
Shining life

I died once but I came back to life in a shining light. That shining light became me and I became it.

i_is_lazy · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

A contract

After Aster asked the question it became apparent that the shoulete could hear him. After all 'it' or should it be called 'she' replied to him.

"Yes, I can hear you. If you want to talk to me then just think of what you wanna say while thinking about me. I'll understand it."

While she was speaking the darkness covering the female shoulete slowly recceded. In its place stood a woman with waist length straight black hair and black eyes. Her facial features were perfect as if she was the epitome of elegance and beauty.

"By the way you can call me Nyx. Do you have a name by any chance?"

Nyx was really beautiful so much so that even Aster became surprised for a moment. However, now his attention came back to her name. Doesn't this name sound awfully familiar? Like the goddess of night in the Greek mythology. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

While burying some doubts in his mind he replied to her.

"My name's Aster."

He didn't think about giving false name because he doesn't think he has anything to hide. It could also be troublesome if she found out later somehow about it. After all, it's better to be cautious than careless when we don't know much about things. Moreover, it looked like she already knew that he would be around here.

If he tried to lie but it didn't work then maybe his impression in her mind may decline. He needs her help if he wants to leave this ghost place and live in a human like civilization like her's if it's possible or at least not be alone for years and have some companionship in this dark space.

"Are you also wandering around in here like me?"

He tried to inquire some information from her. At this point the interest and curiosity bubbling inside Aster had reached the peak.

"No, I came here because someone told me that there's a pretty big surprise around here waiting for me and it really didn't dissapoint me."

Although Aster was happy that he could finally talk to someone and not be alone, he also raised his caution towards her. From her words it looked like a person already knew about him even though he didn't even notice it. Is it something like superpower or magic? Moreover, she might also be pretty powerful if she can roam around in space without any technological support as he sees.

Maybe Nyx noticed Aster's thoughts or maybe Aster was silent for a little too long but she spoke to him softly. Like an adult talking to a child she said,

"You don't need to be scared of me, I do not mean any harm to you. And even if I really attack you I don't think I can cause to much of damage to you right now."

'All bad people says the same.'

Aster is not the type to think that all people he meets are good and believe them foolishly. But there really isn't much he can do for now except for believing her.

Positively speaking att least he can breathe a sigh of relief that he is not the only one alone in the whole universe. Maybe there's also some planets out there like earth where people live together.

Still he decided to ask carefully. After it's better not to be too absolute and overconfident blindly. And it's also true that he's really curious about how her civilization is if there are any.

"Do you mean that there are also other people like you where you live?"

Understanding the meaning of Aster's words and his curiosity Nyx smiled slyly and introduced him to her world.

"Well, There are many many people living together in the world where I am from. There are people with the same nature as us, people who are as powerful as us, people who are pretty weak, people who look like me, people who are a little different than me."

While saying the words she also presented some pictures as examples in the empty space. She showed Aster humans with different hair and eye colour both male and female. She also showed him humans with animal characteristics like butterfly wings, long ears, cat ears, dragonfly wings, bird's wings and some half humans like mermaids.

"There are also many more interesting things in the place where I am from like mountains, rivers, animals, pond, new sky, etc.. "

She continued projecting pictures of beautiful green mountains, flowing rivers, still pond, the bright sky in the day, the starry sky shining in the night, animals like dog, cat, deer, tiger, dragon, fish, octopus, birds, etc..

Her voice took a charming and bewhicing tune to it. It's like a person who is attempting to kidnapp a child while showing him some candies.

"Aster, would you like to come to my world and live there for a while?"

It's pretty obvious that she wants him to go to her place and stay there. Of course, Aster could also see this. He first wanted to hear what she had to say before deciding what to do. So he feigned some surprise and asked curiously.

"Can i really visit and stay in your world?"

Nyx just smiled while nodding her head.

"Yes, I will also help you in introducing all the fun things you want."

Aster feigned just the right amount of hesitation and doubt and replied.

"But i can't even move around by myself. Would it be possible?"

"Hmm... How about you try to think of becoming small while concentrating in your mind. I'll tell you what to do after that."

Aster was thoughtful after hearing her reply. It looks like she has some preconceived notion about him being able to control himself as he wished. Anyway, he tried what she said with a what if mentality.

It still didn't work as he thought. He informed Nyx of his discovery.

"It doesn't work. I have also tried way earlier and it's still the same even now."

Nyx put her hand on her chin and looked confused. She started to look at Aster even more curiously. After considering something in her mind for a second she spoke to him.

"It looks like we have got a little problem. Although I don't know why it occurred but there are some suggestions that I can provide you. You can choose what you want to do according to your liking."

"I can teach you how to make your body like mine but because of the difference in the type of energy in our body I don't know if you can even learn it or how long it'll take for you to learn that."

"You can also slowly wait for yourself to grow and in future and you will surely be able to control yourself but I'm not sure how long will this take."

"Lastly, you can entrust your body to me and I'll make you a new body like mine for you to move. To make sure that you can trust me we can sign a blood contract."

After hearing her words Aster considered the possibilities of her suggestions in his mind. Both the first and second suggestions are uncertain on when it will be completed. Although he is sure Nyx will still come from time to time to accompany him even if he chooses her first and second suggestion but he still hopes to not stay here alone.

