
Overlord Supreme

Cole was Emperor of the Balvain, a Mercenary empire where everything has a price and freelancers and companies form to not only better his realm but support wars that bring in lucrative amounts of coin to support his reign.

When Cole first took to the throne he realized his father had made many economic choices that had made the empire strong but on the brink of bankruptcy, so in his younger years he unified eight lesser countries in their surroundings, the marshes of Lizardmen, the eleven vineyards of lothri, the Forrest of uth, and a few small human countries of no real importance until the empire, allowing them the same rights as citizens he opened religion to any and all forms of religion so long as only willing participants may take a religion.

Then he made his most efficient law ever brought to Balvain, the freelance Law.

so long as a 10 percent tax on all earnings are to be given to the Empire's treasury any and all things can be purchased sold or done under lawful contracts formed and signed by royal administrators, this meant that anything was legal for a price, murder, trade, thievery, and even rare animal selling. Open to the world, and soon the world came.

Cole established his dominance by enstating The guildhouse which was a large town that was built with most of the royal treasury helped put many people into working stations selling to the empire monster parts, gems and trinkets but most importantly it opened an almost infinite way of gaining money as people from everywhere around the world sent contracts for adventurers and their expertise.

Now you might ask, what makes a man do such bold and risky things, well..... Emperor Cole is a shut in who has never been seen by the public because he always hides his face and never in his 20 years on the throne did a single speech.

who is he, he could be anyone or even anything, some question weather he is real or if the empire is truly run by hundreds of intelligent people fooling the public.

this Is the story of the shut in emperor.