
Shrine Of Legacies

A long-forgotten servant has been loyal for countless years doing his mandated daily activities. Before his masters were destroyed, he served. After they were annihilated, he served. Until the very object of his assignment was destroyed he felt free and became free. Zamright was left with no path, no goals and he was never a child with lofty ambition. In the countless years he performed his assignment he had dampened his emotions to the lowest level. However, as he returned to his motherland, he was met with a multitude of choices: should he leave it to be destroyed, or should he save it? With no grand desire to be a ruler, one thing led to another and before he realized what had happened he was sitting on the highest throne of the Great Lantern, commanding absolute power and authority! Reigning over ancient monsters, beasts and old souls of the forgotten past and mundane people. Contending against the whole world, clashing with conceptual monsters and winning! However, he was blinded to the true nature of the ancient land—the Great Lantern. The whole world is terrified of that cursed land, and the only way to save it is to rip it up from the crust and flip it back to Earth! By the schemes of the hidden hands, by the countless hax from the shadows, by the monstrous intention of the darksides, by the strange abilities of Source Wilders, Zamright was controlled, swayed in matters of Nation wealth and many hid behind him silently for their desire to be fulfilled. But with every passing day, he grew stronger and broke from the shackles, gleaned through their insidious nature and countered in the most silent way conceivable, until his Sovereignty was absolute! But the layers of the schemes are older than the stars themselves! ***** Peace Dreamers are waiting for their Messiah. The Ancient Titan Moon was disdestroyed. The arrival of the Messiah. Throne Relic has chosen a new master. Seed of Hope was planted in everyone. "These are the signs of another Great War" Cardinal Of Knowledge sighed, "can we survive again?" even as a knowledge devourer he doesn't have the answer.

Black_Turban · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Blood Sustenance

"Well, I'm an Honourable Member of Peace Dreamer due to your generosity and Great Lantern has one of our Main Branches. This suitcase is in thousands just catching dust in their vault!"

"And you have the authority to take them!" Van asked.

"Yes. I will just rest here to bring more!"

Zamright was really pleased with Sisi because this cut his hardship by a lot.

Removing the Impure Essence became easier as time went but when the impurity lessened it became hard to remove. Now he has to sense his body and pull the impurity.

These also leave him weak for some time. And even after recovery, he will soothe his body to find more purity. But that was all fine. Zamright was patient and diligent.


Pushing the last of the purity out Zamright felt his body become as light as a feather as he made the last coin which was smaller than most.

This came with extreme hunger and fatigue as if he had performed extreme body activities, which was what he did in a way.

It has been 7 months since he began and now he has achieved his First Cleansing.

He had left the Great Lantern months ago and had expected the kingdom would find him but thanks to his luck they didn't.

Well, he didn't know what really happened but he was somewhat protected by Old man Garight.

He slept deeply and his hunger vanished when he awakened his Exalted Reward.

His tattoo pulsed with an exalted energy and in his mind he felt something was congratulating him for his First Two Years of Service and now he is an Exalted Servant.

The title of Slave denoted that he has a strict regime of activities and he must perform them with zero right to ask for a change of schedule.

He was also not privy to most things but his assignments.

The title of Servant denoted that he was not a Slave and there were things he can be privy to. He also had access to some parts of the castle and could borrow books from the library. He now has the right to change his schedule and can accumulate money and run a small business.

Those were the written rules but they were lax to the point that apart from the name Slave and Servant nothing differentiated them. As Slaves are just like servants.

However, unruly Slaves will be actively restricted.

This feeling was good and he felt at ease in his body, more than that, he felt that he gained the Exalted Pure Race attribute and that was Exalted Pure Energy.

He can feel his body heat which was easier to detect and other bodily energy attributes mixed with Pure Energy coursing through his body which made him feel elevated.

Exalted Energy wasn't the only thing that he unlocked. The next thing was dwelling in his blood. And from that, he grasped that there were many abilities he can grab from it.

To him, there was no point in choosing or going through the feelings of the list, he just had to get the most after and the most needed ability for everyone. That was Blood Sustenance Ability.

This ability will help him gain essence through the blood of animals, lifeforms and humans.

Zamright opened his eyes, his sight was greater than before. His non-sight perception of the world was elevated.

More than all that, his memories that dulled over the years began to resurface. He could recall things he had read a long time ago.

One of the things he used to slaughter time in the long years of his stay in the Castle was Book Consumption. With plenty of time, he read everything in the library.

At first, he started with interesting topics. When that ended he went on about things he didn't even understand but just pushed them up in his brain. Some of which he was still oblivious to what they are.

Now he can recall the easier one, the one he has some understanding of.

One of them was his understanding of what vampires are. In one of the books, there was an Exalted Blood Race Member who experimented making soldiers using his essence but in doing so, he created animalistic humans that fell to their animalistic desires.

'Those might be the origin of Vampires. Right?'

Zamright was sure that those beings of knowledge had undertaken countless experiments in pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.

Anyway, that wasn't important. He stood and looked around. He was inside Rolling City, another safe city in the Black Coast Federation that was owned by the six tribes.

As the name indicated, Rolling City was rolling, it's a giant ball made of special material that constantly rolled around the Major Cities of the Six Tribes.

It's a city but also a mobile vehicle that constantly takes goods between the Six Tribes.

Thanks to Sisi using her connection to the Peace Dreamer to buy Zamright some shares, which grant him a room in the city and also some minor daily income.

"Master, you are awake!" Van came in with a smile. His suit was clean, he shaved his hair and he looked smart like a responsible butler, however, his eyes were droopy, his skin was pale and he was extremely tired.

"Yes. What happened to your eyes!" Zamright asked. He can see that his servant was sleep deprived.

The man was sleep deprived, "It's okay. I just lack some sleep."

"Why? Don't overexert your body!" Zamright said. He has no illusion that Van was just a human.

"Yes, master!" Van said.

Zamright didn't believe him, however, after knowing that he had been unconscious for four months made him ignore that. He had felt like it was just a day but it wasn't.

Nonetheless, that was fine, but then he frowned, there were more impurities in his body.

Zamright expected that but this one was different. With the help of the tattoo he understood something.

"It won't stop me from awakening though."

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