
the party

Dror was ecstatic about the new development, The new revolution plan was on the right track all he needed was enough time and the right opportunity to light the spark.

While he was still pondering on the details, someone entered the room.

"hmph…. After dumping all your work on me you are happily relaxing and daydreaming here.."

When Alexander entered the room what he saw was the smirking and smiling Dror, who appeared to be very pleased with himself.

" What, how can you say that? I am in the process of fine tuning my grand plan to free this whole planet from the clutches of the evil Alliance government. "

Alexander just snorted and thought " yeah ..yeah… you just dumb all your work on me and relax around here… lets see how you escape this time.."

" We have received an invitation for a gathering, you will have to attend it personally.."

"Come on Alexander, you know that I don't like these parties hosted by the rich and all…"