
Shrine Of Legacies

A long-forgotten servant has been loyal for countless years doing his mandated daily activities. Before his masters were destroyed, he served. After they were annihilated, he served. Until the very object of his assignment was destroyed he felt free and became free. Zamright was left with no path, no goals and he was never a child with lofty ambition. In the countless years he performed his assignment he had dampened his emotions to the lowest level. However, as he returned to his motherland, he was met with a multitude of choices: should he leave it to be destroyed, or should he save it? With no grand desire to be a ruler, one thing led to another and before he realized what had happened he was sitting on the highest throne of the Great Lantern, commanding absolute power and authority! Reigning over ancient monsters, beasts and old souls of the forgotten past and mundane people. Contending against the whole world, clashing with conceptual monsters and winning! However, he was blinded to the true nature of the ancient land—the Great Lantern. The whole world is terrified of that cursed land, and the only way to save it is to rip it up from the crust and flip it back to Earth! By the schemes of the hidden hands, by the countless hax from the shadows, by the monstrous intention of the darksides, by the strange abilities of Source Wilders, Zamright was controlled, swayed in matters of Nation wealth and many hid behind him silently for their desire to be fulfilled. But with every passing day, he grew stronger and broke from the shackles, gleaned through their insidious nature and countered in the most silent way conceivable, until his Sovereignty was absolute! But the layers of the schemes are older than the stars themselves! ***** Peace Dreamers are waiting for their Messiah. The Ancient Titan Moon was disdestroyed. The arrival of the Messiah. Throne Relic has chosen a new master. Seed of Hope was planted in everyone. "These are the signs of another Great War" Cardinal Of Knowledge sighed, "can we survive again?" even as a knowledge devourer he doesn't have the answer.

Black_Turban · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Lady Sisi

Floating behind her was Van Neem, captured by one of her guards. She watched the frozen guard and peer inside. A young white hair boy was busy writing something on a paper.

As the guards blocked the door, she teleported inside. "Drag them away!" The person who held Van in the air used his ability to pull them.

"Fix the door!"

The second guard used his ability and the door closed. Now she was alone with the charming young man that was now facing her.

"We have a non-violence rule here. You should have complied with the orders until everything was settled!"

She settled on the coins that were now 156 in number. She checked the one she took from the other guard and checked.

"They are your heirloom!" she asked. But Zamright just stared at her with no answer.

"Am I going to be disturbed like this?" he asked. The reason why he left the Land of Shisha was to have privacy but it seemed here too was not a good choice either.

"Not really." she said as she eyed the numerous coins before she ordered, "Let him in!"

Van entered and closed the door, in his eyes was fury but kept to himself. He had been very professional but these arrogant freaks kept humiliating him. If he had known it would turn out like this he would have advised Zamright otherwise.

"These ultra-rare Coins don't have a mark. I just want to know who owned them!" she asked Zamright.

The pale charming boy kept his eyes on her before he sighed and turned to the book before him. Clearly, he was annoyed and abhorred to explain himself.

"My master doesn't like to have meaningless conversations that will yield no result." Van blurted out with a hint of anger.

"I have followed the right procedure and didn't try any nefarious means and even have my Silver Medal Military to your people but they treated me like a thief. If I was a thief I wouldn't have followed the legal way." Van said.

"I voice my concern and you too came with the same mindset as if I'm a thief. Do you really think a thief will stay here and try a transaction with you!" Mr Neem was upset but he had to stay professional. But he still feared that Zamright was dissatisfied with him.

The woman sighed as she looked at the white-haired boy before pulling a device and checking something.

"We have places to stay. We have places to exchange the coins. We do not really need you." Van added, seeing her silent.

"I'm checking your information. You seem clean. But a clean person shouldn't have sold himself!"

"Rich brat like you will not understand the true world!" he aggressively said before he controlled himself after he glanced at Zamright.

But the woman wasn't affected by his words. She stored the device and asked, "I will register them as his heirloom then."

She then turned to Zamright and said, "This kind of coin emits energy, walking around with it is dangerous. Not only that, giving it to your guard that has no considerable power is a recipe for disaster!"

A minute passed but Zamright didn't say a thing.

"You annoy my master. He is a silent type, your attempt at conversation will not yield any result." Van Neem said with a smirk, he liked the silent attitude Zamright gave the girl.

"Are we going to get the exchange or what!"

"I don't like your tone!" She said.

"I don't like your attitude toward my master too!" Van retorted. Some kind of confidence was brewing in his chest.

"Alright. What is it you want?"

"Exchange and other things!" Van said.

