

Born to trickery, will Ohashi be able to survive in the world with such a massive target on his back? Carrying the legacy of two famed families, will he be able to change the fate of a world doomed to misery and death? What changes will the first son of Sakumo Hatake bring with his mere presence?

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41 Chs

Chapter 20

Chapter 20


The whole ground shook as Danzo Shimura watched the whole compound get blown to bits right in front of him. The sound of explosions was deafening, and the whole area was covered by a massive dust cloud. The explosion had made the very ground shake, yet a part of him was quite sure that this wouldn't be enough to take care of Ohashi Hatake.

Hiruzen had refused to act on the information he had provided, choosing to adopt a wait-and-see approach as he waited to confirm the contents of his report. Danzo had been apprehensive about using his newfound all, Zetsu, the nature of his being was a mystery, yet in the end. He had been forced to rely on it to manufacture evidence against the boy.

Despite his apprehensions about the nature and motive of the Zetsu creature, Danzo was quite impressed by its skills and was already making plans to have Orochimaru run experiments on it to figure out its secrets.

He had been aware that Ohashi Hatake had been trying to track down his foundation bases, and had been impressed by the boy's skills. He had learned under the tutelage of the Nidaime Hokage, and the boy had mastered the Second's technique to a level nearly identical to that of his sensei. Thankfully, Danzo was quite aware of the limitations of the technique and had devised a seal to keep himself undetectable.

Yet all that would have to wait, for there was a problem he had to take care of before then. A very talented problem. Evident by the fact that despite the intricate trap he had set up, a lone figure jumped out of the dust cloud, covered in dust and blood, holding one of his sides yet alive.

The ROOT ANBU with him perked up as Ohashi Hatkae landed a mile away from them, and Danzo silently gave a nod and the ANBU moved out taking their positions as they began to circle the boy. These ANBU had been hand selected by him to deal with the boy after he had studied all the intelligence reports about the boy.

Danzo himself blurred away and appeared at a hill right above the silver-haired jounin, who was quick to react to his presence and glanced up at him with a thawing gaze. Danzo was now able to get a closer look at the boy's appearance and was impressed that despite being at the center of the trap the boy had managed to escape with such little damage.

So much skill and potential, yet it would all be a waste. The boy had made himself a nuisance and had become a thorn in his side, unable to stomach the realities of a ninja world. He still lamented the fact that he had missed to recruit the boy out of the orphanage. He could have molded him into a perfect weapon. Yet now, it was too late.

The boy had become a threat to him, and in turn a that to the safety and sanctity of Konoha, and hence must be eliminated. A waste, yet one must prune the weeds if they want the first to prosper.

"What are you doing here, Danzo-sama?" the boy questioned as the ANBU surrounded him from all directions, making it so that the boy was completely trapped.

"Ohashi Hatake, you have been found guilty of crimes of treason, espionage, and collusion with an enemy village," he began and saw the boy's eyes widen a bit at his words, yet he continued.

"You are to stand down and hand yourself to the ANBU for your sentencing," he finished and saw the boy scan his surroundings, as he replied with a smile.

"And I believe you must have an order from the Hokage about this sentencing," the boy replied in a joking manner, citing the proper course of action. Danzo gritted his teeth and snarled.

"I am Danzo Shimura, an esteemed elde…"

"Traitor!" the boy cut in sharply, making him stop, and Danzo felt the boy's chakra thicken as he felt the air begin to thicken.

"And now I have the proof! And I will be taking it straight to the village," said the boy. Danzo felt his vision blur as he saw the boy blow a massive storm of thick white mist from his mouth, obscuring the whole area.

This was the boy's signature move. The technique which had earned him his moniker, Konoha's Shimmering Mist. A technique that the boy had used to kill nearly a quarter of a Kumo platoon.

And Danzo had prepared for it.

"NOW!" he ordered, and the ANBU perked and began to cycle through a set of seals at the same time, as they whispered in a united tone.

