
Sigil of dreams


Ruphas_Mafahl_8072 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Huh?" The mouth of the little boy parted. The torn boy astonished at his current situation. He was quite beaten, thanks to the slavers. His left eye was hard to open and stung when touched even the winds miss sent not its mercy.

In spite of his earlier excitement he quietly organized his mind. His memories a mess, from what he gathers he jumped from the school roof. Then.. here? Yes he ended up here but why? Transmigration? It is something read in stories in modern times which occurs bringing you from one world to another.

Although his body is entirely different.

He wore scraps for clothing, the rags barely hiding his personal areas. His hair is a night blue and golden eyes. His body cut and bruised here and there obviously as if he was beaten without given the chance to heal.

He groaned.

Moving hurt and was a chore. He settled down and surveyed his surroundings while holding an arm and his stomach to sooth him self.

"A cage.." he said a loud.

Incidentally bringing attention to him self.

"Oh? You're alive huh!?" The menacingly excited voice came.

Memories hit like a tsunami. The one who spoke was Silicia. The slaver made her way around the camp, approaching the cage while Yuu began shaking. It wasn't him but the memories of his current body. He argued with him self a moment until she arrived at the gate of the cage looking between the bars with a grin.

"Yuu you really didn't die on me!" She praised.

'stop shaking it's you whose scared of her not me you fucking pussy.' Yuu cursed the previous owner of the body. Looking up was one of the hardest things to do in this new life. His body kept refusing and attempting to look down but he refused just as well. He wasn't a pussy he told him self.

Focusing all his will into looking up and facing the slaver to give her a piece of his mind he prepared lines of complaints she'd need hours before she hear the end of it.

All that faded when he saw her face. She was the most attractive girl he ever saw in his life. Her golden hair, red eyes and the way she carried her self. Albeit.. a bit crazy. She totally killed what ever momentum he'd built up with one look.

On the other hand things wouldn't end there. But rather.. this is just the beginning.

"I was worried Yuu~" his body flinched while his own reaction hearing her voice that sounded heartbroken made him apologetic. He moved to adjust his body for a bow only to remember his injuries he could force it but it would worsen his injuries and he steadily came to his senses.

'an apology for someone who tortured me and enslaved me? Humph! Let's see what you get.' Yuu thought. He began to mercilessly plan a typical event where he frees the rest of the slaves but upon looking around he found the camp to be smaller than he remember. There was only one cage, one carriage, one horse, one camp. No others.

The surprise was enough to stop his shaking.

Surveying his expression Silicia replied.

"After I killed you I couldn't stay with the others. You're the only one I'm here for~ I don't care about anyone else!" She latched onto the cage with an abnormal grip. Her eyes wide and her crazed smile all the more appealing to Yuu.

Yuu's heart began to get carried away, and so did his mind. In his past life his loneliness may have twisted him.

Yuu organized his thoughts. Right now he needs information he shouldn't simply fall for some girl who enslaved him, tortured him, and killed him.

"Why did you stay?" Yuu, asked. Immediately wondering afterward if he was so lonely he couldn't attempt to get information first before wondering why she stayed with him. A corpse.

"I love Yuu~ in life or in death I'll stay with you!" The way she told him began to make him feel happy, his heart just wouldn't calm down and his thoughts were barely held together making getting information difficult.

"..." Yuu wanted to speak but was unsure what to say next.

Silicia watched Yuu, salivating at the thought of being outside in the woods alone with Yuu. The other slavers could no longer interrupt her or annoy her with calling her to harsh. Anytime she would visit Yuu's cage she would torture him or overall treat him harshly but this is her way of showing her love for him. While thinking about it she moved to the keys and unlocked the cage. She wants nothing more than to show Yuu how much she loves him.

The keys brought Yuu out of his disarray.

Silicia popped open gate pleased she no longer had to sneak in and climbed into the cage, Yuu knew what was coming. In spite of all his injuries he made the effort to lean forward. He with out hesitation Caressed his slavers cheek and kissed her. Silicia couldnt be more surprised as she returned the kiss tongues intertwining. How much she longed for this.. how long.

Her excitement earlier calmed down as she ended up in his embrace.

When the kiss ended she cried and soon fell asleep.

His hands absent kindly combing through her hair as he absentmindedly thought of the future. First he should check how much supplies they have.

Slowly Yuu got up, moving accustomed to his injuries.

Rounding the carriage checking it's condition it was in a good state, almost new. He went on to the back and checked for food finding a sack of fruits and two different kinds of meat. Both looked unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

'should i cook her something?' he wondered.

If this is the traditional fantasy world it means their ideas and cooking is all far behind. But again what could he do since he just arrived? Most of the herbs around them were unknown to him so all he could make was meat and perhaps a few other things.

He sighed and went to the fire. Careful as it seemed the heat would make the wound closest to it feel worse.

He cut some fruits and took a few tools that seemed to be good for cooking the meat. Then a pot. He seemed to have all the ingredients for a stew.

Soon everything was ready. Silicia stirred and began to wake, her eyes on the flame of the camp.

'shit! I didn't put it out. Monsters will be coming soon. We have to run!' she looked around for Yuu, the shock she was no long in his embrace hit her hard. Silicia got up and and ran out of the cage stumbling as she ran. Reach the fire which was the center of the camp would provide a better view of the camp albeit when she got there she found Yuu cooking.

She calmed down entirely, drifting towards you and collapsing. She rubbed her face against his shoulder.

"Yuu~ Yuu~" she said his name countless times. Not sure at all what she would do if he wasn't there.

"Silicia I've cooked you something. Do tell me what you think." He said and got her bowl all while scooping the soup in with one hand, showing how much he cares for Silicia.

"C-cooked?" Silicia is stunned. The pleasure from being called by her name for the first time apparent by the blush on her face. Also cooking? How long did she think it would take for him to cook for her?

She shakily took the bowl, the excitement on her face Yuu gave a ∞/10 for being cute.

Using a spoon to eat she tasted her beloved cooking for the first time and felt her heart jump into her throat. Everything was carefully made, the meat, fruit, potato's all of it was amazing. Almost as if it was made at home. The thought also sent another fantasy through her mind, one of her and Yuu living together far away from everyone by them selves.

"How is it?" Came Yuu's voice.

She could hear the excitement in his voice as he checked her expression.

"It's perfect~" She told him.

Yuu nodded and pet her, the feeling of his hands massaging her hair was in combination with this food godly.

Yuu took a bowl and mimicked his movements earlier as he prepared his own. Tasting his food it is indeed good 10/10.

Once they finished they sat there idly. Yuu looked at the stars with Silicia.

'a goddess for a slaver and sky fit for the gods.. who blessed me this much in this life?' Yuu thought.

Suddenly he felt much stronger as an influx of knowledge came to him.

A outer God? He's an outer God?


Just now the memories of before his previous life, and after his death came. He's actually an outer God look for amusement but his last life was so boring he decided to do something different this time. He destroyed this already dead boys body while disguising him self. This time he wouldn't ignore his memories or his powers and live his life.