"Okay. Let's do this" she smiled as she eyed Zamright, "You want a safe room where you will not be disturbed. We have a hidden room, it will suit you. Where not even I will come to you without your permission. That will cost 50 of your coins. Also, in every exchange, I will get 10% of the rate while you get 90%. I will also register you to a non-disclosure Century Red Authority to mark your coins as legitimate. That will cost another 50 coins!"

Zamright didn't react but she smirked thinking how he would bargain his way out. But then Van answered.


"What?" In shock, she asked.

"You have a deal. But we need to write those down in a contract. The room must be a true Permanent Hidden Room, I know them, you can't deceive me. Century Red Aurhorty can't be faked but it has to be a permanent Register with at least a Rank 1 Badge. As for the exchange, 10% is good but we need the money in Ultra VIP Bank where we will get a Rank 4 Smart Card."

The woman just stared at Van in shock, her throat dried and then looked at Zamright trying to see a reaction from him but there was none.

"You approved of that!" she asked the white-haired boy.

"You are disturbing my master Lady Sisi!" Van said annoyed. She swallowed hard and then sighed. 'I'm in trouble, maybe I offend someone I shouldn't.'

"Okay. Give me some minutes to finalize the contract." She vanished from the room with her was the coin.

After 2 minutes she came back, with papers and some machines. In no time things were signed, and finalized.

She came with a suitcase and under her eyes, she watched as Van packed the whole coins and arranged them inside then handed it to her. She tried hard to make her hand not tremble but failed, she then teleported this time.

Hours later there was a knock, Van answered, it was Lady Sisi. She came in and delivered the Smart Card and the Badge of Century Red Authority. She also brought some things that Van personally asked for.

Before she bowed and left. Her attitude has changed completely. In fact, she didn't know if she was dreaming or not.

Van Neem then explained everything to Zamright. The badge, the smart card and hidden room and all. Zamright nodded. Deep in the night, they left that room for a more secure one.

At the heart of Floating City, there was a large building that seemed to have been carved from single marble in a rectangular shape.

It has a height of 500 meters and a width of 300 meters but breath was 1200 meters.

They called it Marble Angle. It has a hundredth of a thousand rooms called Hidden Room and without the room occupier's permission, you can't reach them. Everything was secured there, even the names of people staying.

One of the things that Van bought through Lady Sisi was an armoured vehicle which many of the people in Marble Angle use because it was uniform and most people can't track it.

As they entered the building, the Vehicle slipped into a corridor and was moved by elevator.


They reached a room with a car garage. The room wasn't that big but had a toilet, two bedrooms, one sitting room and one kitchen.

Zamright looked around and he felt satisfied with the place.

"With only 10 coins we could have bought this room!" Van explained.

"Why didn't you ask about the Bank? She may have a connection!" Zamright asked.

"She did have. But that will be too much for her. She needs to first digest what happened now before I can confront her. You see, ultra-rare coins can only be made by a Vampire that is at least 1000 years old. But the quality you made is outrageous and its value is beyond the usual one."

Van continued to explain, "As per as I know, Ultra rare is hard to find but most of the coins leak energy and with prolonged exposure to the atmosphere they will become obsolete. And they can be easily felt due to the energy leaks. But yours doesn't seem to leak that much. If it even leaks at all."

"Hmm. I see." Zamright nodded in understanding. Van then brought out a large suitcase similar to the one Lady Sisi came with. It can be used to store the Century Blood Coins.

He also brought all the information he gained about the Great Lantern. "We also have requested a visit. They will get back to us and then we can board a plane to go there!"

Great Lantern has strict International travel. Before anyone was allowed there, they must send a request with their purpose before a permit was given.

"That is quite strict," Zamright said.

"But that's how they maintain peace for 500 years. According to history, of course. But their answer is immediate. By tomorrow we will know where we stand!"


Zamright then sat and spent hours making more coins before he gave them to Van with a letter to deliver to Lady Shisha.

'I need her insight and also a connection for some of the things I want. Hopefully, she won't be dismissive of my request!' Zamright thought.

[Land Of Shisha]

As Van entered the guests he was greeted by Lady Shisha, "You must be Van Neem, Viola's father."

"Greetings Lady Shisha, I bear a message from Master Zamright."

"Yes, you did. How is he?" she asked as they sat down, she continued to ask, "I heard there was some misunderstanding in his room. What was the problem!"

There was a smirk on her face as she asked.

Van Neem smiled and said, "It has been cleared and here is the object of the message. I will take back the suitcase!"

She took the letter to read.