
Dr. Cullen

 Edythe's Dad first stopped to talk to Bella and Edward. After which, those two left the room. I could tell by the set of Bella's jaw that she was going to show Edward her stubborn side and I almost felt sorry for him. Almost, better if he learns about it early.


 Next was Tyler where I heard him say, "You, young man will be staying with us the night. Your left arm is broken and in need of setting as well as a cast. You also have a concussion that we will have to keep an eye on. Your mother is on her way so just sit tight."


 "Finally, we have the young man who potentially saved my son. I can not express my gratitude enough for what you were willing to do. I have heard the accounts of your actions and all I can say is that my family owes you a debt. If you are ever in need of anything, please don't hesitate to let us know." 


 "Please Dr. Cullen, you can't speak to me of debts without bringing up your son saving my sister. We are even, with me still owing a lot to your family if we are keeping score."


 Dr. Cullen smiled, "Please call me Carlisle. Now I will need to set your arm back into its socket. It will be painful if you resist its movement so try and relax as much as you can." Dr. Cullen took Thomas's left hand in his right and his left hand grabbed Thomas's elbow. "Now deep breath and relax, then I will count to three and move it back into place. Ready?"


 I nodded my head and took a deep breath and let it out to totally relax my body. I knew I had to stay loose so I didn't breathe in another breath.


 Dr. Cullen looked me in the eye, "I will start counting now... Three!!!" He gave my arm an expert shove and twist and my shoulder popped, and then felt better instantly. Then the swelling started to set in, and I rotated it a bit to get a feel for it.


 "Thanks doc, it feels much better. Nice trick by the way."


 "You are free to head home Thomas, just take some Motrin for the swelling. If you feel anything off, don't hesitate to come back."


 Dr. Cullen looked at Edythe, "Do you want to go see if Charlie and Bella are still here? I want to make sure and tell them what to watch for with Thomas and make sure she told Chief Swan about her light concussion. Thanks"


 As Edythe left the room, Carlisle turned on a monitor beside the bed so no one could hear what he was asking besides Thomas. "Do you by chance have any relation to the Quileute tribe Thomas?"


 Thomas thought for a moment, "I remember my mother telling me a story about my great-grandmother on my father's side being an Indian princess, but she never said the word Quileute to me. I think her name was Elaraim Black before she married an Easterner after being banished from her tribe.


 "Thanks for answering me, and if you will take my recommendation. No working out, not even running for a minimum of three days. Then go easy and if you feel any pain stop doing what you are doing and give it more time to heal before trying it again."


 Just after that, I saw Edythe lead Charlie into the room. The first to catch his eye was Tyler. "You can kiss your license goodbye for a good long time son." He then turned to Dr. Cullen and practically bowed to him for taking care of his kids. I didn't hear much more after that because Edythe came to talk to me. 


 She reached out for my shoulder before thinking better of it and dropping her hand. "How are you feeling Thomas?"


 The way she said my name made my belly turn over and brought a smile to my face. "Well, I am glad your dad didn't make me cry in front of you. I don't think my pride could take the blow. Bad enough you saw me loaded on a gurney by two men complaining about having to lift me into an ambulance."


 She laughed at that, and Thomas was lost in her smile and the sound of her laughter. "Do me a favor and let Jasper know that your dad has banned me from working out until the weekend. Would you?"


 Before she could answer, Charlie came over. "You ready to head home sport? I need to get you and Bella settled and get back to work." 


 "Sure, nothing like a good excuse to skip school. We should probably get someone to drive Bella's truck to the house, so we have a ride to school tomorrow."


 Edythe quickly spoke up. "I can do that if you get me the keys. I can drop it off and Edward can follow to take me home."


 "That is awfully nice of you Edythe, I will get the keys for you. But don't bring it back until after school. Don't use it as an excuse to miss more school than is necessary."


 "Sure thing, Chief Swan," Edythe answered. 


 We both followed Charlie out of the room but as we passed Tyler I whispered, "I'll get him to back off on taking your license. But you need to be better behind the wheel."


 At the time, I had no idea that Edythe planned to make sure Tyler would never break a traffic law again unless it was an emergency.


 As Charlie drove us home, he warned us. "When you get home, the first thing you need to do is call Renee."


 Bella panicked, imagining the freakout her mother was having. "You told her???"


 Charlie just looked at her like Duh I had to, it's a parent thing.


 I stepped in politely, "No worries, I'll call her first thing."


 Bella gave me an appreciative look and said nothing more. She seemed angry at something or someone.


 Once we got there Charlie waited until we were both inside before leaving to go back to work.


 I went directly to the phone and dialed Renee's cell. When she picked up, she was even more excitable than I expected. "Hey Aunt Renee, I am fine. Bella has loads to tell you though. Remember to ask about Edward." I then handed the phone over to Bella as she had a betrayed look on her face. "That's for sending Charlie after me at the school!"


 Then I went to my room to lie down and relax a bit, leaving Bella to calm down her mother.


-(POV Carlisle)-


 I picked up the phone and dialed a number I had only used once before. At that time, it was to let the heir of Ephraim Black know that we were going to be near their territory once again and confirm the existence of the treaty. The fear in his voice caused me some pain but I understood it was better to be weary of my kind than open themselves up to a potential slaughter again.


 After four rings it was picked up. "Black residence." An aged but happy voice answered.


 Carlisle hated the discomfort that he was bringing to this man with his voice alone. "Hello, Chief Black. This is Carlisle Cullen." He heard the deep intake of breath as his words registered to the man on the other side of the phone.


 "I came across something I thought I should report to you and the Tribe, in consideration of the treaty. There was a young man brought to the ER today who healed a collarbone break in an hour and whose temperature was almost 104 when he checked out. His name is Thomas Raizel, and he is the nephew of Police Chief Swan. When I asked about any connection to the Quileute tribe, he mentioned a family story with the name Elaraim Black. He said he was told she was his great-grandmother. I understand your reluctance to interact with me, but I thought this important enough that you would want to hear about it."


 "Did you say he is the nephew of Charlie Swan?" Came a tense reply.


 "I did, the young man in question came along with Mr. Swan's daughter when she returned to town."


 "So, the boy has only been in Forks for less than two weeks and he is already… Thank you for this information." The phone went dead after that.


 Carlisle sighed at the abrupt ending of the call. Now he had to decide what to tell his own family, especially Edythe. He knew he had to meet the rest of his family at home to keep control of the conversation today's events would cause.