
Sign In become Immortal Life

200 years after the Great Calamity, Humanity has risen once again. With the help of superpowered beings known as Rankers they were able to take back the land and sky and become more prosperous than ever. Waking up in a unknown place Ryujin Grace realizes that he is no longer in the world that he was born in. This world is more dangerous than his own world, thankfully he has his golden finger to help him survive in a world where everything sees him as a tasty snack. fame and glory who needs that, everything in this forest can kill me I better hide away and sign in till I can become invincible. When Ryujin Grace finally leaves the forest none can stop him.

GldnApplImortality · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


Now back at the Grace family estate Ryujin had returned to his room. When he had first arrived back everyone greeted him with warm and happy fuzzies until they noticed that something was wrong with him so they inquired what had happened. He matter of factly let them know that he had leaky body syndrome. He then left and headed straight to his room, jumped right into his bed and cried himself to sleep.

While most people had already dispersed from the living area one such person had not. This said person was the second son of Tiger, Jason. Jason Grace was the second son Tiger Grace had with his first wife. Jason Grace was a mean and vindictive 13 year old just because he felt like it. It was probably the fact the the Grace family was just too messed up that he turned out that way. Knowing now that Ryujin was unable to awaken he came up with an idea to get rid of him permanently.

Ever since Ryujin was born Jason felt threaten by him. At first Jason placed his hate on Ryujin's mother, creating a false belief that it was her fault that Tiger had divorced his mother. Then it was Ryujin's fault that his father didnt love him. Never once did it cross his mind that their father was just a piece of shit.

So with an insidious idea in his mind he went into action. He walked towards Ryujin's room when he got to the door he knocked loudly not caring what Ryujin was doing then opened the door. He noticed that Ryujin was on his bed so he walked up to him and shook him awake.

"Hey! Ryujin get up! I have some information for you. Don't you want to be a Ranker I know how you can do it."

"What, what are you saying Jason? you know how I can become a ranker, really?" Ryujin asked as he was cleaning the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah, there's a story about a tree that towers all the way up to the heavens. It is said to be located somewhere in the Immortal forest. It's also said that its sap has the ability to fix leafy body syndrome." Jason told Ryujin.

"also you have to go alone, only those who can reach the tree with their own effort can partake of its holy sap. Otherwise if someone were to bring it for you it wouldn't work it would just become regular old sap. I mean if you wanted to fix your leaky body syndrome you would have to go there yourself. But knowing dad he would never let you go unless, you were to sneak out."

"Is what you are saying true?" Ryujin asked.

"Yes I swear on my life that it is true" Jason said to Ryujin while crossing his fingers behind his back. Well it's not that big of a deal, most of it is true. Heck the entire story is true. It's just Jason hadn't told Ryujin how many people took that journey compared to how many people returned. One percent, that is the number of how many people came back from the Immortal Forest alive. Most of those people who returned had never even seen a glimpse of that sacred tree.

"Thank you for telling me this Jason!" Ryujin said as he got up and gave Jason a hug.

"Yeah, no problem what are brothers for if not to help their little brothers." Jason said while he had an evil smile during the entire hug.


After Jason had left Ryujin began to pack everything he felt he would need for his journey. When he was done packing up he went to dinner with the rest of the family before waiting for night. When it was dark Ryujin snuck out of the estate and walked down the road where he phoned for a driving service equivalent to uber during this time. When the car arrived he got in the car and told the driver to head to the city substation.

Once Ryujin got to the substation he bought a one way ticket out of Star City heading to York City with his bank card. Yes being from a Noble family he as a 10 year old carried with him a credit card and all sorts of that manor. Soon Ryujin was on the Super Subterranean armored rail and on his way to the Immortal Forest.