
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

DXRACER · Tranh châm biếm
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96 Chs

Chapter 2

Do you have a bright future if you hang out with sister Tsunade?Besides, what man doesn't like beautiful women?And Tsunade is a goddess-level beauty!But... how to hold this big thick leg tightly?Of course it's a good relationship!But how to build a good relationship?Thinking that Tsunade is just a six-year-old girl, a crazy plan is gradually taking shape in Totsuka's mind...What plan?That is a confession!As long as I become Tsunade's man, I will definitely be able to hold this thick leg tightly!Tsunade may not agree to one confession, but ten times?Twenty times?What about a hundred times?It is said that sincerity is the most powerful weapon!Totsuka really can't believe it! I can't impress Tsunade by confessing to Tsunade every day?It's just a six-year-old little loli, so be careful!In order to survive well and safely!Fight!Thinking of this, Totsuka suddenly sat up."System! Sign in and draw!"[Ding——Congratulations to Host for successfully signing in and getting a random draw][Ding——Complete randomly, draw a lottery for random ninjutsu][Ding——Congratulations to Host for getting the Fire Style Ninjutsu "Fire Dragon Flame Bullet"]Fire Style·Fire Dragon Flame BulletNinjutsu Level: BNinjutsu Description: Fiercely dancing flames, instantly annihilate the enemy!Attack range: ten metersThe B-level ninjutsu is already a Jōnin-level ninjutsu. Totsuka perfectly mastered the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet the moment he got the ninjutsu.And he didn't need seals at all, he could just open his mouth and spit out the fire dragon bullets."But I don't think it's handsome enough if I don't seal it!"Totsuka hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to make a 'Yin' seal when making seals, which is also the last seal of Huolongyantan."Finally, I have offensive ninjutsu! Finally, I have a little fighting power."Totsuka, who is in a good mood, plans to go out for a stroll.After all, he used to like the Shippuden anime very much.Now that you really come to this world, of course you have to experience the customs of this world!Coming to Konoha Street, Totsuka has to admit that Konoha Village is still very big.Although it's just a village, the actual area of ​​Konoha Village has reached a terrifying 230,000 square meters.Of course, the current Konoha Village is not as prosperous as the later generations. Institutions such as the root and Konoha Hospital have not yet been established, and the basic measures are not perfect.But also very good!"I don't know if Ōtsutsuki Ichiraku ramen has opened yet?"It's a pity that the original book doesn't describe much about the location of Ichiraku Ramen, and Totsuka doesn't know where Ichiraku Ramen is.But he has nothing to do now, just look for it slowly!At the same time, in a huge and luxurious courtyard, a sweet-looking six-year-old little loli with light-blond hair and a high ponytail was pulling a red-haired lady in a white kimono to the outside.The noble lady looked to be around twenty years old, with a pair of buns tied into her head, and two talismans hanging under the buns.On the lady's head is also wearing a crown-like ornament, and there is a purple diamond-shaped imprint on her forehead, giving her a noble and beautiful temperament."Grandma, I want to eat ramen!"The little loli was acting coquettishly, her sweet voice was very pleasant.The noble lady looked at her helplessly, her eyes full of pampering."Tsunade, you are graduating tomorrow, why don't you prepare for it and go outside to play?"It turns out that this six-year-old little loli is none other than Tsunade Ji, the dream goddess of thousands of homeboys!Of course, the current Tsunade has not grown up yet, after all, he is only six years old, what figure can he have?The lady called grandma by Tsunade is naturally Konoha First Hokage, the wife of Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas, and Uzumaki Mito of First Generation Nine Tails Jinchūriki."I just want a bowl of ramen! Please, grandma."Tsunade continues to act like a spoiled child!When she was out of school yesterday, she saw a new ramen restaurant opened near the ninja school. She tasted it out of curiosity and found that the ramen inside was very delicious!Tsunade couldn't help but like the taste of that ramen, so he wanted to have another meal.Facing Tsunade's coquettish offensive, Uzumaki Mito had no choice but to surrender."Okay! Then let's go eat ramen!"Seeing that Uzumaki Mito agreed, Tsunade was overjoyed!"Thanks grandma! Let's go now!""good!"Uzumaki Mito nodded, took Tsunade to put on his shoes and walked straight towards the ramen restaurant Tsunade mentioned.On the other hand, Totsuka finally found the location of Ichiraku Ramen!Looking at the brand-new store and the brand-new 'Ichiraku Ramen' sign on the store door, Totsuka had to admit that he was really a little lucky.Because this ramen restaurant obviously just opened! If I had come a few days earlier, I would have definitely not opened it yet!Curious, Totsuka went straight into Ichiraku Ramen.The moment he entered the door, Totsuka saw a very young man standing inside the Ichiraku ramen.No Who is Ōtsutsuki Ichiraku?Of course, Ōtsutsuki Ichiraku was just joking. Uncle Ichiraku's life is called hand fighting, and he is just an ordinary person.Although the current Uncle Ichiraku has opened a ramen restaurant, he is not married yet and is only about eighteen or nineteen years old.Seeing Totsuka enter the door, the young Uncle Ichiraku immediately greeted him enthusiastically:"Welcome, kid!""Uncle, bring me a bowl of seafood ramen!"Totsuka sat on the stool and looked at Uncle Ichiraku curiously.Suddenly being called 'uncle', Ichiraku expressed a lot of pressure.Even though he was an older brother, why did he suddenly become an uncle?"Little friend, I'm only eighteen years old! You should call me brother." Uncle Ichiraku wanted to change Totsuka's name for himself.Hearing this, Totsuka blinked his big eyes."Okay! Uncle.""It's brother!""I see! Uncle.""I told you it's my brother!""Understood, uncle.""How about I treat you to ramen? As long as you call me brother, I will treat you to ramen!""this...."Faced with the temptation of free ramen, Totsuka hesitated.After all, he only has a total of 300,000 taels of savings, which may seem like a lot, but it's by no means too much!Seeing that there is a door, Ichiraku suddenly became excited!He pointed to the most luxurious ramen picture behind him and said:"As long as you call me brother, I'll treat you to a luxurious version of seafood ramen!"Totsuka took a look at the deluxe version of seafood ramen, and it cost 1,000 taels! That is the price of more than 500 soft sister coins!All right! For the sake of the deluxe seafood ramen, I will call you brother!"Brother, uncle!"Ichiraku is deflated! The helplessness in my heart was written on my face.Destroy it! this world!I Ōtsutsuki Ichiraku want to..."Okay! Uncle is uncle!"Ichiraku turned weakly and walked towards the back kitchen, starting to make ramen.