"Wind Style: Great Wind Storm!" and a massive storm of wind rushed out of their palms, merging with each other as the massive gust of wind began to blow away the mist. The storm was strong enough even to uproot trees, and he was forced to use chakra to keep himself from getting blown away.

Danzo smirked as he saw the young Hatake standing there, gritting his teeth in anger and frustration as his signature technique was blown away.

"Struggling is futile. I have hand selected these men and have trained them myself to face you," Danzo spoke as the storm died down.

"It is over!" he said and tapped his cane on the ground and the ANBU jumped at his command as four of them took out their swords and rushed towards the white-haired jounin who was standing still despite the perilous situation he was in.

Suddenly, Danzo saw chakra thrum in the air with his other eye, as the young jounin mouthed an obscure word.


And then he felt chakra thicken in the air, and suddenly the whole area was filled with the sound of men screaming.

"AGHHH!" two out of the four Root ANBU screamed in pain as their arms were cut off, spraying blood everywhere. The other two were quick to react at seeing this and tried to jump back, only for their legs to get cut off.

Danzo frowned as he watched four of his ANBU get dismembered in an instant and grew angry at the young jounin, who simply took out his tanto and began to gather massive volumes of chakra.

Danzo was impressed by the boy and knew that the ANBU would not be enough, and took a step forward as his hand began to unbind the bandages covering one of his eyes.

"It seems I must step in myself," he remarked as the white bandages fell to the ground, and he felt the whole world sharpen as he opened his second eye. An eye that had once belonged to his friend.

He saw boy's eyes narrow as he glanced up at him at his second eye with disgust and anger.




"Sharingan!" his white counterpart spoke in amazement, and he nodded.

"Indeed, and I believe he stole the eye from one of his old teammates Kagami Uchiha," he replied and felt the White nod as they focused once more on the battle in front of them.

Danzo Shimura had stepped up now, and despite the lack of an arm, the man was a monster. He saw the young silver-haired jounin jump back as Shimura spewed a literal windstorm at him, rooting out half the forest.

The ANBU tried to attack him, but the invisible jutsu cut them off as soon as they entered its range.

"Stand back! Adopt formation C," came the command from Danzo, and the ANBU jumped back and ran through a set of similar handseals.

"Katon: Fire ball Jutsu," and then about a dozen ANBU spewed out fireaballs towards the young Hatake as Danzo formed handseals once more.

"Futon: Vaccum Storm jutsu," and then he spewed a massive burst of wind, which amplified the fire making the fireballs bigger and more ferocious.

Even nearly a mile away, they could still feel the heat from the massive fire storm. The young Hatake tsked as he cut down two of the ANBU before he jumped back and began to cycle through a set of handseals himself, and Zetsu felt a massive volume of chakra gather as the boy landed on the ground.

"Suiton: Water Wall jutsu," and Zetsu was impressed as he saw vapors in the air coalesce as they formed a literal massive water wall in front of the young silver-haired jounin.


The firestorm collided with the water wall, evaporating it in an instant, yet the Water Wall held and the whole area was covered in a massive vapor cloud.

"I cannot see a thing!' remarked white, and he let his senses expand as he felt a massive shift in the chakra from ahead, and then suddenly sounds of metal clashing against metal, and men shouting filled the air.




They heard the sound of men screaming in pain, as suddenly Danzo's voice cut in sharply.

"Futon: Gale Palm jutsu," and then a massive gust of wind blew away the smoke to reveal the lone figure of Ohashi Hatake, tanto in hand, dyed in blood with the corpses of nearly a dozen ANBU agents strewn across.

Ohashi Hatake's chakra was running rampant, and Zetsu could feel its pressure even at such distance as the silver-haired jounin glared at the Danzo Shimura, before suddenly vanishing with a blur. Appearing behind the man in an instant, Danzo was quick to react and was able to bring up an arm to block the attack, yet Ohashi was quick and kicked the man in the gut sending him flying into the ground below.

"ARGHH!" the old man grunted in pain as the ANBU rushed towards the young Hatake, but they were too slow as the boy vanished into thin air, before appearing above one ANBU, cutting off its arm, and vanishing and appearing behind the second.

