
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 12: The Patient


As soon as Shoto activated the skill a dark and ominous aura rose from the cursed man's body. The ominous aura filled the entire room causing it to trembled. The two Red Guards stationed outside rushed into the room but were quickly knocked back out.

The little black flame began absorbing the ominous aura slowly growing itself. As the black flame began to grow bigger so did the rate at which it was absorbing aura. The ominous aura that filled the room began to lessen as the hungry black flame rapidly absorbed the cursed aura becoming a bigger flame.The black flame was like an incense that relieved the room of the horrible aura. The black flame still burn but it didn't grow anymore.

The cursed wasn't completely cured there was still something left . He watched the cursed man's body like wolf stocking it's prey the cursed man's body began to shake.

(Sage) Shoto said.

He then using <Force Control> with his other hand. Sage kept the black flame stable while Shoto focused on removing whatever was inside the cursed man's body with <Force Control>. Shoto slowly moved 'it' through the cursed man's body 'it' struggling to go through his neck as it had swollen up but Shoto made it possible.The cursed man's mouth opened and something thing came.

"Good God!" Javier scream seeing the thing that came out of his master's body.

It was a very long black centipede that Shoto was gently pulling out not harm them patient's organs. Once Shoto had removed the centipede from the patient's body he feed it to the black flame. The centipede made a noise as it was now being consumed and converted. Shoto extinguished the black flame once the centipede and the dark aura was completely absorbed.

"The curse has been dispelled but he still needs treatment"

The man was still swollen even though the curse was removed.

"Treatment?" Javier said.

"Yes he might still die from the lingering effects of the curse so we should treat him as soon as possible" Shoto.

Even if a curse was dispelled it still left lasting affects like scar or a wound.

"What do you need to treat him" Javier didn't doubt Shoto anymore.

"I need a large empty space maybe a basement, acupuncture needles and bandages"

"Yes" Javier bowed and left.

As soon he left the room Shoto and Grysilia could him yelling ordering servants to get move. This was the first time this mansion had been so busy.

"You were amazing Sir"

"Are trying to stroke my ego" Shoto said as he let Grysilia wipe the sweat off his forehead.

"I would rather stroke something else" Grysilia said with a teasing tone.

"Now's not the time" Shoto said avoiding her gaze with a red flush across his face.

"Tonight then"

Shoto couldn't reply to her as two maid rushed in each carrying a box. One box had rolls full of bandages and the other box had needles not acupuncture needles but the worked for Shoto.

"Sir Javier said the empty space will be ready in twenty minutes" one of the maids said.

"That's okay Grysilia begin"

Grysilia nodded then raised her hand using telekinesis. The patient began to float gently from the bed then rolls of bandages began to fly, unravel and rap around the patient until he was a fat mummy. The needles in the second box flew towards to the patient and pierced the patient's blood points. Each time and needles pierced his flesh the bandages would be soaked in a purple liquid.

Twenty minutes later Javier returned he was shocked to see his master  floating and wrapped in bandages with needles in him. He showed them the way to the empty space he had prepared. Grysilia put the patient in a bubble and brought him along. When they arrived at the empty basement. Shoto told the maids and Javier to put on facemasks. They didn't as they were told and Shoto began.

"Pool" Shoto cast a spell.

Two large pits formed into a basement after that they began to fill up with water until the brim.

"Boil" he cast another spell.

Steam began rising from the pool as the water began to boil. The water became hot enough to burn a person's skin off. Once everything was ready Grysilia casted a spell on the patient so he wouldn't die from the boiling water when submerged.  Before Grysilia submerged the patient in the boiling water with her telekinesis Shoto emptied one bottle of the red elixirs in the boiling pools.

As the patient was fully submerged in the boiling pool purple liquid gushed out of each out of him turning the water purple. When the water was completely polluted be the purple substance Grysilia remove him and submerged him in the other boiling pool. Shoto snapped his fingers and vaporized the purple water the refilled it with more boiling water. A maid emptied a bottle of the red elixir into the boiling pool per Javier's instructions to make Shoto's job easier.

Once the other pool was purple Grysilia gently removed the patient with telekinesis and submerged him in the new water Shoto had made. This process was repeated a countless times everytime the patient was removed from the water he would come out less swollen.

As the sun was about to set Grysilia pulled the patient out of the boiling waters. The bandages were loose around his body as he was now as skinny as a twig. Grysilia carefully floated him down on the mat that had been prepared but not before removing his bandages and replacing them with new ones.

"Haa haa" the patient's breathing was right.

Shoto  placed his hand on the patient's chest then used <Cellular Synthesis> to strengthen the patient's organs. There were still a lot of elixirs left so Shoto opened a bottle and poured it into the patient's mouth his head was gently raised so he could swollen the elixir.

"Is he cured?" Javier asked anxiously as he got closer.

"Pretty much" Shoto said.

The patient's eyes opened halfway and he spoke weakly "Ja..vi...er".

"Yes Sir it's me" Javier replied full of tears even the maids were crying soaking their face mask in tears.

"Jav.." the patient passed out before he could say more.

"What's wrong his he dead!?" Javier panicked.

"No he's just unconscious things like this will occur while his in this state he'll be awake then unconscious"

Shoto took the bag of elixirs and gave it to Javier who had calmed down.

"And pour the elixir in all the food he eat's it will removed leftover traces of the curse from his body"

"Yes thank you" Javier was about to cry again.

"I guess it's time to go" Shoto said looking at Grysilia.

"Please wait a bit longer while I fetch your rew..." Javier was tuned out by the alarm that went off in Shoto's head.

[Sir your servants are in danger!] Sage yelled.

As screen only Shoto could see appeared before him, it was the map of La Breon. It had four marker two were in the market place while two were in back at the Inn. The markers beeping red with every passing second.

[Sir you have to hurry]

"Sorry we have to leave it's an emergency"

Shoto and Grysilia disappeared like they were never there in the first place.

[AN: I'm about to cook]