented him from drinking the beverage. She was not happy with the man's attitude, but she was also sad, pitiful, angry, and scared to see the scene.

The man is important to her, but he failed the mission he went to perform, a mission extremely important for the survival of everyone in this house.

She, like the other women, doesn't know how to react to the situation. Everything is too confusing for them to be carried away by the moment; any reckless action can be much worse for everyone.

"I... I tried, Felicia, I swear I tried..."


I hope you can help me correct any spelling errors in the chapters.


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