
Sick Fantasy

Roses are red, so is blood. To what is more dangerous than hatred would be love. A clear sky with no cloud in sight, could turn into a raging hell storm over night. But why the obsession, why the storm? Read right now to learn more...

Sora_Gemini · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Answer

I can't say it. I'm fully aware what will happen I do. If I do say it, then I can't go back.

"Please Sage... please say yes." Angelo whimpered.

"You're a killer, why wouldn't I say anything else but no? I don't know when you'll lie to me. I don't know when I'll be on your list of dead ex's. But most of all, I can't simply date someone who has no trust in me." I explained bluntly.

"But I do--" Angelo muttered before I cut him off.

"If you did really trusted me, you'll never thought of trying to kill my friend just to keep me for yourself."

Angelo remained silent but he did not let go of me.

"The "trust" you described is only fabricated by your own greed and selfishness. I can't date someone like that." I boldly said as I attempted to free myself.

"If that's all, let me go." I growled as I struggled for my freedom.

"What if..." Angelo muttered.

"What if I changed? Will you date me then?"

"What?" I blurted.

This guy can't be serious, can he?

"I'll promise I won't get jealous anymore, I promise I won't harm people you value, I promise anything... everything." Angelo whimpered.

"Angelo, you're words alone aren't enough proof that you'll won't cause anything harmful or distrusting towards me or others."

"Please, give me a chance at least. Just one is enough." Angelo said as stared at me with glossy eyes.

This guy really knows how to pull people's heart strings, I'll admit that much.

"My answer is still no." I bluntly stated.

Angelo's tear dripped down his face. His expression made me feel guilty, but I already know better than to show any pity towards Angelo.

"Okay, one date..." Angelo said.

"What?" Angelo released me but held tightly to both of my hands.

"At least one date, than I promise won't ever ask again I swear!" Angelo stared at with determined expression printed upon his tearful face.

"One date?" I questioned.

Is he really that desperate?

"Yes. Just one, no more after that."

Hmm... I sense a red flag. But, if I don't agree Angelo will just carry on bothering me.

I sighed. "Fine, one date won't hurt."

"Really?! You'll really mean it?!" Angelo said with joyful voice.

When Angelo finally freed my hands, I pinched his cheeks hard. "But the moment I sense anything harmful to my well being, I'm ditching you, got that?"

"Got it." Angelo said with a big goofy grin.