
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Prologue 8: Boss Fight #2


The force barrier exploded with Shoto in it or so Zon thought.


Zon was shanked in below the rib cage. He looked down at the sword piercing his body there was no one holding it.

His Compass couldn't detect Shoto until.


Shoto landed on Zon wrapping his legs around Zon's neck then elbowed him in the face.

Shoto's body reconstruction had finished seconds before the barrier exploded. That was enough time to throw his sword into Zon's body and jump to the ceiling.


Zon took another elbow to the face an another an other an another. Zon tried to moved but as if his body was paralyzed so the onslaught of elbows continued.

'What's going on? I can't move something stopping me from moving'

Zon closed his eyes trying to find the source of his paralysis.


Shoto sword was laced with Sand Lizard poison.


Zon powered throw the poison and tried smack Shoto off him but Shoto flipped spitting poisonous breath into his eye.

"Aaaargh!" Zon screamed.

Shoto removed his sword from Zon's body and retreated back. Zon removed his eye to stop the poison from spreading.

"To force me to remove my eye is quite commendable"

Shoto kept silence and charged forward with twice the the speed. Zon lunch air punches to counter.

Pow pow pow pow pow pow pow!

Ping ping ping ping ping!

Shoto was more comfortable dealing with Zon's attacks his eyes were monitoring every move of his opponent looking for a gap and like a  thread through a needle he found it.


Zon was cut across the chest causing blood to splurge out. He was a bit taken aback by this halting his pouches for a split second. Shoto to this chance.

[Kuzakabe Sword Art: Bleeding Spring]


Zon's first right arm dropped after being cut clean off. Blood gushed from the wound, Shoto rubbed more salt to injury spraying poison on the wound stopping it from healing.

Zon came back to reality realizing what had happened he back away finally moving from his position. Shoto chased after him but Zon sent him back with a powerful air palm. Shoto landed on his feet ready to charge again. Zon placed his three remaining hand on the ground and released a shockwave through the ground.

rumble! crack!

The shockwave broke the ground making it's way towards Shoto. Shoto breathed coiling more force around the sword and dug it into the ground creating another shockwave to counter Zon's.


The separate forces collide forming a creator at the center forming a dust cloud. Shoto through the dust cloud using a new sword formation.

[Kuzakabe Sword Art: Black Flower]

[Destructive Art: Iron Palm]


Shoto's blade clashed with Zon's iron palm repeatedly this was the final stretch of their fight the were no more surprises or so Zon thought.

Water began covering Shoto's blade combining with the force the both retreated back ready for their final attack.

They both charged at each other for one last time.

[Destructive Art: Blade Fist]

The air around Zon's fists condensed in a sharp air blade.

[Kuzakabe Sword Art: Demon Of Spring]

Shoto's attack manifested into a Oni and clashed with Zon's attack.



They both stood with their backs turned to each other until

"Kuek!" Zon's knees fell to the ground holding his cut up stomach.

"That was excellent Shape Shifter successor"

Shoto turned around and used <Harvest> absorbing his fallen for for new strength.

[Congratulations you have gained a new skill <Devourer> abilities <<Compass>>]


{It's a skill similar to <Harvest> but with different capabilities}

"Oh then-"


Shoto's words were cut off by the golden arm guard beeping. A hologram appeared from the arm guard the hologram was off a man with silky blonde hair, red eyes in a suit sitting in a chair with a legs crossed like a mafia boss.

"[Wow you actually beat that eevera otherworlder  congratulations" the hologram man clapped his hands and continued speaking.

[Ok time to get to business my name is Ermes or as the eevera and the shapeless beast call me Shape Shifter]

He changed his form into that of a woman with brown hair a curvey body an a large cleavage.

[The reason I summoned you to this world is because I'm bored of life and for reasons I will not say I choose to summon an otherworlder as successor.

Passing the dungeon means you are worth to inherit my wealth and territory and that golden arm guard is the key to all of it. Of course you are going to need some help getting by in this world so I arranged someone to help you. This is it from me kid enjoy yourself haha]

Ermes's hologram disappeared with a mischievous smile since the massage was pre-recorded Shoto couldn't asked the questions he had.


Crystals rained from the ceiling and a person dropped from it. A woman dropped from the ceiling no a beautiful elf woman dropped from the ceiling. Her body was wet and naked , long golden hair clung to her her wet curvey body.

"Cough cought" the elf woman coughed.

She wanted to get up but her body was two weak to even lift herself of the ground.

Shoto just stared at her struggling he had never seen naked woman in his life an elf woman at that. So his mind was processing things right now, he was having feelings he never had before.

{Heart beat is rising}

The Assistant's voice snapped Shoto out of his trance he took a deep breath trying to calm his heart beat. He went to the elf woman cautiously.


He grabbed her hair and made her look at him her blue eyes met Shoto's black eyes. Even though she was wet she didn't smell like it her smell was intoxicating.

Ba~dump! Ba~dump!

{Hormone spike detected}

Shoto didn't hear that infact his breathing was rough like he ran marathon the elf woman was the same before Shoto could do anything naughty they were teleported.

Book 0: The Dungeon End.