

"He woke up!! Quick someone gets the doctor!" A loud voice yelled beside me. That's when I notice the woman in nurse uniform rushing out.

Well, I guess I'm not in heaven. I sat up and found myself attached to all kinds of machines.

'Damn what the hell is going on?'

The last thing I remember was falling asleep. Maybe my stepmom thought I fainted. That's probably what happened.

Wait, the System! I checked my palm but there wasn't anything unusual.

If I remember correctly, the system did some kind of Synchronization whatever the hell that means. Nothing looks different. I still feel exactly the same.

Soon a man in doctor attire rushed in with the nurse from before. The doctor was an old man with a very round face. If he was wearing a suit and a top hat he would definitely look like a monopoly man.

"How are you feeling Mr. Anderson?" the doctor asked me full of concern.

"I'm fine. I just fell asleep it's not that big of a deal. My stepmom probably overreacted." As soon as I said that the doctor and nurse had a strange face.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused. Maybe I have a deadly disease. Damn it. I was fine just yesterday.

Monopoly man gave me a smile and said, "Nothing. Now we need to check your vitals and see if there's anything wrong. Sally, please call Mrs. Anderson and tell her Mr. Anderson is awake."

I watched the nurse leave after giving me a strange look. 'what's wrong with her?'

"Mr. Anderson-"

"Call me Drew," I said. Hearing "Mr. Anderson" was a little weird. It makes me feel old for some reason.

"Alright. Drew can you get up for me?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah" I got up from the bed and even stretched a little.

"Hmm. Strange." The doctor muttered under his breath.

"Do your limbs feel weak?" The doctor asked.

"No...Are they supposed to?" The whole ordeal was strange to me. I seriously just fell asleep.

The doctor left after a few more tests. My stepmom came running in next. She looked very worried and surprised to see me out of bed.

"Honey are you alright?" She hugged me with tears on her face.

"Yea I'm completely fine. You didn't have to bring me to the hospital. I just fell asleep." I said still in her embrace. "By the way you look different."

She did look different. I can't tell exactly how but she just seems older.

"Drew I'm going to tell you something very shocking and you need to stay calm. Alright?" She said slowly as she let me go.

"Yea. sure." The whole serious vibe was scaring me.

"Drew you've been in a coma for 5 years now." She said while looking straight at me.


I was completely speechless. Did she seriously think I'm that gullible? I feel insulted.

"Haha. Your so funny mom."

"Drew I'm serious."

"Yeah right."

"Drew look"

She took out her phone and showed me the calendar. It said June 5, 2023.

"You know its easy to change the time. right? By the way what kind of phone is this."

The phone in my hand looks way too good. It's one I've never seen before. Maybe I've been...

"Its the latest iPhone."

"Your really not kidding right?"

"Why would I joke about something like this?"

That's true. She wasn't the type to play pranks like this now that I think about it.

So that means I've been asleep for 5 years. That's most of my 20s. I dont even know how to feel about this all of a sudden.

Im is pretty sure most of my friends were probably married by now. Some of them probably have kids also. I sat down on the bed in a daze.

My stepmom sat beside me and stroked my back to comfort me. Tears started running down my face with my control.

'Five years of life just gone like that. It's that damn System.'

The sudden thought of the system made me angrier. Speaking of which where the hell was that bastard.

"System reboot complete."

A voice rang in my ears.

"What the hell!" I jumped.

"Drew what's wrong?"

"You didn't hear it ?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," I said as I look at her confused face.

'System!' i called out in my mind.

"System online. Preparing interface."

The same voice rang in my ears again.

Then a screen appears in front of me. I stood there shocked at the turn of events. I looked at my stepmom and she just had a concerned face which meant she couldn't see this.

"Welcome to the System v2.0."