

Shiva a teen his life changes when he learns about his parents and his grandpa is actually the king of a mithical worlds. He is not a human but a blooder who protects the other worlds from capturing from gods, devils ,etc...., A mystrious shadow teaches him to become strong. The worlds which is like a fariytale and the story of why Shiva was hidden by his grandfather for past twenty years? how he will make gods and devils tremble just by hearing his name.

Sanjay_K_L · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


Now everyone goes to the next class Spear Manship class now the professor introduces himself as Tornado.

He tells everyone to take the sticks on the ground and hit the ground very hardly until the class finishes. Everyone picks up the stick it is very heavy few students can't able to pull the stick.

When they hit the ground, the sticks started to vibrate and their hands become num. Karthik took the stick easily and hit the ground hardly and continued to do it. Henry is struggling to do this exercise and Sakshi dose it with ease.

By looking at the others Shiva tries to take the stick he can't able to move the stick even one bit now the professor tells everyone to look at Shiva.

Shiva didn't notice others are observing him. A student named Aradin mocks Shiva that the crown prince can't even lift the stick.

Dose Yali started to choose weak peoples. When Aradin mocked him, Sakshi literally burned him in her range and Karthik stopped her and tells her this is not our time.

Henry encourages Shiva to lift the stick.

Professor smacks Aradin and tells him to look carefully which stick Shiva is trying to lift.

When everyone looked at the stick and asks the professor "What is new about the stick Shiva is trying to lift?"

Professor tells them the stick was never lift before it increases its weight when someone tries to lift it in a correct way when someone lift this stick wrongly we need to send them to infirmary .

It does not cause any serious injuries that why it kept in the training spares so the students can try to lift it so they can feel the power of the superior if one lift it will belongs to him. No one ever did it. It was a practice instrument of a legend.

Now he is trying to lift it.

Everyone is shocked and looked at him. Professor explains others that Shiva didn't lift that stick improperly even for a sec and his tendency to keep his balance also increases rapidly and keeps up with the stick which increases its weight.

If Shiva continues to do it the stick may accept him as its master.

While everyone discussed about this Shiva didn't notice that everyone is looking at him and the conversation going on.

Suddenly the ground started to give sound like crack is happing in the ground everyone is looking at the Shiva.

He lifted the stick and turned back he saw the shocked face of everyone. He doesn't know what is happening.

Now Shiva is getting ready to hit the ground suddenly professor Tornado stopes him from hitting the ground and asked him to sit in the chair pose for 5 minutes and after 10 minutes break again do it for 5 minutes.

Shiva askes professor did he do something wrong. Professor explains him that Shiva already got the fundamental very strong.

So now professor asks him to do the exercise to balance the weight of the body and the stick.

Professor was thinking about the stick" Interesting.

That stick belongs to him." And he started to laugh. Others continue to do their practice Sakshi and others were mesmerised by what Shiva did and congratulated Shiva.

Shiva questioned them "Why is professor giving me different exercise than others?" Karthik says "You lifted the stick which no one lifted before.

That's why professor told you have strong basic." After the class ended the professor told others to take the stick, they lifted with them.

And Shiva and his friends goes to the afternoon class biology and there they met professor Rosaline.

She introduced herself as biology teacher and teaches about the flower name moon frog.

Moon frog flowers will sparkle sliver colour in moon light and gives a noise like a frog when the wind blows.

It is in green colour which as vein body.

After finishing the class, he thinks about the storage ring given by the professor Tornado and stores the book and the seeds of moon frog plants to grow them successfully grow this plant as an assignment given by the professor Rosaline.

After completing the classes Shiva and others are discussing about the blooders season in three days the freshers are going to take part at the blooders season.

Shiva asks "They are already sending freshers to bloody season. Will it be all right?"

Sakshi explains "During bloody season maximum number of strayed beasts are stopped at the middle of the forest.

We freshers are going to be placed at the entrance of the forest there will be minimum or weak strayed beast will appear."

Everyone went early to take rest Shiva thinks about the blooders season and sleeps.