
Shiro Azim: The Toxic Mercury Shinobi

My name is Shiro. My dream is to be one of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist and the next Mizukage. However, he's going to find the way of being a Shinobi will be a trying and difficult one. Join me in my journey of becoming stronger than all the other Kage

Knight_Hawke · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

As I walked along The Great Naruto Bridge at night I looked up at the stars admiring the fascinating glow from beyond the mist village's city lights. (I wonder if I have what it takes to be one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen...) That's when someone walked up beside me and I turned to see it was Lord Mizukage Kagura. "So it seems you like to come out here too and admire the stars. I just stood in awe as I looked up at him I've always admired his tenacity and his grace the way he carries the village. He holds the village as if it's not something individually but, apart of him; The Pride Of The Mist as some would call it.

"Tell me what is your name?" Lord Mizukage looked down at me awaiting my answer as I still could find no words. "Hey kid, say something." I was quickly brought back to reality by a knuckle knock to the head I turned to see Lady Buntan Lord Mizukage's wife followed by their daughter." "Ow, that hurt." "It got you out of your day dream didn't it?" I pouted and mumbled under my breathe. "You little brat! You dare mumble under your breath!" She tried to go after me that's when Lord Kagura stepped between us. "Now, Now I'm sure he didn't mean any offense by it. You just scared him." "Good, he should be scared!" "Hey, um what's your name." Their daughter spoke up.

"My name is Shiro, Shiro Azim. What's yours?" "I am Junaia Karatachi and my goal is to be the strongest Kunoichi in Hidden Mist History!" Junaia had so much confidence and conviction in her own words I could feel the power eminating from her. I looked at her stunned then I smiled finally My reply was: "My name is Shiro Azim, my goal is to be the Kage stronger than all other Kage!" "Well, how about we make a vow here on this bridge? If we both achieve our dreams we marry eachother."

Junaia held out her hand. I looked at her as the moon light made her purple eyes dance and her long greenish blonde hair sparkle like the late night stars. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me in close and sealed the vow with a kiss. "I vow." "I-I vow." I stumbled the words out. As the wolves howls cry out in the distant forest I quickly began to run back home. I turned back around to wave good-bye to Junaia and Lord and Lady Karatachi and they waved good-bye back.

"Junaia, that boy; Shiro. He will be the best rival and the best friend you could ask for and maybe an amazing husband for you one day." Buntan said to her daughter. "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves." Kagura added slightly annoyed about the idea. "But you are right about one thing... That boy will be the most feared and powerful Shinobi the hidden mist or the Shinobi world has seen since our days and the days of my grandfather."

Three years later...

(Alright my first day at the academy I'm so stoked!) As I went on ahead to get dressed for my first day at the academy my mom had called me from downstairs. "Shiro, it's time to come eat breakfast!" "On my way down now mom!" I quickly found an outfit and put it on. Before I went downstairs, I looked at myself in the mirror the purple and black attire with my long silver and purple hair flowed gracefully together. I told myself I was looking good as I stared at my captivating reddish-gold eyes. (This is going to be the best day ever!) I ran downstairs and began to eat my breakfast and began to jump out the window.

"You better not be using the window again Shiro." "Sorry mom, this the last time!" I jumped out the window and onto the main road as I ran down the road and passed old man Sei's house I ran across my father's grave and stopped to talk to him and pray. (Please dad, watch over me. Help guide me in this ninja world and thank you for your sacrifice.) As the academy bell sounded I quickly hurried over just barely making it on time. I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath.

"You were nearly late slacker." "Hehe, sorry about that Jensei Hoshigaki." "Lay off him why don't you!" We both turned to see Inarea Hozuki. "Oh yeah, what you gonna do about it if I don't? Hozuki Demon Princess." "I told you not to call me that fish boy!" "You want to go right here right now guppie!" "Can you two shut up I'm trying to get some sleep!" We all turned to see Ninari Yuki leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up on the desk. "I told you to go to bed early last night jeez! You're so hard headed." Imari Momochi scolded Ninari. "Alright, class settle down." We all sat in our seats as we looked at our sensei waiting to be taught.