While her third suggestion ensures that he can get a new body sooner and is certain, it's still unclear what she will do and what even is that blood contract.

"What is the blood contract and how will you make my body?"

Aster asked his doubts to Nyx and waited for her to answer. Nyx explained what he wanted to know in a serious voice.

"Blood contract is rare permanent type of contract and is hard to terminate. In this contract two parties exchange their blood and establish a basic relationship of trust. People who sign this contract cannot harm other person directly or indirectly without their consent. There are also types in it like equal, pact, follower, slaves, etc... Signing different types of blood contract requires different type of strength, bloodline or consent as basis. What we'll be signing if you choose this method is blood contract of equals. Blood contract of equals also brings an increase in basic intimacy and some additional blessings based on the characteristics of the contractors signing it."

"Moreover, I can use my blood in your body as a foundation and some extra little things to shape your body based on your soul. In this method you may be unconscious till your body is made."

In summary, Aster found out that the third suggestion provides him with immediate results and no risks. It also helps him in the long run as he won't have to be guarded against her like he is now and can follow her back with peace of mind. Aster decided to follow the third suggestion after some consideration.

"Okay, lets use the blood contract. What do i need to do? "

"It's decided then. You don't need to do anything, just wait a little. "

Nyx eye's are bent into crescent shape when she heard Aster's word. She then shows him a white piece of paper containing golden letters of a language he has never seen while making it float. However, he could understand the meaning the words and wanted it wanted to explain.

The piece of paper had blood contract written at the top and explained that this is a equal blood contract where blood of two parties will be exchanged and enjoy the blessings and sufferings together. It also contained all the clauses Nyx explained earlier.

"Now, I'll activate this contract paper. Just don't resist when the contract takes effect and I'll handle the rest of the things."


Aster noded in his mind and replied to Nyc while feeling some excitement and anticipation. He then heard a emotionless female voice in his mind.

'Do you accept all the conditions written within the contract and are ready to fulfill all the clauses included in it?'

'I do. '

After aster accepted the contract and expressed his willingness, the contract turned in a small white thread and connected the heart of Nyx and Aster's star body.

Soon a golden coloured drop of blood began to flow from nyx while a white coloured drop of blood began to flow from Aster. Both Nyx's and Aster's blood met in the middle of the thread and merged into a more shiny whitish golden blood which then began to be divided into two equal parts and entered both Aster's and nyx's body through the same thread.

The white thread then disappeared into tiny particles of light just after both drop of blood entered Aster's and Nyx's bodies respectively.

Soon Nyx's body began to change. Her black coloured eye and hair became fully white in colour. But it changed back to her original black colour in a matter of seconds.

She paid no attention to this but began to draw a silver magical circle in the empty space below Aster's body. She then looked at Aster whose body was now covered in a golden colour instead of the original red.

While looking at him Nyx started writing runes in black colour all over his body fully encasing Aster in it. After that she took out a emleard coloured lotus in her magically and plucked a piece of her hair. She also activated the magic circle which produced a silver light covering Aster's body in it.

She then crushed the emelard lotus in her hand with black substance that she released and produced a emleard coloured liquid. That liquid was covered in a black bubble and poured into Aster's body which converted the silver light covering him into a emleard one. She started singing some unknown incantations and let her piece of hair enter that shining light covering Aster.

After her hair entered the emerald film, Aster's body began to srink down slowly. Moreover, Nyx also shrinked herself down to a normal human height and waited for Aster's body to be made. She was looking at Aster's body with interest while smiling slightly.

But soon her mouth twitched.


"Shouldn't it be completed?"

Aster's body also became as small as nyx and took on a humanoid shape. But it looked like a faceless green man without any features like a puppet doll.

After checking what was supposed to be Aster's body Nyx made a surprised.

"Why would he require some human elements?"

Nyx voice was perplexed but her eyes we're shining with even greater interest and her smile became even happier. She then took out a red blood shining a golden shine and made it fly and let it merge into Aster's body.

After getting the blood the green humanoid figure finally produced some change. It first became golden coloured then red and finally turned into a white humanoid figure. Slowly the white humanoid took on the shape of a fetus made of white colour.

It soon started to grow in size. Along with it's height it's skin also changed into a fair white colour. He grew other normal human organs like hands, fingers, etc.. and facial features also started to appear in him. He had silver coloured eyes. His hair was black but there was one stubborn silver coloured ahoge standing in the front. The white humanoid fetus had changed and now looked like a cute little 7 years old boy. The little boy was asleep while curling up.

Nyx looked at Aster's new body. After looking at him unblinkingly her eyes began to overflow with maternal love and her face began to look a little rounded.


"So cute!!"

Nyx floated close to Aster and poked his face. Feeling the softness and looking at the sinking of Aster's smooth skin, Nyx had a healed look on her face.

Although it froze a second later (*」>д<)」 when she looked down at the rest of his naked body. She quickly covered him in a black robe while nodding with learned expression on her face. < p>

"Let's go to home, Aster."

She talked to herself and constructed a sliver magic circle beneath her body while holding aster in a hug. In just a moment both she and aster dissapeared in a flash of light of sliver light.

You can remind me if you find some mistakes and if you are still reading this then I would like to ask you a solmen question:

'Do you like the story so far?'



Choose any one option or both. ≧﹏≦

i_is_lazycreators' thoughts