
Short Stories.

A compilation of chapter long stories of different genres to read when you want a small adventure!!!

Jasleen_Kaur_1936 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


"20 lakhs?"

"Make it 25 and we have a deal."

"Very well then."

I smiled as I walked down the tight alleyway, a stack of 100 dollar bills laying in my front pocket, it was heavy but it made me feel so light. Just cracked the best deal in ages, Jessica would be proud.

The travel time in the cab was full of thoughts as I took long drags from my last cigarette. It was pouring cats and dogs, everything gloomy, just the way I liked it. The car stopped in front of a tall, dark building. Walking inside, I scanned my ID card on my way in and took the elevator to basement 5, something only accessible to particular employees.

"And who might you be?", the lady at the desk asked, I smiled. "I'm here to see Mr.... Ross?", I replied.

"Do you have an appointment sir?"

"We'll see about that", I grinned as I fingered the silver, shining knife tucked deep in the back of my leather belt.


I cleaned the blood off my hands with my handkerchief and casually picked up the lady's lunch. "Why thank you beautiful", talking to the corpse, "I've been starving.". I swiftly dragged the lady's body to the back of the desk with the speed of someone who had experience in this field.

"Mr. Ross?", I called out as I knocked on the door.

"Come on in."

"Michael... What are you doing in my office!?", replied Ross, a small man of around 45, leaning in his chair.

"I told you Ross, to not interfere with my matters and look at us now. Next time, it won't be the desk lady's throat.", I said, as I was about to leave, i heard him scream behind me, "YOU DON'T COME TO MY OFFICE, MY HOME AND THREATEN MY FAMILY! I WON'T HAVE IT."

"Oh now you wanna talk about family, you didn't really care about family 10 years back when you walked inside the house of a happily married couple and mutilated them right in front of their child!", i screamed, loosing my cool.

"That was you?... Look Michael.", he said, suddenly looking remorseful. "I'm a changed man and I've regretted everything since the day i did it. I'm so sorry."

"Save it", I replied as i walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me.



I sighed as I tried to calm down a fuming Jessica, "I did what I had to! I'm taking my revenge... I'm gonna destroy everything he ever loved and then leave him to die by himself."

"You didn't have to do this Mike! You struck a wonderful deal and I'm proud! but this is not the Mike that I was swooned by.. You've changed and I won't say its for the best. That lady was innocent, I know that man killed your parents but be a man and move on!", Jessica screamed as i tried not to loose my composure.

"You know what's the word I've always hated? "orphan". It drives me off the edge and you Jessica, have crossed a line."

"I crossed a line!?! Get out Michael and see me when you actually know what you're talking about."

I left the room upset and angry, I need to relieve stress so I did what I knew what was best.


"Michael Zan has gone rouge.", Jessica said into the phone as she asked her men to keep an eye on him.

I wasn't sure what to do yet here I was, standing in front of the man's house, looking at him laugh with his wife inside... His wife. The woman he'd kill for. The woman who would be the key to my success.

Within a second I had crashed in the window and was tackling him down, I hit him on the head and looked up giving a grin to the petrified woman, who was now on the ground. I took my chance to pin her down and run my knife along her pale, smooth skin.

"It's a pity I'm killing you.", I smiled as i stroked her face, "But it has to be done." I smirked as her head rolled off her body with one swift stroke of my knife. I quickly gathered myself and kept a piece of paper on Ross's unconscious body right before I dashed out of the house covering my face from any pryers.

The adrenaline was washing out, maybe I shouldn't have done this anyway, not only did I kill two innocent people, I also made an enemy for life. I ran as fast as I could, as hard as I could but the fear wouldn't go away. My legs were giving out but I was in no mood to stop, and then it happened.

Pain as clear as day went striking through my stomach. Everything happened in slow motion as my hand went to the gushing hole in my abdomen and I collapsed to the ground, all I could see was the face of one of my colleagues before I got snatched away from this Earth by the claws of death itself.