
Chapter 37 Qiao Menghan_1

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Xia Yao felt a bit disappointed, but she didn't choose to leave. Instead, she grabbed a chair and sat down beside him. During that time, she was also nervously afraid of being publicly rejected. However, fortunately, the man remained silent. Could his silence be seen as acceptance to her move? Realizing this, she felt a burst of elation deep down. Afterwards, she started to find some topics to talk about intentionally and unintentionally. Little did she know, there was an even bigger surprise yet to come.

"Sinian, I heard you've been developing the company quite well these past couple of years."


"I've always thought you were very impressive."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, really. Really impressive." The joy in her voice was obvious. She hadn't expected him to respond to her. Could this different attitude mean he treats her differently than others?

Not only was Xia Yao surprised, the other men at the table were also looking at the two of them with strange eyes constantly.