
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 19: Rain To Wash Blood

"Work for me" Shoto said to Santino.

Santino was startled by Shoto's offer that he couldn't come up with a response. Parlo once offered Santino a position of his second in command if he joined him but Santino didn't want to be part of a gang were there was no code.

This was the second time someone asked him to join their side only it had a twist. Santino had already broken the oath if they survived someone would report him to Mariposa and he'd be dead.

"Where.. not... turn..coats" a mob member named Samy managed to speak.

Shoto smirked at his response "You know I won't leave you or families alive if that's the case"

"But you said you wouldn't hurt their families if I talked"

"I said you'd be putting them in danger if you didn't talk in never said they'd be out if you did"

Santino couldn't refute that he knew it wouldn't end with him giving information. The mafia was all about brotherhood so if he died it would be with his crew and if he had to rise it would be with them.

"What about my crew"

"They can come to but remember I plan to weed out any connection to the Mariposa family in La Breon so if your not on my side then die now"

Shoto's words felt heavier than the force pinning them down.

The bloodlust Shoto leaked was enough to tell that there was no way out, you were either in or out. Two options were presented it was either die with your family or become a traitor and live , they chose the ladder.

When they all excepted Shoto's offer he released them from the pressure they didn't stand on their feet but instead kneeled with Santino. Shoto lit a black flame in his right hand and offered Santino to shake it.

Santino took out a dagger and cut his hand drawing blood then shook Shoto's hand. The black flame enveloped Santino's hand and he could feel something enter his body then coil around his heart like a chain.

"That feeling around your heart his insurance so don't think of running you are mine now"

"gulp" there was no turning back once you shook his hands.

After shaking Shoto's hand Santino stood up and stood behind his new boss. The rest followed suet and once they were done Shoto had twenty-one mobster understand his control.

"Now that we've got that out of the way here's your first order" their ears perked up ready to be commanded.

"Keep acting like members of the Mariposa family until give the order to strike"

"Huh" the were all confused.

"We're not going to strike down Mariposa now I have a lot on my hands right now so only do your regular stuff until it's time to attack got it "

"Yes boss" the answered in unison.

Shoto was about to leave when Santino stopped him.

"Boss wait"

"Something the matter?"

"Boss I know you're strong and you can handle the entire Mariposa family on your own but don't you think it would be better to recruit more people too keep your hands clean?"

Santino had good intuition and his intuition told him that if he let Shoto go out and kill Mariposa family members, the streets of La Breon would be littered with bodies. Shoto indirectly got Santino's ,he wanted to kill the entire Mariposa family and even with Grysilia's help he wouldn't be able to kill all of them.

"Sir I think his right if you have more men on your side it will lessen our target scope and you don't have to be directly involved"

Shoto though deeper than realized that if his plan succeeded what would be running a crime family. He did want his name to be associated with a crime family profits would avoid him.

"Santino come closer" Shoto said.

Santino didn't know what Shoto was planning but when stood before Shoto he knelt down. Shoto placed his hand on Santino hand and began sowing something into him.

[ You have been granted <<Telepathy>>]

[You have granted the [Black Flame Curse]. You can only use this curse for a duration thirty-two days]  Sage said.

The [Black Flame Curse] was curse that could subjugated it's targets. Cults used this spell to insure none of their members deserted them. This spell was also other first page of Curse Engineering.

Once they sowing was done Santino ignited the black flame in his palm. Him and he other soldiers couldn't believe it this was a god like feat for them.

"Recruit as many people as you can before time runs out" Shoto said stretching his arms.

"Now let's talk about how we are going to do this thing" Shoto realized that he couldn't half ass it if was going to take down a crime family.

While Shoto was planning the demise of the Mariposa family. The thief he had sent had snuck into the Brans mansion. Getting pasted the guards was no problem for Mikel and his [Shadow Walk Art].

With an art like this Mikel could do great sneak attack damage but he'd never get recognized, so he decided to be a gangster but that was a bust now that he was enslaved for attacking the wrong people.

Mikel used his [Shadow Walk Art] to sneak through mansion then into a bedroom. The this bedroom looked like belonged to woman.

There was no one in here where would they be when a storm was about to hit? Mikel didn't care and searched for anything Shoto could use, he searched through the closet, desk draw and panty draws but found nothing.

Mikel lifted the mattress and found a few letters but that wasn't enough he took them stashing them in his bag. He looked under the bed a found a small wooden chest.

Mikel brought the wooden chest out from under the bed and tried to open it but it was locked so he began picking the lock.


Success he opened it. Mikel found a diary and more letters with perfume on them , he stashed them in bag then moved on to Bran's office. Mikel quickly and skillfully picked the lock then entered the office he closed the door behind him and began searching the office.

He targeted the desk draws first, he found some letters, documents but no leger. Mikel's thieving sense told him that the leger would be hidden behind something his attention shifted towards the painting. He was about to remove the painting when he heard foot steps coming towards the office.

Step! Step! Step! Step!

Mikel hid the letters in his bag then stuck himself to the office ceiling like a spider. The person tried to use the key but the door was already open.

Norman slowly entered the office his eyes scanning it but he failed to see the thief hanging from the ceiling.

"Huh I must have forgotten too lock the office today" Norman said an began tidying up as slowly as possible.

Clinging to the ceiling took a lot of focus and even more to avoid being spotted, Mike was thankful that Norman didn't look up.

A drop of sweat ran down Mikel's forehead to the edge of his nose ready to drip off. Mikel's eyes looked scared at the sweat drop begging it not fall.

Norman finished fixing up the office then left without locking the door.


The office door swung open and Norman entered again he looking noticing the wet spot on the carpet and the open window.

"Clever rat you won't get away from that easy"

Norman cracked his bones then launched himself out the open window in persiuet of the thief.

Mikel jumped from building to building hoping to get as far as possible from the Bran manor but hope vanished when a knife flew past him from behind.


Norman was behind and was catching up while simultaneously throwing knives.



An knife flew into Mikel's shoulder but he still moved on trying to increase his speed. Mikel pushed his [Shadow Walk Art] the limit but the distance between him and Norman was closing and the knife in his shoulder seemed to be laced with poison to slow him down.Then an idea sparked in his head like a fire work.

'<Quick Step>'

The distance between Mikel and Norman widened in an instant. Norman was surprised but still continued his persiuet , Norman used to a mercenary he had lost of experience in catching thieves.

Mikel could feel Norman closing the distance.

'What the fuck is this butler?' Mikel couldn't believe Norman was so fast at his age.

The poison from the knife was starting to get to him <Quick Step> and [Shadow Walk Art> weren't going to help him escape quickly or stealthy.

Another idea sparked his head 'Why not use both of them at the same time?'

Mikel put a lot focus in this plan using a skill and an art at the same time was no simple tasks but he had to do it if he wanted to live.

"Haaa" he closed his eyes and breathed for a second.

All the energy in his body began to rotate it looked like he stopped for a moment. Norman took the chance and threw another poisoned knife.

The knife was about making contact with Mikel's spine when it suddenly phased through him and hit a walk of another building.

"What!" Norman was shocked with surprise.

It was an illusion Mikel had vanished Norman couldn't tell which direction he went even if he was bleeding.


Cloud roared as heavy rain began to pour down over La Breon. Lots of rain would be needed to was away the blood that would be spilled in the coming days.