
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 6: Vivi's Inn

Using <<Compass>>Shoto figured out that there were a total of six bandits hiding alongside the road ready to ambush them.

"Sir should we stop and deal with them?" Grysilia asked.

"Nah I'll handle just keep driving"

"As you wish Sir" she kept on driving.

Shoto opened his skill <Wolf Gate> summoning dire wolves. One dire wolf appeared creeping behind each bandit. They never noticed the presence of the deadly predator's behind them.

(Rip them to shreds) Shoto commanded.


The dire wolves growled pouncing onto their prey and tearing their flesh with their razor sharp teeth.

"Aaaaah!" "Nooooo!" "Aaaargh!"

The bandits screamed as feeling their flash and limps being ripped off before going silent. The dire wolves disappeared without eating them.

"It done" Shoto said.

The continued their journey to La Breon.



The Varia region was a collection of smaller kingdoms smack dab in the middle of the west. This small kingdoms would be in constant conflict with each other as many of resources were in the hands of the seven major kingdoms. Due to constant fighting the most this kingdoms would last would be 200 years a short lifespan for a kingdom.

The Ital kingdom had surprisingly lasted 300 years  due to bordering the Wild Lands. Not all kingdoms who bordered the Wild Lands lasted this long though.

Grysilia stopped the carriage at the entrance of La Breon, the guards inspected the cargo in the carriage.

"It all good you can enter" the Guard said close the crate.

Before they could enter the Guard said

"Oh don't forget to register yourselves at so since you don't have identity cards".

"No problem" Shoto said expressionless.

Grysilia drove the carriage into town. Before Shoto and Grysilia reached the La Breon Grysilia summoned crates from her storage charm and filled them with black boar fur and other materials because what kind of merchants walk into town with nothing to sell.

As soon they entered the town Shoto put stored the crates into his arm guard.

"Where can wear register ourselves?" Shoto asked Grysilia.

"We could register a the town hall or the adventurers guild before registering our business at the merchant guild"

"Then let's head to the adventurer's guild"

After asking a few people for directions they reached the adventurers guild. The building of adventure guild was made of stone and painted with like a government office. Two guard in red were stationed at the door the allowed Shoto and Grysilia enter. The guild was full of adventurers some were at the notice board looking a quest while were having a drink or cashing in their bounty. It was everything Shoto expected it seems his knowledge from light novels did not fail him.

They walked up to the receptionist to register Grysilia stood in front of Shoto to speak for him since she was his servant.

"Excuse me but my master and I would like to register" she said.

"Huh oh yeah wait a moment" the receptionist said rubbing her eyes,it was a slow day at the guild.

The receptionist reached beneath the desk pulling out a black crystal orb.

"Um place your hand on the orb and say your name while send mana into the crystal orb.." the receptionist said yawning at the end.

Before Grysilia could place her hand on the crystal Shoto called through telepathy.


(Yes Sir)

(Can your fake your rank?)

(What rank do you want me to get?)

(Maybe get A-rank or B-rank?)

(As you wish Sir)

Grysilia's mana filled the black crystal orb slowly turning it from black to silver. The receptionist rubbed her eyes to see clearly she couldn't believe it.

"Wow miss I have never seen such precise mana control what's your name miss"

"Grysilia Kuzakabe" she said it.

The orb glow then popped out a silver card from the slit with Grysilia name, new surname and rank on with other details.

"Sir please step forward" the receptionist called Shoto.

Shoto did the same as Grysilia and sent mana through the orb with the help of Sage Shoto turned the orb orange obtaining a C-rank.

"Wow your mana control is very precise I haven't seen anything like this before"

The orange glow from the orb was well maintain. Shoto said his name and a orange card came out of the slit beneath the orb.

"Congratulations sir and madam please remember that these cards serve as your identity cards wherever you go" she said before bowing.

Shoto and Grysilia were about to walk out the guild went suddenly a large man blocked their way.

"Hey there" the man said looking down.

Shoto sighed internally he read many isekai and this moment was the most cringe of them all.

"Grysilia" Shoto said Grysilia nodded in response

Seeing the man was about lay his hands on her she griped his wrist and twisted his entire arm forcing him to kneel.


Grysilia let go and walked passed him with Shoto. Everyone in the guild blinked twice to make sure what the saw was real, the man who was kneeling it his arm twisted was an S-rank. They all thought something was definitely wrong.

Shoto and Grysilia went back to their carriage and began exploring the town of La Breon. The town was quite lively as the past the flee market,food stalls and street performers. The red light district was living because it was daytime. Shoto peep the prostitutes bathing in their rooms with x-ray vision from Sage's augmented reality.

The woman turned around as if she was looking at Shoto , he quickly deactivated the augmented reality.


"Yeah what is it?"

"Should we go to the merchant guild to register?"

"Nah I'll do that tomorrow let look around for today"

Shoto wanted have the isekai experience before getting to his main objective. [1]

The explorerd the town on the the carriage looking for good spots to set up their business. As the sun got darker they began looking for a inn mostly Grysilia as Shoto was still looking around then something cought his eye.

It looked like a circus tent but no one was going in to see the performance there wasn't even music coming from it. Then a carriage parked itself in front of the tent, the carriage had cage with people in it.

A short fat man with round shades and tophet came of the tent. He rubbed his chin inspecting the people in cage.  The man driving the carriage got off carrying a whip at his hip. He opened the cage and cracked his whip.


The people in the cage began exiting the cage one after another. First catgirl then a human woman after that a female dwarf with silver hair  then lastly a short skinny boy with yellow hair. They all entered the tent following each other linked by a chain.


Shoto made sure to memorized this place a part of his plan began to form. The carriage came to a halt as Grysilia said.

"Sir I found us a place to rest for the night".

"Oh" Shoto snap out of his thoughts an entered the shabby looking building with Grysilia.

A the counter there was a brown haired girl playing with her fingers. She noticed the two customers entering and straight herself to great them.

"Welcome dear customers to Vivi's in how may I help you?" She asked politely.

"We'd like one room for two"Shoto said.

The girls eyes bounced between Shoto and Grysilia before saying.

"Okay how long will you be staying here?"

"A month"

The quilt in the girls hand snap hearing the duration of their stay.

"A month?" Another voice entered the room.

It as a tall muscular looking woman carrying two barrels beneath he arms entered the room. She was similar to Ana from Freetown only difference being she had brown hair and eyes.

"Grandma!" The girls said.


Shoto was surprised the woman in front of him didn't look like grandmother. She had a tall figure, well sculpted muscles that made look more attractive with curve and breast that made any young man's blood turn hot.

Shoto gulped something had awakened in him seeing this woman. Shoto wondered how rolling in bed with her would feel.

'Is she really a grandma? '

The grandma felt Shoto's eyes allover her body. She gave a small smile and put the barrels down. She got closer to Shoto and Grysilia at the reception desk.

"Good evening my name is Vivi since  our Inn isn't that great we'll charge you five Bronze each for a night's  stay what do you think?" She putting her hands on her hips.

Shoto pondered before pulling out a gold coin from his pocket and give it to the grandma. The Grandma blinked as seeing gold for the first time.

"We.. don't.. have.. change" she shuttered.

"Nah just keep it in case we decide to stay longer than planned now can you please show us our room?"

"Umm yes this way please"

[AN: I know this is not an eventful chapter but right now I'm just boiling water with this Arc before cooking.]