
Summoning Crystal

After he pulled out this dark stone, Duke Yuletide raised his other hand up to his mouth.

However, he didn't seem to do anything after that.

With the way that he was just standing there, it was almost as if he was hesitating to take this final step.

Both the fourth prince and I knitted our brows when we saw the dark stone that he took out.

While I had no idea why the fourth prince was looking like this, I had this worried look on my face since I could feel the magic energy coming from this dark stone. It was clear that whatever this dark stone was, it wasn't a normal item.

It was clear that this thing was some kind of magical item that must have some kind of shocking effect if Duke Yuletide thought that it would be able to save him from this situation.

It was just that I had no idea what this was.

That was until the fourth prince suddenly said, "Where did you get this thing?"