
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 14: Tutorial Is Over


Dark thunder clouds covered the night sky of La Breon and some were in La Breon a young boy sat on a chair head down with his hands folded together.

He was angry but in deep thought he had messed up and that pissed him off. This young man had learned many lessons before coming to this world but know he learned a new one 'This world wasn't a game' he had made enemy's without thinking and the price was his servants, a grandma and her granddaughter. His bloodlust was about to explode when.

"Sir you contain your bloodlust the are all fine" Grysilia said exiting one other the six rooms.

Shoto breathed a sigh of relief but his anger didn't subside. His eyes were slightly red and dark fiendish aura exuded from his body Sage struggled to keep the aura contain the fiendish aura within a magic barrier.

Grysilia was a bit taken aback by this she had spent seven weeks with him but she had never seen him like this. Seven weeks wasn't a lot of time to really get to know someone but because of Ermes they were stuck to each other and so they had know one another.

'Sir this incident will make you grow' she knew this would be a turning point for Shoto.

"How is Luca?" Shoto was the most worried him.

Shoto had gotten close with Luca with in those three weeks. He saw Luca as a little brother since he didn't have siblings and now someone had cut off his little brother's arm. Shoto had found Luca's severed arm and reattached it with <Cellular Synthesis> but he had still lost a lot of blood.

Shoto had many thoughts racing through his mind and one of them was what his grandfather said during an outing.

'Shoto just because no one can harm you doesn't mean that they won't harm the people around you'

His grandfather used to be a yakuza so he talked from experience. Now Shoto was learning from experience and the most painful experience was the most helpful.

"His fine he just needs a lot of rest" Grysilia said.

Shoto released a deep sigh "Did you check their memories"

"Yes sir the people who attacked the Inn are members of the Mariposa crime family they would take protection money from her once a week but -" She paused


"She had missed payment for some reason according to what they said in her memory but grandma Viv's memory says they didn't collect the money on the said day"

"So they missed payment on purpose to used it as an excuse to attack my people" Shoto's aura rose.

"Sir the man who attacked Nora and Galla at the market place don't seem to be from La Breon"

Grysilia ability <<Mind Gazer>> could extract memories from people, implant other people's memory into someone else's or create fake memory and more depending on the user.She had implanted a memory of the five man who attacked Nora and Galla in grandma Viv but her mind responded with questions. Before doing anything Shoto needed information he might be angry but his thought process was detached from his emotions.

Knock knock

The knock on the door turned Shoto's attention. He retracted his dark aura then removed the noise cancelation barrier.

"Come in"

The door open and on the other side was Willis the slave trader. Shoto and Grysilia had brought everyone at Willis's private Inn in the noble district reason being this was the last place anyone would look for them. Another reason was because Willis's saw Shoto as a future business partner even though Shoto had hassled him. Shoto expected Willis offer to get more information it was a win win for both of them.

"Good evening is everyone doing alright?"

"They are fine but bring you here on this dark stormy night?" Shoto asked showing know emotion.

"Well mister Kuzakabe you see I came upon some news that might be of great help to you"

"Is this news free?"

"Of course fist time is always" Willis avoided Shoto's gaze for a second.

"So let us hear this news"

"Oh ahem" Willis pretended to clear his throat.

His servant Fredrick took out a magic tool that casted a sound barrier stopping sound from leaving. Willis wiggled around in the chair before speaking.

"A little birdy told me that the men who attacked Nora and Galla ran to Freetown" Willis had learned thier names to appeal to Shoto.

Shoto's eyes narrowed it was a piece of information they did not have until now. Willis smiled seeing Shoto's slightly reaction he was helping Shoto so he would use his information network more.

"And there more it seems to mafia are involved with whoever put hit on your subordinates and business"

Willis finished but no reaction came from Shoto it was as if he already knew. Shoto stood up stretching his limbs it looked like he had decided on some.

"Mister Kuzakabe I know you are going to do something but-"

"Don't worry mister Ferraro this won't harm you in any way if you are not involved" Shoto used Willis's last name.

Willis was felt shivers down his spine. Willis took his leave as soon as possible he didn't know what he was afraid of but he never ignored his instincts.

"Grysilia go and find those mod members do kill just stake them out I'll head to Freetown to find the other five "

"Yes Sir and don't forget these"

Grysilia pulled out two different pieces of cloths that were ripped off by Nora and Galla during there fight. Shoto to the cloths  he knew just how to use them before he left Shoto placed a dire wolf in each of the shadows people in the rooms then he placed a barrier if anyone came by he would be alerted.

Shoto opened a transfer gate that lead to the outskirts of Freetown he stood atop a hill that overlooked the entire town. This place was rotten he could smell from were he was standing.

<Wolf Gate> activated and dozens of Thunderstorm Dire Wolves filled the forest. The number of wolves were in enough to invade all of Shibuya and Freetown wasn't half that size.

(Master what is your command) Raijū appeared before Shoto bowing.


[AN: It's time to cook. From this point on Shoto is going to be on demon time so be warned]