Yet this time, before he had landed his blow, he was forced to jump back, as wind-chakra-laced shuriken whizzed past him, cutting through the forest without any hindrance.

"We need to step in. At this rate, he will be able to escape away!" commented White in panic as he saw the silver-haired jounin jumping back. Danzo's ANBU had already been reduced to merely half, with the rest killed by the silver-haired jounin.

"No! Not yet," we shall have our opportunity soon. After all,



Ohashi Hatake felt pain ripple through his senses as he felt his consciousness return to him. His ears rang as he opened his eyes and felt his vision clear up.

He tried to recall his last memory and remembered pushing his tanto right through the stolen sharingan on Danzo's face. He still remembered the massive seal appearing on the man's skin and remembered trying to jump away when suddenly he felt something grip his legs stopping him from jumping away.

He tried to move his body, yet his body screamed in pain. And he looked down and found himself covered in bandages while a simple sealing tag was placed on his torso, blocking him using his chakra.

He glanced around the room and found himself in a dark and bleak cave. Dread pooled in his heart as his senses expanded and he felt the massive volumes of chakra from a corner of the cave.

He glanced back and stilled as he saw the massive statue carved out of stone stuck in the wall. Ten closed eyes were crafted onto its ominous face, with a simple throne placed below it.

A person sat on the throne, his chakra felt ancient, and it gave him an ominous feeling. For there was only one shinobi who could have summoned the infamous Gedo Mazo. A single shinobi who had brought the world to its knees, single-handedly.

And that very shinobi was looking at him, from the throne, those dotted sharingan staring ominously at him.

"Madara!" he inertly whispered and saw the red orbs narrow at him as a thick raspy voice reverberated across the room.

"It seems you are already aware of me," and Ohashi stilled as one of the most dangerous shinobi in the history of this world narrowed his eyes at him.

"To the outside world Madara Uchiha has been dead for decades, and yet you recognize me with a glance," spoke Madara, his voice getting stronger and more ominous with each word.

And Ohashi felt the Sharingan light up and then suddenly he felt his surroundings shift, as he found himself chained to a pole. The sky had turned scarlet and the rest of the world had lost its color, as an old man dressed in a simple robe, his white hair shaped like a wild mane covered one of his eyes, and arched down his neck.

His sole visible eye lit up, as their eyes met and he opened his mouth to utter a single question.




Tsunade Senju felt the forest blur past her as she rushed towards the border of Konoha. The morning Sun had long set, and now the darkness of the night surrounded her.

Her heart was filled with worry as she blurred past the trees towards the border as she berated herself for not going with Ohashi. The boy was supposed to report to her, after gathering the evidence from Danzo's labs, yet he had not returned to the village.

She could feel that something had gone wrong, and as she raced past the border, she jumped towards the Rice Village territory, her chakra expanding as she tried to sense a trace of the boy.

And then she felt it!

It wasn't Ohashi's chakra that she sensed but the remnants of a massive battle that had left chakra lingering in the air. She jumped towards it, and as stilled as she saw the devastation in front of her.

The whole area was destroyed, with bodies littered on the ground. Bodies that wore the leaf's ANBU masks.

She ignored them and moved past them. Her eyes widened as she saw the scenes in front of her. For right there at the center of all this devastation was a massive crater with blood splattered in its center.

She felt her heart still as she walked towards the center, shaking as she recognized the single blade glinting there in the center. A tanto she had seen a young jounin wield several times.

She continued to step forward with shaky steps, and her heart nearly gave out as she saw a single black hitai-ate lying there in a pool of blood.


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your support makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime or two if you can. It would help me out a lot.

www.Pa-tre 0n.com/Drkest

Thanks for reading!


The Plot thickens! Ohashi made a mistake when he accidentally spoke up Madra's name like that, and now he is in trouble.

Madara may have captured Ohashi, but he won't be able to manipulate him like he did for Obito, so what will happen now? All I can say is that things are about to get super interesting.